

4 votes
Whoopee? It's Whoopi.
12 votes
Oh God No. Not Goldberg.
16 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
As long as they can get someone who doesn't make the entire show boring, I'll be happy.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Female assassin extraordinaire.
Holden - David Letterman was far and away my favorite Oscar host of the past twelve years, no question. ... the popular and most of the critical reaction was that he did a horrible job. I couldn't disagree more. But I suppose you have to dig Letterman to begin with. I do....
That's how I feel about Whoopi. I never saw the Letterman one, but of course, you disagree with the critics. I only saw her host 1 Oscar show, being out of the country for most of my life. In THAT show, I don't remember her (this is the one where she wore this black velvety thing and had pearls or something holding her hair back), that she was out to cut-up. she DID crack jokes, and I enjoyed them, was what i said. They were funny enough to me - just as Letterman was good enough to you. I remember particularly that the critics were pleased with her very classy performance. I agreed. She kept it classy AND told jokes that I enjoyed. She didn't bounce all over the stage singing at the top of her lungs betting on a wink and a "bad-da-da!" to make the audience laugh.

also, i didn't say we couldn't or shouldn't have laughs or that things don't change. i said there was no RULE to say there should always be laughs, or necessarily, that they should always be the hoopla that Billy Crystal introduced in the last few shows. and you and sades both seem to agree that the dance numbers were over the top and that recently they've cut that aspect cuz they realize it was silly - which is my point. it's silly. i have no desire to see more silliness that makes me fast forward or leave the room and come back only for the awards when they're handed out.

i enjoy a funny presenter as much as the next person. as for not having an audrey hepburn - she's an example. sometimes that almighty factual attitude of yours does nothing to help your argument, I might add. we have great actors and actresses and no, no audrey hepburn, but some really great performances out there. otherwise why the heck would you be watching film? i feel that old hollywood magic she had when i see a woman like Cate Blanchett, Isabella Rossellini, and Kevin Spacey walking around.

i will agree that the ceremony is really just that - a show. but it is a tradition and part of the history of film, which we all claim to love. it can incarnate itself in any fashion it chooses. my point was just that i'd rather see it classy and funny than tacky and cheesy every friggin' year because supposedly Crystal's version is THE version. I gave my reasons. But however it turns out, I'm satisfed that it goes on even if i don't watch it every year. and i'm glad to see people i want to see succeed get their nods, even if it doesn't mean as much as it used to.

and, per the title of this thread - i don't mind at all if Whoopi does it. Cause she makes ME laugh. And others too, cause I've watched with others who laughed at the same time. But of course, like Holden's preference for Letterman, "your mileage may vary."

Now With Moveable Parts
I actually think it would be fun to have Kevin Spacey host or maybe Alec Baldwin. Have you ever seen any of the times Alec did SNL? The guy is a riot! I don't really care who does it...like Spud said, as long as it's not too boring.

I watch the Oscars in a party-like atmosphere, so we're never TOO, too bored.

just before i saw your post sades, i was thinking.."hey, yeah, why not Kevin Spacey?"- but maybe tht's just not his type of gig. maybe they should bring in John Cleese, and Michael Palin, heh heh.

the whole thing can just kill the appeal of whomever plays host. i vote Steve Martin again- he's always great.
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

henry hill's Avatar
We all know the whole affair is painfully dull to watch no matter what is done, yet we watch anyway, year after year,
We do? I've never seen one before, Is it worth watching?
henry hill - Disclaimer: This disclaimer disclaims any claims that could be claimed from my post.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Yeah, I do dislike Whoopi Goldberg.... Um, what was the point of this poll again?
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Put me in your pocket...
I'm disappointed that Whoopi is hosting again. I loved Steve Martin last year and I really wished he was doing it again this year.

I do love David Letterman. I prefer him over Jay Leno on the late night shows. However, as far as an Oscar's host, he was just ok. Not as bad as people have said, but fell short of what I expected from him.

I'd like to see Conin O'Brien have a shot as host. I've always loved him and he did a great job with the Emmy's.

I don't think an Oscar host for this coming year, March of 2003, has been announced yet (usually done in Decemberish). Whoopi hosted back in March of this year, which is what this thread was originally referencing. Steve Martin hosted way back in 2001, two awards shows ago now.

And Letterman was far and away my favorite Oscar host, even better than Johnn Carson back in the '70s and '80s. But the Academy absolutely HATED Letterman's performance, so he won't ever, ever, EVER be asked back. Oh well. I wouldn't hold my breath for Conan O'Brien to get the nod either, as his humor is similarly irreverant and off-center: not what the mainstream Academy is looking for. Sadly, their preference for a tamer and less caustic host leads to some real dull television.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Put me in your pocket...
Originally posted by Holden Pike
I don't think an Oscar host for this coming year, March of 2003, has been announced yet (usually done in Decemberish). Whoopi hosted back in March of this year, which is what this thread was originally referencing. Steve Martin hosted way back in 2001, two awards shows ago now.
Oh my word.....you're right. Now I remember...didn't Whoopi do a suedo "Moulin Rouge" thing on a swing? Well now I'm embarassed. See what happens when you pass forty and have two young kids......
memory loss.

I think you're also right about Conin O'Brien.

You know Holden, December isn't that far away.....looks like I'll have another chance to put my foot in my mouth again. ^_^;;;

Well, the Oscar host has been announced a bit early this time, and it's good news:
Steve Martin will be back in March of 2003 to host the 74th Academy Awards!

Hot damn.

The best news would of course tell us that Billy's back. But he isn't. Steve Martin is the next best thing.

Jan 11th 2002
Originally posted by Yoda
They need Steve Martin again; he did quite well when it came to filling Crystal's huge (not literally...the dude is tiny) shoes.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

I hate Whoopi Goldberg!! I, literally, hate her as much as I hate how Britney Spears took a great song, I Love Rock'N Roll, and turned it into nothing but a lump of camel excrement!!
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

I love Whoopi Goldberg. Her birthday is the day before mine... astrologically, I understand her.

See, I knew everyone still thought of me as S.C.

Yes, I am back, for the attack.

Bullet Boy -- I saw someone in Wal-Mart today who looked just like your bleached blonde self.