What Should Have Won


No Apologies. No Regrets.
The Ordinary People won. Elephant Man should have won.
Kramer VS Kramer won. Apocalypse now should have won.
An American in Paris won. Streetcar named desire should have won.
How green was my valley won. Citizen Kane should have won.
Gone with the wind won. Wuthering Heights should have won.
Hurt Locker won. Inglourious Basterds should have won.
Lord of the rings: Return of the king won. Mystic River should have won.
Chicago won. The Pianist should have won.
Gladiator won. Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon should have won.
Dances with wolves won. Goodfellas should have won.
Can someone explain to me how Lord of the rings beat mystic river???

No Apologies. No Regrets.
well everyone is entitled to their own opinions

LOTR and Mystic River were both excellent. I wouldn't have minded if MR won but I feel LOTR was worthy of the Oscar.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

LotR are three of the most boring films I've ever seen, but they're better films that Mystic River, which, although a good film, is hugely overrated, IMO.