Films that wouldn't stand tall today?


By stand tall, do you mean it wouldn't be as commercially successful as it was when it was released or that it wouldn't be as critically acclaimed? It is a difficult question to answer. Say a film like Breakfast At Tiffany's, which was extremely successful at the time, but obviously if there was the Mickey Rooney character in a contemporary film of that type then it would be disregarded as being politically incorrect. Yet, at the same time if it was released today it would be a more standard romantic comedy with contemporary expectations, so it wouldn't have such a politically incorrect stereotype played by a white man pretending to be a Japanese man. Of course, Citizen Kane and Casablanca wouldn't have such a large audience if they were released today, but they have defined a lot of cinema which has come since so without them we couldn't have this argument. They are groundbreaking films, so it is impossible to say if they would stand-up today as without them we would have a different cinematic history.

Today they would release it in two parts and make more money.

They should remake GWTW with midgets.
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