1,200 lbs of ...?


I certainly don't see why you chose that first quote to go with your first comment.

I wasn't saying I had a problem with anything, or that I was looking for people to provide a comedy answer, I find it quite refreshing to find people who are able to write in full sentences, I was just commenting on the difference in mentality between these two groups. There was no intention to convey hostility.

Originally Posted by Alvin
I find it quite refreshing to find people who are able to write in full sentences, I was just commenting on the difference in mentality between these two groups. There was no intention to convey hostility.
Hi Alvin to MoFo
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Alvin
I certainly don't see why you chose that first quote to go with your first comment.

I wasn't saying I had a problem with anything, or that I was looking for people to provide a comedy answer, I find it quite refreshing to find people who are able to write in full sentences, I was just commenting on the difference in mentality between these two groups. There was no intention to convey hostility.
I just get a tad overprotective when it comes to this place.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

And a fine place is it too, but generally a very unhealthy one nonetheless.

Arresting your development
You need more fiber in your diet and feel free to slither your well-oiled self all over the forum bursting with sexy replies and titillating responses, if'n you are still inclined.

I have plenty of fibre, I ate a piece of asparagus once.

I may be a little late, is Anon still going to pounce?

I read about this guy in the paper today. I agree with most of you MoFo's- we're allowed to feel sympathy and it's obviously very human to do so. Beyond sympathy i have a great deal of respect for anyone smart enough to ask for help when they need it. How hard do you think it was for this man to go on national television to ask for help?

Medically speaking, though- it doesnt seem to me that someone of such a size could ever revert to a 'normal' weight/size, at least not in a healthy way. He would have to loose it at the same rate he gained it, methinks, just to be safe. I guess that is kind of the aim of the operation, though. We'll see what happens...in the mean time, im going to watch my meat pie intake...

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
This man is suffering from a serious medical condition. If he were growing tumors instead of fat, he'd have no end of sympathy. The attitude that people get fat ONLY through gluttony or laziness is totally bone-headed and serves only to provide added resistance for people whose weight is unhealthy, by making them feel guilty about it on top of everything.

Alvin, before you make any more statements about the people here, you might find this thread interesting.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

I think people have slightly less control over whether they get cancer than whether they get fat, although I still have no sympathy for a smoker who dies of lung cancer. Then again, I guess you have to have something actually wrong with you other than just being a glutton to reach 85 stone, so maybe I'm being a tad harsh.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Alvin
I think people have slightly less control over whether they get cancer than whether they get fat, although I still have no sympathy for a smoker who dies of lung cancer. Then again, I guess you have to have something actually wrong with you other than just being a glutton to reach 85 stone, so maybe I'm being a tad harsh.
It's truly hard to know exactly until you put yourself in their shoes, breathe with their lungs and walk with their weight.

Never having been addicted to anything I'm totally naive when I speak like this, but from my naive viewpoint, I can't help but judge. Maybe I'm just a bastard, but when people in Africa who have never had any opportunities are starving to death, I find it very hard to care when people waste their chances in life by chain smoking or eating at KFC six times a day. Good luck to him, I'm not evil enough to actually wish the guy dead, I just care far less about the overfed than about the underfed.

I didn't say I care so much, I just care more than I do about the overfed. There are plenty of things I care about more than either though, which involve well-nourished Brits and keep me from doing something like that.

Oh, phew. My n00bish brain wasn't sure, I thought you might be some major help-the-poor type trying to recruit me to go and live in a desert without my DVD player, rather than to just be quietly concerned from 3000 miles away.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
well you have to admit though, being quietly concerned makes one feel foolish and guilty. or at least, it makes this chick feel foolish and guilty. i am quietly concerned from long distances about many things but hey... all im doing is taking up space with my mouth and not doing any good for anyone.

not that im about to stop taking up space with my mouth... are you kidding me?!

and hey... since you aren't addicted to anything, surely you can give up your DVD player and the like without a problem and go live in a desert? right right right? yknow?

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
and hey... since you aren't addicted to anything, surely you can give up your DVD player and the like without a problem and go live in a desert? right right right? yknow?
Well, I could, in theory, but you're not consider the fact that feaakgefkafgkae!!! Plus DVDs are a good addiction, cancer sticks and Burger King are a bad one.

I agree that being quietly concerned from afar ain't good, but I'm actually concerned for plenty of people where I live, so I'm afraid they win.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Originally Posted by Alvin
I agree that being quietly concerned from afar ain't good, but I'm actually concerned for plenty of people where I live, so I'm afraid they win.
thats good!

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
actually have a pretty huge assortment of cultures on this board... but that is beside the point...
i wouldn't say it's huge, apart from me piddy and froggy,all of the regular posters come from either the u.s. ,brittain or australia....

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Alvin
Never having been addicted to anything I'm totally naive when I speak like this, but from my naive viewpoint, I can't help but judge. Maybe I'm just a bastard, but when people in Africa who have never had any opportunities are starving to death, I find it very hard to care when people waste their chances in life by chain smoking or eating at KFC six times a day. Good luck to him, I'm not evil enough to actually wish the guy dead, I just care far less about the overfed than about the underfed.
I respect your thoughts on this and what you have to offer. I guess we are sitting at opposite sides of the table here looking at it in different ways with different passions. I just feel that we are all victims in some kind of way. Some of us are stronger than the others and some of the others might have never had a chance to open their eyes in plain sight. Maybe it's I who is sick here and I'll lose my mind throwing compassion around for others? I never will understand this. I can't save the world from hurting, eating too much or not enough. I won't be able to fix any of this beef... but I can't take away my heart from those who might not know they already have it. If you don't want to give it or feel it then keep it. I didn't ask to feel the way I do... but I hate watching the sky fall on those who don't have the energy to head for the door and get out of the way from their own convictions. It's easier to look away but sometimes I can't and if you were in some sort of underdog role (because we all play the role at some point) I would hold my hand out for you or speak up for you. I know my actions will not feed a country of hungry people and in the end it's all empty but I can't help but feel the way I do. Yes, I understand that maybe it's I who is sick walking in numb little circles feeling the way I do... but in my heart I don't have a choice.