So i'm trying to get my bf into foreign films...


Oh, check out Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...Spring.

About Taste of Cherry - it depends. A friend of mine wanted to get into foreign movies as well, so I gave him like a dozen DVD's and he started with that one and really loved it
I don't believe in God, but if I did, he would be a black, left-handed...saxophonist.

A few others that haven't been mentioned:

8 1/2 / Fellini
Amaracord / Fellini
My Sassy Girl / Kwak
Yojimbo / Kurasawa
Cinema Paradiso / Tomatore
Best of Youth / Giordana
My life as a dog / Hallstrom
Audition / Miike

Just watched Old Boy with a friend who's been trying to get me to watch it for a while and I was blown away. If you can, get the subtitled version cuz the dubbed can get a little annoying, still great either way though. Another good one is 2046