Snakes on a Plane


Rats on a plane would be better

That or Mormons
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Originally Posted by 7thson
Rats on a plane would be better

That or Mormons
Samual L Jackson stars in- the sequal to the cheesiest titled movie of all time.

Mormons on a plane !!!

there will be a bible under your seat in the theater!
Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but
you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs - Check out the Q&A from Ethan Dettenmaier , director of Sin-Jin Smyth

The Adventure Starts Here!
Okay, confirmation: Some of those trailers are FAKE (but darn good!):



NEW YORK (AP) - The buzz - or hiss - began with the movie's title, a plot-spoiling punch line that rapidly evolved into an Internet phenomenon: Production stills were posted on the Web, followed by mock movie trailers and posters, R-rated audio clips, silly songs, poems, even a line of T-shirts.

"Snakes on a Plane" arrives in theaters Aug. 18, but is already a cult blockbuster for fans who snicker at its B-movie premise.

The thriller stars Jackson as an FBI agent protecting a witness on a jet full of lethal serpents unleashed by the mob.

Brian Finkelstein, the 26-year-old creator of the fan Web site, said the daffy title is what galvanized people to spoof the movie even before the New Line Cinema production finished filming.

"It all came exclusively out of the title, and how honest and straightforward and clear the title was. There was no metaphor, no symbolism. Everything you needed to know about the movie was right there in the title," said Finkelstein, whose site has received an estimated 300,000 hits since its January debut.

The title made for an easy crossover into the pop-culture vernacular.

The slang Web site has eight ways to define the phrase, including: "A simple existential observation that has the same meaning as 'Whaddya gonna do?' or '(Stuff) Happens.'"

But leave it to merry Internet pranksters to drop an unprintable profanity - twice. In a popular audio trailer crafted by 19-year-old Chris Rohan of Bethesda, Md., a smack-talking Jackson imitator yells: "I want these (expletive) snakes off the (expletive) plane!"

Rohan said the title "sounds stupid, but that's what makes it brilliant" - thus inspiring him to write and record the trailer while enlisting a friend to voice rough-and-tumble Jackson.

In another send-up, a video clip presents impersonations of Christopher Walken and Jack Nicholson.

"There are snakes," complains a faux Nicholson, with Joker-like exaggeration. "On the plane. And they're biting. And they're scaring people."

Yet another video follows a 4-year-old as he flies a paper airplane smothered with rubber snakes. Guided by the boy's hand, a plastic figurine kicks them off. In a making-of featurette, the boy says sound effects - "making loud noises" - were most challenging.

Posted on Finkelstein's site, a fan-made love duet titled "Two Snakes on a Plane" includes the lyrics: "We could spend our lives together like two snakes on a plane/Shed our skins and wrap each other in all that still remains."

The snake hoopla comes at a time where there's a vast audience downloading and sharing satirical spoofs of all genres, such as widely circulated mock trailers of "The Shining" and a "Titanic" sequel, titled "Titanic: Two the Surface."

New Line recently requested that the movie's PG-13 rating be switched to R and ordered the shooting of additional scenes, including one with Jackson spouting an expletive like in Rohan's trailer.

"More power to that," Rohan said. "I love just hearing Samuel L. Jackson blurt out the F-word every five seconds."

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Your computer is just crap.

But just imagine really bad CGI and you'll probably be fairly close to what the unofficial trailer looks like.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

Someone needs their fill.
You know I think this movie will be so bad it'll be good. Come on, it's called "Snakes...on a plane!"

The Adventure Starts Here!
Oh, this could get interesting:

"Dung Beetles in a Honda Civic"

"Great White Sharks on Space Mountain"

I think I'm going to have nightmares.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
you know what i love most about this trailer? my favorite, favorite scene?

the snakes careening into the camera on a serving cart, the very, very end shot before it cuts out. i can't stop laughing ... cuz they made it like, all intense ... but the true danger is the cart, not the snakes ... oh my god.*pant* ...

i liked that article ... what if we take that kid with his rubber snakes on the paper plane and have them careen into the camera with real sound affects? just awesome ... man ...

nooo, nooo, you've got to have the creature make slightly no sense, but also be dangerous, and the location they appear in needs to be mundane. otherwise, there's no ... bite.

"Killer Bees in a Convention Center"

"Pythons on a Canoe"

"Hyenas on a Bus"

life without movies is like cereal without milk. possible, but disgusting. but not nearly as bad as cereal with water. don't lie. I know you've done it.

Someone needs their fill.
My favourite part was the guy looking for his breathing mask and it's a snake. "Safety my butt!"

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Hey hey JRS, good to see you back!
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

Female assassin extraordinaire.
i am craaaacking up ...

i know, honda civics are mundane, but it's too small, we need something slightly more grandiose than a 2-4 seater ...

Someone needs their fill.
Okay, couple things. Anyone else notice in the trailer than Samuel's speech is EXACTLY the same as the one in "Deep Blue Sea"?

I'm also thinking for this film that there'll be some big ass anaconda he'll have to fight at the end.

this movie will be good to watch ten years from know when i stumble in from the bars and catch it on the late night usa network.