28 Days Later

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It was beauty killed the beast.
Originally posted by Frank-thing
Like you said you havent seen the movie so you dont know what you are talking about. And what's all that about being insecure about our sexuality, are we, All I said was that I didnt like the scene, It doesnt make any sence ?.

look you all can look at as many blokes todgers as you wish, what ever turnes you on, infact you might be a little insecure about your sexuality, I dont know. All I am sayeing is that the scene didnt need him to be starkas.
Think of it as a visual representation of his vulnerability, and the dire danger he was unconsciously in during his coma. Also it is an effective mirror for the country as a whole. He was stripped of his clothing just like England was stripped of it's sanity and health. Trying to fathom how much has happened to society and the country due to this illness is nearly impossible, so Boyle uses his character to illustrate the country's loss and vulnerability on a more personal level.
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa

Thank you Kong, Can we now start talking more about the film and less about weiners, afterall it's called 28 days later not 28 weiners later I think that's a different film.

I liked the zombies/mutants if you like. I wish that the zombies in this film where what the zombies where like in the resi evil movie.
You dont see the eye's of the demon untill you watch the movie.

Originally posted by Kong

Think of it as a visual representation of his vulnerability, and the dire danger he was unconsciously in during his coma. Also it is an effective mirror for the country as a whole. He was stripped of his clothing just like England was stripped of it's sanity and health. Trying to fathom how much has happened to society and the country due to this illness is nearly impossible, so Boyle uses his character to illustrate the country's loss and vulnerability on a more personal level.
Jeezum Crow! Just how much jungle weed does it take to make you post like that? LOL!
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

It was beauty killed the beast.
Originally posted by LordSlaytan

Jeezum Crow! Just how much jungle weed does it take to make you post like that? LOL!
Huh? Good post? Bad post? Stupid post?

Originally posted by Frank-thing
Thank you Kong, Can we now start talking more about the film and less about weiners, afterall it's called 28 days later not 28 weiners later I think that's a different film.

I liked the zombies/mutants if you like. I wish that the zombies in this film where what the zombies where like in the resi evil movie.

What do the zombies look like in 28 days later? They must be awful close to that in Resident Evil?
But then again I have never seen 28 days later... Do they look like this------> hahaha
"Your All going to Die down here."
Red Queen83

"Resident Evil 2:Apocolypse" Mila Jovavich
"Phone Booth" Colin Ferrel, Keifer Sutherland (2003)
"Pay it Forward" Haley Joel Osmond, Helen Hunt(2000)
"American Wedding" Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan(2003)
"Dogma" Ben Affleck, Matt Damon(1999)
"LOTR" 1,2 & 3 Vigo Mortenison, Elijah Wood (2002-2003)
"Thirteen" Holly Hunter, Nikkie Reed (2004)

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Danny Boyle just straight up pimp smacks the genre. Its a throwback but with a brand new liquor. I've seen it twice and I really have no complaints at all.

The acting....it isn't the definition of perfection....but I'd have to see there were no downfalls, at all. Putting child actors, or at least younger generation actors/actresses, into a movie can be tricky, but I really wasn't dissapointed at all.

It is so raw at times that you can't help but just admire it. It isn't so graphic for the sake of being graphic, a la House of 1000 Corpses, but its suites it so unbelievably well.

Makes you love mankind.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

Originally posted by RedQueen83

What do the zombies look like in 28 days later? They must be awful close to that in Resident Evil?
But then again I have never seen 28 days later... Do they look like this------> hahaha
The staggering is somewhat the same, and somewhat resembling animal like creatures in a few stages. But then again, how many different ways can one stagger? As far as looking like Resident Evil zombies, I didn't think so. Like the above post, it really does take the genre to a different place. It is a film that I will see again.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I didn't think the zombies staggered at all. Thats one thing I loved about it. They weren't entirely mindless like other zombies, say from Resident Evil, they had a specific goal and they wre unbelievably quick in reacting. Thats what made them the scariest to me....they didn't just walk around arms out, they ****ing chased - and they chased fast.

Anyone see this yet? I just got back and I loved it. Everyone keeps saying zombies, but there were no zombies, just infected people. I though it was a bit slow at times but even during those slow periods I was never bored. I always wanted to see where the film was headed. What do you guys think?

Sorry, bout that post, it got moved. Why do people call them zombies??? I know thats what they are billed as, but really they never died. They just got infected.

So you say they aren't really the living dead just insane people? has anyone read any of the reviews for this flick anyways can anyone direct me to a good site for a good review?

Im not saying they were living dead. They wern't dead at all. Zombies have to bead IMO. These infected people were really really sick and had rage and the ability to infect others by any bodily fliud. They never came back to life cause they never died.

I thought the film was pretty good. Decent horror movies today are about as rare as a bar of soap in Michael Moore's bathroom.

28 Days Later is an effective fright-fest.

Many of the film shots were high-speed, giving certain actions of the heroes a frantic, frightened quality to them. The same element was used to capture the rabid, jerking, spasmodic flexions of the inflicted monsters, giving them an almost demonic presence. These were not clumsy, shambling pus-bags a la Romero, but living and highly animated berserkers.

I wish the gun violence was more graphic, and less indirect. This is where American and Italian zombie movies excel. In 28 Days Later, almost all of the terror relied on the swift and savage camera play, whether the heroes were being stalked, being chased, or being attacked. Although not visceral by any sense, there was very little graphic violence-- plenty of blood, but not much woundage.

The movie developed into a storyline that I saw coming a long ways away, and one which has become a cliche in most zombie movies. I won't say what it was, and give away any of the plot. But it was predictable.

Overall, I really enjoyed the film. It's almost certainly the most original horror movie since The Blair Witch Project.

I really enjoyed this movie(oh wait, BEWARE: SPOLIERS AHEAD!), more for it's storytelling than the action and blood & guts, though it does provide some of that as well. It's tops as far as the horror genre goes. Horror movies have pretty much sucked when trying to come up with new scares lately. Here, a lot is left to the imagination, and that's good. The shots around downtown London are downright spooky, completely deserted, with our hero wondering the streets looking for clues to what happened. This is a great new take on the zombie flick. Here the the zombies aren't walking around slowly with their arm stretched out, but are fast and brutal. And another thing that works well is the virus only takes a few seconds to take hold. A father only has a few seconds to tell his daughter he loves her before becoming an enraged monster. Another guy doesn't make it that far, letting out a few panicked lines after being bitten before being hacked up by his friend(a great brutal scene, I loved it!!!). There's no time for the worn-thin "maybe he's infected, maybe not, and can we trust him?" plot. In all, this is the best horror movie since Blair Witch and easily my favorite of the summer so far. The only thing scarier would be a sequel to Sandra Bullock's 28 Days. Grade: A.

Like the hand held love child of David Cronenburgh’s RABID & THE LAST MAN ON EARTH with Vincent Price (Based on the novel “I Am Legend” later remade as THE OMEGA MAN with Chuck Heston), 28 DAYS LATER is anything but original.

With that said its still solid entertainment for the first 2 acts. Unfortunately the finale is a real let down, the alternate ending after the credits at least sticks to the films predominant theme of mans self-destructive history and violent nature. It appears author Alex Garland (The Beach) can write a hell of a novel but still has a hard time with cinematic narrative structure.

The true star of this film is the cinematography that is responsible for 90% of the tension and creates a real sense of urgency. Director Danny Boyle (Shallow Grave, Trainspotting) for the most part helms with a deft hand and gets maximum impact out of the desolate sets and frenzied violence. There is a real aura of emptiness in the abandoned streets and highways that help suspend audience disbelief.

All the cast stay in character and deliver solid performances, even if they are mostly stereotypes. The edge comes from most of the actors being virtual unknowns adding a sense of mystery to how they will play out.

When compared to other modern horror entries this one is above average and certainly worthy of viewing. For the more discerning horror nuts it’s a nice treat that may well gain cult status, but if you’ve caught the hype wave you may well be disappointed.
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******

YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
SO. this was a great flick. I am curious to know what Ramero thought of it...

did any one notice that it was over digitized?...I am fully 'understood' about what it was that they were going for and for the most part it worked. but useing the filters they used in post...it made a lot of the film look animated in places... like as they drive past a section of flowers for instance.....

I am not bad mouthing this movie...I loved it...the britts do a great zombie flick now...now its my turn hahahahahaha.
"YoU'r bOdy iS A bOaT tO laY aSiDE wHEn yOU ReaCh tHE FaR sHOrE...OR sEll It, iF YoU cAn FiND A foOL.......ITS FULL OF HOLES."

Only for the weak
I think there's a post about this in the reviews section.

But yeah it was a pretty good movie. Not so much a horror movie, more like a sci-fi drama or something. But still has enough horror aspects to appeal to the hardcore horror fans.

I noticed that flower bed too, it looked like an oil painting I thought.

I could have thought of many ways it could have ended better, the alt ending was WAY better than the original cheesey one.
Early morning moments, a glimpse of joy. But soon it's over and I return to dust. As I try to be, everything everyone. I shrivel up and, waste away.

YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
granted the ending was a bit....audience chosen...but the story was told like a classic zombie tale. and they pulled it pff kindly.

It was not as good as I was hoping. Though I did watch it right after I got back from seeing the new TCM. That night have dulled 28 days for me. But I don't like it when the zombie are like superhuman. I like the barely moving broken apendiges, get ya in numbers plot line better.

I, myself, dislike 28 Days Later whereas many of my friends and family think it is rather good... of course it's one of the best British movies for a long time, but only because all the others are appauling.