MOFO Movie Tournament 2012 Bracket 2


1. Volver
16. The Frighteners

8. I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok
9. Millenium Actress

5. Being John Malkovich
12. Team America: World Police

4. La Belle et la Bete (1946)
13. Jurassic Park

3. Le Cercle Rouge
14. The Apartment

7. Zero de Conduite
10. King Kong (1933)

2. The Ruling Class
15. The Conversation

Bracket 2
(nts)1. Volver
16. The Frighteners

8. I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok
9. Millennium Actress

These two are pretty even for me. It's another interesting match. They both feature a movie-within-a-movie happening in the female main character's head. They both feature a willing male gazer (sit down, Ms. Mulvey) who gets sucked into her fantasy.

I loved Millennium Actress when I saw it on the big screen, at the Big Apple Anime Fest in 2001 (I think Satoshi Kon was there for q/a after the film). I still think it's a solid movie, but I really despise the platitudinous ending coda. I despise it as a general philosophical gimmick and I despise the particular one in this movie. In spite of that I still think these are really close, but as of right now I had to go with Park's best film (still haven't seen Lady Vengeance or JSA).

5. Being John Malkovich
12. Team America: World Police

4. La Belle et la Bete (1946)
13. Jurassic Park

Probably my two least-favorite films in the bracket. The 1946 Beauty and the Beast has one or two really cool visual ideas (such as the human arms holding the candelabra) but is otherwise pretty average. Jurassic Park is Spielberg in sleepwalk mode, but it does have dinosaurs. Hard choice.

3. Le Cercle Rouge
14. The Apartment

6. High Noon
11. The Phantom Carriage

7. Zero de Conduite
10. King Kong (1933)

Matched up against any other film in this bracket (except for Le Cercle Rouge) I would have gone with Zero for Conduct.

2. The Ruling Class
15. The Conversation

Bracket 2
1. Volver
16. The Frighteners

8. I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok
9. Millenium Actress

5. Being John Malkovich
12. Team America: World Police

4. La Belle et la Bete (1946)
13. Jurassic Park

3. Le Cercle Rouge
14. The Apartment

6. High Noon
11. The Phantom Carriage

7. Zero de Conduite
10. King Kong (1933)

2. The Ruling Class
15. The Conversation

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
1. Volver
16. The Frighteners

A bit of a coin toss, really. Neither of these films is very impressive. Volver was a disappointment when I saw it when it first came out, it's not Almodovar's best, certainly. It's lumpy and uneven in tone and I didn't much care for it, I'm afraid.

I'd be sorry if The Frighteners goes through when Cemetery Man is clearly not going to - there were distinct similarities (comedy horror with an oddball who drives a similar looking car, the undead, the cemetery, the romance with a recently bereaved widow) but The Frighteners is far more mainstream, (and a good deal less fun). And it wasn't frightening.

Still, on its own terms I thought The Frighteners succeeded better than Volver. Marginally.

5. Being John Malkovich
12. Team America: World Police

I've said before that I loathe both of these and it pains me slightly to vote for either. Team America is far too in love with its own concept and doesn't try hard enough to be funny. Unless you consider vomit to be funny in its own right. I don't. Being John Malkovich tries too hard and I didn't enjoy it at all. My vote goes to Team America because at least it knows it's not big and it's not clever.

Bracket 2
1. Volver
16. The Frighteners

8. I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok
9. Millenium Actress

5. Being John Malkovich
12. Team America: World Police

4. La Belle et la Bete (1946)
13. Jurassic Park

3. Le Cercle Rouge
14. The Apartment

6. High Noon
11. The Phantom Carriage

7. Zero de Conduite
10. King Kong (1933)

2. The Ruling Class
15. The Conversation
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

6. High Noon
11. The Phantom Carriage

7. Zero de Conduite
10. King Kong (1933)

2. The Ruling Class
15. The Conversation

5. Being John Malkovich
12. Team America: World Police

There's lots of goofy humor in "The Frighteners" but that comedy horror hybrid doesn't really hold together. The story is just a pretext for the special effects. It introduces a lot of interesting characters, then simply discards them. For instance, the scene at the first funeral: Michael J is trying to drum up a little extra income for his ghostbusting business, although later, it's established his ghosties leave his calling card when they haunt a house, so this scene was merely a pretext to introduce Lee Emery. There's maybe a little too much exposition in "Volver" but it takes this match-up.

1. Volver
16. The Frighteners

Although I can see the candy coated romance about a boy who will never ever give up on his girl no matter what---as witnessed by the wine cork at the top of the lightning rod. However, a schizophrenic's world always filled with vague terrors and paranoia. There's a huge fudge in the film where the girl has 10 coherent rules for cyborg behavior, which makes her chemical imbalance treatable here, but this would never happen in the real world. Both films in this match-up are kind of weak.

8. I'm a Cyborg But That's Okay
9. Millenium Actress

Jurassic Park? The first of Disney's amusement park commercials. I was really surprised how sweet "la Belle et la bête" was. That wonderful prologue that asks the audience to cast off it's jaded outlook and look at the film with child-like wonder worked for me. I think it was made just after the world war 2 so it has a kind of bubbly optimism about it.

4. La Belle et la Bête
13. Jurassic Park

"The Red Circle" has a nice mix of urban and rural locations, plus great set decoration and imagery. Even though the film establishes a kind of symbiotic relationship between the cops and robbers, the censorship of the period, couldn't allow the criminals to be anything but fodder for the good guys. So, "The Apartment" wins as it were, nose-wise. There's just so much cleverness in the writing and direction that seems effortless and unforced. The contrasts between the festival holiday period and the personal dramas of Miss Kuberlik and CC Baxter. The shifts in tone are particularly masterful, suggesting just enough despair but not breaking the spell of the film.

3. Le Cercle Rouge
14. The Apartment

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I'm a bit behind due to real life stuff getting in the way, but I'll be back on the case tonight - movie watching, that is. Thanks!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Here's where we are at with approximately 11 days remaining:

Volver 5
The Frighteners 2

I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok 5
Millennium Actress 2

Being John Malkovich 9
Team America: World Police 3

La Belle et La Bete 5
Jurassic Park 4

La Cercle Rouge 6
The Apartment 3

High Noon 1
Phantom Carriage 3

Zero de Conduite 3
King Kong 4

The Ruling Class 1
The Conversation 7

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
6. High Noon
11. The Phantom Carriage

For an older film, I really don't think The Phantom Carriage has aged well. To me it was a decent film, but I couldn't watch it over and over again.

In High Noon, Gary Cooper gives a performance for the ages. I say his acting alone is better than The Phantom Carriage. And the story was more entertaining to me with High Noon.

1. Volver
16. The Frighteners

Volver was quite good and I love Pedro's films in general, but The Frighteners was just delightfully odd in all the right ways. The humor was ridiculous but the horror bits were extremely well done and acted. I think that combination was what made it so enjoyable.

8. I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok
9. Millennium Actress

Coin flip. I love both films and I think people find Millennium Actress too melodramatic because it's based on an actress who worked in melodrama, so that was hardly distracting to me. Satoshi Kon is a god, and that film is no exception from his midas touch. Damn coin.

5. Being John Malkovich
12. Team America: World Police

Even Trey and Matt would vote this way, come on.

4. La Belle et la Bete (1946)
13. Jurassic Park

Innovative special effects and makeup, but this is actually shared with Jurassic Park, so I guess it's a question of how glorious the cinematography is in La Belle et La Bête, the way they make the garden glow and the inside of the castle darkly alluring. Jurassic Park didn't have any nostalgic appeal.

3. Le Cercle Rouge
14. The Apartment

I was pretty impressed at how this was a comedy yet had every element of tragedy sprinkled throughout. I'm not too keen on Melville as of yet, so this was easy.

6. High Noon
11. The Phantom Carriage

I dunno rauldc14, calling The Phantom Carriage dated is like saying you don't understand the capabilities of old fx. I'm still blown away by how creepy that movie is. High Noon wasn't bad for a western, thought I don't see myself watching it again, but I will say that John Wayne calling it un-American because the characters were actually realistic sums up perfectly why I hate John Wayne movies.

7. Zero de Conduite
10. King Kong (1933)

I've never really liked King Kong, I see it as a B-movie, and if it got less praise I might be able to enjoy it a bit more. Jean Vigo on the other hand is constantly overlooked.

2. The Ruling Class
15. The Conversation

The Ruling Class is one of my favorite movies. The satire is unparalleled in my opinion and that makes the three hours feel like more of a journey than the famous epic films. The Conversation is possibly one of the most boring films I've ever sat through, and I love slow spy films.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
There were definitely creepy parts in The Phantom Carriage. It continually gave me a weird vibe throughout but I thought it used the flashbacks pretty well. I don't know that I would watch it again though, whereas High Noon I can watch all the time.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Bracket 2

The Frighteners

I'm a Cyborg But That's Ok
Millenium Actress
- can't seem to watch

Being John Malkovich
Team America: World Police

La Belle et la Bete (1946)
Jurassic Park

Le Cercle Rouge
The Apartment

High Noon

The Phantom Carriage

Zero de Conduite
King Kong (1933)

The Ruling Class
The Conversation
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page