MOFO Movie Tournament 2012 Bracket 1


Bracket 1
1. Vampyr
16. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

8. Cemetary Man
9. Vertigo

5. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
12. Escape from New York

4. The Rules of the Game
13. Fantasia

3. Shivers
14. The Truman Show

6. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
11. Seven

7. The Graduate
10. Kind Hearts and Coronets

2. I am Love
15. Belle de Jour (1967)

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is a superior film to Se7en. Why can't you people see that?!
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Why can't you people see that Se7en is a supremely crafted serial killer movie and one of the best of its genre? One that makes you think out of the box?

I'm not even saying Se7en is bad, or not one of the best of it's genre, but it's not exactly outside the box, and I'm not sure how it makes you think out of the box other than in comparison with the typical mystery thriller.

PS: never thought I'd see the day when I'm paired with Deadite in battle

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'm pretty sure that "out of the box" was intended as a reference to a specific plot point of Seven, and not a suggestion that Sympathy is in any way less thought-provoking.

Agreed, WT. Se7en is a great movie, but if we're comparing them being "out of the box" then Mr. Vengeance wins hands-down.

Se7en is, all said and done, another serial killer movie. The gimmick is killing according to the 7 deadly sins, and it works because of the good performances and great claustrophobic direction which makes you feel you're gradually sinking into a kind of Boschian nightmare.

Director Park's Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance. however, is a mature and complex neo-Hitchcockian thriller about a deaf-mute (and his girlfriend) planning, then botching, a kidnapping in order to pay for his sister's kidney transplant.

Unlike Se7en, there are no clear lines drawn between good and evil. None of the people in Sympathy are trying to be anything more than people, all acting out of their own motivations to survive or do what they think is right (often an ambivalent mix of both) yet the results are increasingly horrifying.

It's a masterpiece, terribly underrated, not to be missed and unforgettable.

I'm pretty sure that "out of the box" was intended as a reference to a specific plot point of Seven, and not a suggestion that Sympathy is in any way less thought-provoking.
This is exactly the point, though. In terms of "thought-provoking" Se7en is not in the same league. It is stylish but not as substantial as Sympathy. Sympathy lives and breathes in moral ambiguity. Se7en simply does not.

That scene when the doctor is saying they got the extra kidney for his sister...I love how the guy is mute because as if this part wasn't horrible enough you have to perceive his reaction.

I think the part that broke my heart the most was right after Ryu went home thinking it worked out, and he was playing with the little girl so happily like a big brother. That was the point just before the tragic twist. That was the moment I realized how much I liked and felt for him. And despite everything, even knowing that he was largely responsible for all the ensuing tragedy, I still do feel that way.

that's what she said...
Alright guys, I'm in on this one. Good thing I got til May 22 because I've only seen half of all those listed. I'm glad to be in on this becuase I've been re-watching zombie movies lately lol and it's about time I switch it up and see some new material.

Ill have my results in by the due date.
Nicolas Cage
^to be in 14 movies in the next two years^

6. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
11. Seven

Loved the suggestion. During the autopsy, the camera just holds on his face while you hear a saw and bones crunching. When the President questions the girlfriend, she's covered with a blanket so one can only imagine.

On the short list of great deaf characters, Ryu comes in just behind Marlee Matlin "Children of a lesser God" and Alan Arkin "The heart is a lonely hunter"

1. Vampyr
16. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

8. Cemetary Man
9. Vertigo

5. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
12. Escape from New York

4. The Rules of the Game
13. Fantasia

3. Shivers
14. The Truman Show

6. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
11. Seven

7. The Graduate
10. Kind Hearts and Coronets

2. I am Love
15. Belle de Jour (1967)

I'll try to watch Cemetary Man and Shivers soon.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
i've started watching some of the films for this bracket. i feel a little ashamed to admit this, but i haven't seen very many of them. this might take awhile. i probably won't be watching all of them. most of them, though. i had to rent Vampyrs from Netflix because i couldn't find it anywhere to download.

it's about time i finally got around to seeing Vertigo, anyhow...