Which Die Hard movie did you like the most?


Which Die Hard movie did you like the most?
40 votes
Die Hard
1 votes
Die Hard 2
8 votes
Die Hard with a Vengeance
0 votes
Live Free or Die Hard
1 votes
A Good Day to Die Hard
50 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I've always been a 'Die Hard with a Vengeance' guy.

There are good films like Die Hard and there are bad films, and then there is 50 feet of crap, and then there are the sequels.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
1>>3>>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>absolute ****.

I forgot the opening line.
Saw the first on at the cinema when it came out in 1988 twice. The first time I was literally on the edge of my seat - nearly falling off. One of my fondest cinematic memories. It's a classic that goes far beyond any of the sequels. It redefined what an action film could be - I'd never seen anything like it.

Every notice how each Die Hard sequel expands it's location?
1st one : Claustrophobic upper floors of skyscraper
2nd one : Entire airport
3rd one : Entire city
4th one : Entire country
5th one : Off overseas now, so the World

I really expect the 6th one to take place in space, crossing the vastness between planets.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Registered User
I have to go with a vengeance, because the first one is unwatchable. The ridiculous cookie cutter characters who have never existed and will never exist. Sorry, but Huggy bear is not a chauffeur, the gratuitious black twinkie cop, the chubby butterball of a wife who makes all the money by... who the hell knows, the crackhead employee... there's not a single believable character in the entire movie.

I have to go with a vengeance, because the first one is unwatchable. The ridiculous cookie cutter characters who have never existed and will never exist. Sorry, but Huggy bear is not a chauffeur, the gratuitious black twinkie cop, the chubby butterball of a wife who makes all the money by... who the hell knows, the crackhead employee... there's not a single believable character in the entire movie.
someone who tells it like it is

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I've never seen chubby cops before but I've seen plenty of chubby wives. Who says they don't exist?

Women making money. Gross. Where's Capt. Quint to slap her around a little?

Registered User
I've never seen chubby cops before but I've seen plenty of chubby wives. Who says they don't exist?

It's not him being chubby, but rather he isn't believable as an LA cop. For John Mclane's wife, she's not an attractive woman, and she left his ass. The whole idea is that he goes to LA to visit his estranged wife, but when I look at her, and just how her character comes across, I would have been helping her pack.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
It's not him being chubby, but rather he isn't believable as an LA cop. For John Mclane's wife, she's not an attractive woman, and she left his ass. The whole idea is that he goes to LA to visit his estranged wife, but when I look at her, and just how her character comes across, I would have been helping her pack.
Oh okay, but their history could be more complicated and we do not know their history and we are meant to infer things. But also John McClane is no Ryan Gosling or Brad Pitt by any means, so isn't she in his league more so, and doesn't have to be a gorgeous supermodel type, if that is what you are expecting?

But as for Al Powell, I thought he was the smartest cop in the movie compared to the other cops, so I thought he was the most convincing. Unless the others are just less believable than he is?

It's not him being chubby, but rather he isn't believable as an LA cop. For John Mclane's wife, she's not an attractive woman, and she left his ass. The whole idea is that he goes to LA to visit his estranged wife, but when I look at her, and just how her character comes across, I would have been helping her pack.
You can dislike the film all you want, but if this is your argument?

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I watched Die Hard with a Vengeance again and it's definitely the second best one for me, if not the best. However, there is one part I do not understand.

WARNING: "SPOILER" spoilers below
I don't get why Zeus was forced to go along in the action.
He was just a bystander with no stakes in the situation at all. The villain tells Zeus that he has to be part of his plan because he is "in too deep now", whatever that means. But what does that mean? He wasn't in deep at all, was he?
Because the script was written for a buddy cop film before becoming Die Hard. It was supposed to be a Lethal Weapon at some point, not sure if from the get go, but that's it. Plus, the chemistry between Willis and Jackson is definitely the strongest asset the film has, so I suppose the studio decided to stick with Samuel.

I mean, that's the "Production" answer

Registered User
You can dislike the film all you want, but if this is your argument?

Reviews and opinions on movies are not arguments. Movies require (I can't believe I have to point this out here) being able to buy into it to a certain degree. I'm sure you can, but I can't.

If you can buy into die hard, then great! It's a fun movie to watch, but for me, there's nothing I can buy into, other than the fact that Bruce Willis can be a NYC cop.

Registered User
Oh okay, but their history could be more complicated and we do not know their history and we are meant to infer things. But also John McClane is no Ryan Gosling or Brad Pitt by any means, so isn't she in his league more so, and doesn't have to be a gorgeous supermodel type, if that is what you are expecting?

But as for Al Powell, I thought he was the smartest cop in the movie compared to the other cops, so I thought he was the most convincing. Unless the others are just less believable than he is?

Is she in his league? No, she isn't. If it was just that, I wouldn't have a problem with the movie. It's almost every character introduced comes across like somebody who was dreamed up by a committee composed of people who commute to work by helicopter.

Contrast that with the various characters in... oh, planes, trains, and automobiles. Almost everybody is like somebody I've met, only more so. They all have personalities that are believable, if somewhat over-the-top.

I can buy into dumb and dumber (for the most part) because I've known those guys, just like I've known Beavis and Butthead! Yes, they really are that stupid.

Who can I believe in Die Hard? I've never met any of them. The guy who shows John how to relax by taking his shoes and socks off on the plane? He doesn't exist. Nobody is going to be doing that, without being asked to kindly not subject the rest of the passengers to his foot odor, which is exactly how that was handled when Del Griffith did the same thing.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay. I guess I didn't have a problem with any of the characters accept for maybe Dwayne Robinson who was just a little too dumb maybe.

But I hear of these dumb authority figures doing dome things in real life news stories, so I start to think, maybe it's not so unrealistic.

For John Mclane's wife, she's not an attractive woman
I mean I've seen less-attractive.

I have to go with a vengeance, because the first one is unwatchable. The ridiculous cookie cutter characters who have never existed and will never exist. Sorry, but Huggy bear is not a chauffeur, the gratuitious black twinkie cop, the chubby butterball of a wife who makes all the money by... who the hell knows, the crackhead employee... there's not a single believable character in the entire movie.

When you put this much thought into something, do you first take a step back and admire it before posting?

I can buy into dumb and dumber (for the most part) because I've known those guys, just like I've known Beavis and Butthead!
This is highly believable.

"No, I don't find moon landing kooks very attractive either. I usually end up having to pay for all their bills."

Registered User
This is highly believable.

Mike Judge said they are composites of guys he actually knew. In fact, Butthead is a particular guy who used to bully him in high school.