Best Bond Actor?


I think Craig all the way! Connery is awesome though

Sean Connery is my favorite.
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Are we talking most capable Actor or personal favourite Bond here.

Best Actor would probably be Connery.

Personal Fav has to be Roger Moore. I just love his one liners, and he has a load of great films.

Most realistic/believable Bond probably Connery again.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
This is apparently based on when people started watching Bond movies or who their fave actors are. Otherwise, unless it's a trick question, my answer is Sean Connery. Forgive me, I'm OLDE.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I'm with Mark, the answer is and probably always will be Sean Connery! With Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore close in the runner-up position

I think from Connery on, all the Bonds are excellent in their own way, including Craig; simply because I've watched and appreciate all the films in different ways. Before Connery though, I haven't a clue?

Connery and Craig are my favorites.

Moore was not bad.

Brosnan and Dalton were just awful. Those are memories you want to permanently erased from your mind.
“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity"

Edgar Allan Poe

Sean Connery is James Bond!But he wanted changed role, since he wanted show that is a complete actor.

I have all the bond films on DVD. So Before I watch them all and Skyfall I'll probably say this


All of them were good in their own way. After I have seen all 23 Films, I'll come back and maybe the list will change.

I've only seen Craig and Connery but I'm going to go for Connery. He has a good balance between charming suave spy and thug.

Here's my order:-

Sean Connery
Daniel Craig
Timothy Dalton
George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Pierce Brosnan

Craig is doing a decent job so far.

If Lazenby had another go at Bond movies, he would have been remembered even more than he already is. I am sure not doing another Bond movie must have been the greatest regret of his life.

Regarding Dalton, he was an excellent Bond, sadly his movies were utter crap.

Never really cared for Brosnan other than Goldeneye.

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Daniel Craig, because he doesn't try to be charming.

Then Pierce Brosnan and Sean Connery.
Haven't seen much of the others.

Sean Connery