The 2010 Razzies


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I can't really do 2009. It was a pretty decent year in movies for me, and it was to long ago to really bother. I can think of one though:

Terror at Blood Fart Lake

2010 is easier, Top 5:

Edge of Darkness
Green Zone
Suicide Girls Must Die
Tooth Fairy
Twilight 3: Eclipse
Tooth Fairy, Eclipse and Green Zone are odd choices.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Tooth Fairy, Eclipse and Green Zone are odd choices.
Why? Because I was dumb enough to watch them? Although I never watched Twilight 3, so maybe I'm not being fair ... but my hatred of it over-rides my fairness. LOL
"Sometimes dead is better." -- Jud Crandall

I've not seen it, but I'd say that Green Zone may be the most deserving of those choices.

Although it's the brief, I feel that kicking a film that was never going to be good (Tooth Fairy, for example) is a waste of time. The films that should really be getting a beating are the films that had the money and talent to be good, but for one or more reasons, weren't.

Now, while I like Cop Out, it appears I'm in a very small minority and, with the money and talent on board to do well, it's a good candidate. Green Zone appears to be a lazy, "done before and done better" kind of film. I'd also argue that, like Diary Of The Dead, had it been done earlier, it may've stood up better and seemed fresh. Anyway, wasn't following Matt Damon around from slighly behind him The Bourne Ultimatum?

I think I'd put up the following:

Tron: Legacy
Alice In Wonderland
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Sex And The City 2
Clash Of The Titans
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Shrek Forever After
Little Fockers
The Tourist
Dinner For Schmucks

I'll also point out that I've seen none of them.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Why? Because I was dumb enough to watch them? Although I never watched Twilight 3, so maybe I'm not being fair ... but my hatred of it over-rides my fairness. LOL
Well Tooth Fairy is a Disney movie made for a target audience. If you are 7-12 yrs old, its the greatest moviie ever.

Getting upset about watching a flick that was meant to be simple slapsticky family fun isnt rational.

Same goes with the Twilight flicks. its not my cup o tea to be certain, but for my wife and daughters that read the books, they are beyond thrilled with the adaptations.