I'll judge your taste in movies


There's a lot of boring, slow paced, movies in your top 10, stuck in their day rather than possessing a timeless quality. While I can appreciate many of those movies as a film aficionado the average viewer would be hard pressed to make it through all 10.
Citizen Kane? All About Eve? Those films are about as timeless as it gets.

Also, I think you should actually watch some of the films that are in his top 10 before judging them, because I can't believe anyone in their right mind would think that Pickup On South Street, 42nd Street or The Naked Kiss are "boring, slow paced movies". Not even the "average viewer".

Ball of Fire is also a very well made and highly energetic screwball comedy which uses the beauty and class of Barbara Stanwyck exquisitely, but you seem to think otherwise, so I'll grant you that one (even though I still can't understand why).

Wait the only extreme in my list is Salo.
I consider Clockwork orange to be extreme.. but I had only seen that and Valhalla rising. Also has some pretty gruesome stuff in it but I enjoyed them both.

One thing all my films have in common, they are visually stunning. I'm an art house film snob and proud.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Looks like I offended you. I thought I was clear about the whole judgement thing in post 1. It's just for fun.
Who said I was offended?
Barbara Stanwyck is my favorite actress
So we have something in common, she's one of my top 5 favorite actresses. I've been working on Stanwyck's filmography marking the films I can easily get at the library and netflix and which I need to find by other methods

I've seen a lot of her films, about 28 of them, but she made a lot more than that.

Foster --

You are easygoing with your taste in movies. Simple, but with a splash of uniqueness and seriousness to prove that you care more than the average person about cinema. You have mostly surrounded yourself with guys in your life, unlike Citizen Rules who surrounds himself with gals. You had a strong connection with male members of your family, as evidenced by your strong interest in Lord of the Rings. Grandpa, dad and brothers influenced you. To balance this, you took on a female persona with the drag thing thanks to Psycho. Norman Bates and Janet Leigh are your female inspirations. You know how to be a man while also honoring your sensitive side, which you probably came to feel comfortable with thanks to easygoing, nuturing and accepting male role models. You are not good at keeping relationships though, as evidenced by Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This is a movie you need to trash right now or your relationships will continue to suffer. You deeply value strong male figures and you probably feel a little inadequate as a man yourself, as evidenced by the high ranking of Psycho, which is about male inadequacy.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Citizen Rules --

You are a passionate film snob who cares only about your own taste. You don't care about what everyone else is into, or even what other film snobs deem "the best." You truly believe in your own style, and your style is old, classic films. You are quite fond of women's pictures. Some people probably have suspected you of being gay. You were probably close to your mother. You are a romantic soul, but you have probably had disappointments in love. You believe in old values and you have faith in humanity. You get along better with women than you do men. However, as evidenced by the fact that Citizen Kane comes first in your list, you believe that a man always comes first before the gals, especially when that man is you. You want to be recognized as the top dog, while you swarm yourself with a posse of doting female companions who also share your old world values.
Holy damn, that's an awfully specific horoscope.

Originally Posted by MovieGal
Omnizoa, go watch the trailer (1946 & 2014), they do put Disney to shame.
The 2014 trailers didn't interest me, but... there's something about the 1946 trailer that intrigues me.

Hmmm... *adds to list*
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Who said I was offended.
So we have something in common, she's one of my top 5 favorite actresses. I've been working on Stanwyck's filmography marking the films I can easily get at the library and netflix and which I need to find by other methods

I've seen a lot of her films, about 28 of them, but she made a lot more than that.
I almost mentioned that I like your taste in actresses. I was trying to be short but I guess I should've said more. I like clara bow too (It, Wings) but I haven't seen the one in your top 10.

Citizen Kane is a great film but lets face it, its slow. It's like eating broccoli. Good for you and nutritious but not delicious.

In my opinion, the person with the best film taste on the forum is spaghett.

I can't believe anyone in their right mind would think that Pickup On South Street, 42nd Street or The Naked Kiss are "boring, slow paced movies". Not even the "average viewer".
It's true I haven't seen those. I wasn't trying to commit to watching 40 hours worth of films with this thread though.

My list tells you that even though I enjoy fairy tales ,I enjoy the extreme as well. I love Scandinavian cinema and fanatic about one of its actors. And that I enjoy drama and dark comedy.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Foster --

You had a strong connection with male members of your family, as evidenced by your strong interest in Lord of the Rings.


Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
You are not good at keeping relationships though, as evidenced by Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This is a movie you need to trash right now or your relationships will continue to suffer.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Citizen Rules --

You are a passionate film snob who cares only about your own taste. You don't care about what everyone else is into, or even what other film snobs deem "the best." You truly believe in your own style, and your style is old, classic films. You are quite fond of women's pictures. Some people probably have suspected you of being gay. You were probably close to your mother. You are a romantic soul, but you have probably had disappointments in love. You believe in old values and you have faith in humanity. You get along better with women than you do men. However, as evidenced by the fact that Citizen Kane comes first in your list, you believe that a man always comes first before the gals, especially when that man is you. You want to be recognized as the top dog, while you swarm yourself with a posse of doting female companions who also share your old world values.
Damn! You're pretty accurate SC. Kind of creepy! I'd say 90% of what you said is spot on. But no, I don't believe men come first over women. I was raised in a liberal household and I consider women to be completely equals. I mean we're all human beings.