The Gunslinger45's top 10 Favorite Box Office Bombs

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Never seen Dune or The Chronicles of Riddick. I gave up on Mallrats to avoid slitting my wrists. Waterworld isn't terrible, but it's not good. I found Hugo to be pretty dull; it's definitely my least favorite from Scorsese.

It took a couple viewings for The Big Lebowski to really grow on me, but now I love it. The Iron Giant was near the top of my animation list. I haven't seen The 13th Warrior since it first came out. Supposedly my ancestors were vikings, so those kind of movies appeal to me. I remember liking it, but it's been so long and I remember so little that it'd basically be like watching it for the first time if I revisited it.

It sucks that Schwarzenegger's return to the big screen has been met with a yawn from the public. I enjoyed The Last Stand quite a bit; it was fun, entertaining, provided some thrilling action and had some funny one-liners-- all the key ingredients to a good Schwarzenegger movie. Escape Plan was decent. I didn't like Sabotage at all, though--- far too dour for its own good.

for Drive Angry. I think it's a better grindhouse-style film than Machete or Planet Terror and some of the other imitators to come out in recent years. People have grown so accustomed to Cage's films sucking that they seem to automatically reject everything he does, but Drive Angry was in on its own joke. It was a bad movie on purpose, but immensely entertaining for all the reasons you mentioned: over-the-top violence, gratuitous nudity, Nic Cage drinking beer from another man's skull. I mean, how is that not awesome?

I guess my favorite box-office bomb would be last year's The Lone Ranger. Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors, so it had that going for it. Plus I love westerns, which is a genre that's essentially been on life support for quite some time. I was worried that it'd be too Disneyfied, but that concern was eliminated pretty early on when Fichtner's character cut another man's heart out. I also like my big-budget blockbusters to have a great sense of adventure. The Mummy comes to mind, for instance, of even the much-maligned Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The Lone Ranger has that same adventurous spirit, which is something that's missing from a lot of summer blockbusters nowadays. (Blame it on The Dark Knight syndrome.) Everyone wants SERIOUS, whereas I prefer my popcorn flicks to be fun and over-the-top and humorous and even a little bit zany. The Lone Ranger is definitely bloated; it's thirty minutes too long and has one too many climaxes, but I found it more thrilling and entertaining than just about any other movie from last year. Naturally, everyone else hated it and thought it sucked.
Never got to see the Lone Ranger. But I agree wholeheartedly on your feelings on a lot of summer blockbusters. I need fun dammit!

Welcome to the human race...
Interesting concept for a list, though I naturally question The Big Lebowski being on here. I would've thought it qualified as a classic and would therefore be exempt, but I guess it depends on how long it takes before a film can be considered classic. I'm sure Lebowski will end up there soon enough.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Caught up on the rest of your list this morning. You kind of lost me after Lebowski, although I do think Hugo is solid. There are a couple on here I haven't seen. Very personal list Slinger, I like the idea.

I can remember when Dune and Waterworld came out and all the criticism. They have to be 2 of the all time bombs. My favorites from your list are Drive Angry, Iron Giant, Last Stand, and of course Lebowski.

I like the idea, but I wonder about some of the inclusions. For example, Riddick made nearly $100m, but has a registered budget of $38m. Even if you only took the domestic take ($42m), it still wouldn't really be a flop, would it? There's a couple of other questionable ones, (Waterworld, Hugo, The Last Stand) as well as Escape Plan and Lebowski which are clearly in profit.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

And I just dropped a few rep bombs! I like everything I've seen here, Mallrats is the only one I didn't.