Nominate the Worst Actress of All Time?


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Dunno about Streisand, but I'm sure Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan aren't all that bad!
Black Holes Suck!

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
I'll have to disagree. I like Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts.
Jim Lewis
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I concur with jamesglewisf,

To god's honest truth, Meg Ryan & Julia Roberts do not deserve to be on this list when there are still so many left who have not been mentioned.

Such as:

Farrah Fawcett (Charlie's Angels- the series)

Erica Eleniak (Baywatch, Underseige)

Am I the only one who is going to participate in
'Blond-Bashing' here??

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Nope alwaysabout, I'm with you almost all the way, I definitely do not find female bodybuilders attractive (it is SO unnatural)!!

Registered User
Just watched A Few Good Men.

Stick Demi Moore on the list!

I stand by what I say. I can actually watch Charlies Angles with Farrah Fawcett in it for instance. The reason I dont mention the Baywatch style actress's etc is that no one thinks they are talented actresses(or at least I give that much credit to people on this film site)nor do these actresses pretend to be anything but what they are Barbie Dolls.
The difference is that Meg Ryan,Julia Roberts etc are achieving credibility when in fact they are no more talented than Pamela Anderson(maybe a little harsh) or certainly (Farrah Fawcett, remember she did do Extremities).
Ryan,Roberts etc play one type of roll in every film, when they dont it just looks ridiculous (Meg Ryan in Hurly Burly for instance is laughable)
As I stated before the reason they are my personal worst actresses ever is that I literally can not get through a film in one sitting if they are in it. The pacing of the film gets stalled & quite frankly they hog the camera to the point where I cant even ignore them till they go away.
The only Steven Sodenberg film that I dont own & never will is Erin Brokovich I saw it twice to make sure & yeah the script is pretty good & as usual Soddenbergs film is visually perfect, but Roberts is still playing Pretty Woman, I can only look at her cleavage or see her bat her eyelids so many times , then the actress has to show me some depth which I never see in any of those I listed, when they try I repeat it is laughable, just highlighting there lack of range.
I have obviously offended, I apologize but these women are higher paid than countless others that are so superior & at the very least dont put their tacky stamp over every film they are in.
Frankly I find it hard to believe there are still fans of these actresses out there, but I guess it goes to prove never under estimate the power of Saturation promotion & advertising campaigns in general.
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******

Originally posted by alwaysabout
I concur with jamesglewisf,

To god's honest truth, Meg Ryan & Julia Roberts do not deserve to be on this list when there are still so many left who have not been mentioned.
Meg Ryan deserves to be president of this list.

Diane Keaton gets on my nerves for some reason too. I won't watch a movie if she's in it. I don't know if she can act or not, she just gets on my nerves 'cause she always wears the same clothes.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
Deckard - My guess is that we don't like the same kinds of movies either. It's possible to have a difference of opinion without one person being brainwashed by advertising campaigns.

For instance, I don't like John Madden, but he is still highly popular. This doesn't mean that everybody who does like him is brainwashed. It simply means that I don't like him, and other people do.

We're talking about entertainment. If everybody enjoyed the same kinds of entertainment, the world would be a pretty boring place.

That reminds me of something I read on Oh The Humanity! They said something like: Every movie, no matter how bad we might think it is, is somebody's all-time favorite film.

I've even noticed that on here. There are times when people list movies I just cannot stand as their faves.

Im do apologize again if I offended, the problem is Ive watched films all my life & can appreciate nearly anything or anyone who makes an honest attempt.
The films or actor/actresses I dont like usually have to go out of their way & consistently disappoint before I label them as the WORST.
The problem is ofcourse totally mine as I am an over opinted film fan who is sometimes blinded by his passion for cinema.

P.S Jamesglew, most of the films these actresses are in I am actually interested in, thats why I end up repeatedly taking the risk with The Roberts & Ryans of the world, seeing the films & then being disappointed. As previously stated for instance I love Sodenberghs work "Sex Lies" & "Out of Sight" to name two, Erin Brokovich looks good on paper, the cinematic style is faultless but Roberts makes what should be a likeable charecter into someone not only I dont barrack for, but by the films conclusion I was disappointed she didnt fail miserably. Hence with no empathy for the films protaginist the whole piece loses its impact, which means as I said before Julia Roberts isnt just a bad actress but that even Sodenbergh could not make my personal "Film Radar" go off & see even a glimmer of why she is one of the highest paid actresses in the world, infact she ruined what would have otherwise been high quality cinema.
As I said I guess its just me, my idea of a great actress is someone who truly lives a role & is consumed by it.(Kathleen Turner: The Virgin Suicides. Had not liked her in anything since Body Heat)

PPS. Thanks Jamesglew you really stirred me up, fun discussion, keep up the good work.

PPS Forgot to mentioned Im an opinionated film fan who when excited "CAN NOT SPELL" LOL. Anyway sorry if you have to decipher my ranting.

Shelly Duvall drives me crazy. The Shining would have been sooo much better without her.
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Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Originally posted by LordSlaytan
Shelly Duvall drives me crazy. The Shining would have been sooo much better without her.
I reckon she drove Kubrick more than a touch crazy too...if the Making of is anything to go by.

As someone said back in February, Whoopie Goldberg takes some beating in the annoyance factor for me-Practically had to watch the majority of this years Oscars muted thanks to the irritating cow.

Can`t watch Gwyneth Paltrow do anything either.
Vale Tudo (adv.301)><"Fighting Evil with Evil"

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Jonny Goodboy

Can`t watch Gwyneth Paltrow do anything either.
That's too bad, she's very, very good at her craft and I'll tell you why:
She's SO not Miss Hollywood like some of these other hacks prancing around. Sure, Paltrow looks next to fabulous anytime she's in the public eye, but it's not her whole gig. Take Julia Roberts for instance, she flashes that huge-ass grin EVERY WHERE SHE GOES...because she needs to, lest she be anything other than America's- frippin'- sugar- coated- sweetheart. Barf.
So: My point is this, Paltrow is willing to look seedy in order to play a role (The Royal Tenenbaums, Shallow Hal,etc.) some actresses just don't want to taint their pearly white images.
Worst Actresses:
Julia Roberts
Sandra Bullock
Meg Ryan
Neve Campbell
(this is on a talent only basis...not looks, boys)
Denise Richards
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Tara Reid

I can't stand Demi Moore, Tara Reid, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or Jennifer Lopez. And while we're at it, add Britney Spears and Mariah Carey to the list. Yeah, they're singers, but the films they have done sucked. Might as well count them in.

Edit: Forgot Jodie-Lynn O'Keefe (I think that's how you spell it). Eeww! Talk about over-acting.
K-Mart sucks.

Now With Moveable Parts
I don't mind Jennifer Lopez, all that much.
Although I didn't actually watch her last movie, The Wedding Planner...I knew I wasn't missing anything. It looked like a ploy to make JLo look all cute, so that's annoying enough, but not that heinous. Not as bad as Jennifer Love Hewitt singing...holy schnikies!

The Fat of the Mailbox
Mariah Cary,
I did not see Giltter, but I saw a preview and she couldn't even play the role of herself, sad.
I hate it when pop stars try to act.

I love sandra bullock, shes not the best atress but she is adorable and cool

emma stone is soooo boring
jessica alba is essentially a walking pair of **** with exotic but almost unknown ethnicity (?)

eva mendes rules this list, plays same ****ing bitch in every film (hot chick) and shes not even that hot

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Katherine Heigl.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."