Top Gun - Best high flying movie...ever??


I flat out think Top Gun is an over hyped movie full of generic characters and situations. Is there anything original in that movie? It's crap.

Personally, there were a couple of things about the movie that really bugged me. One was the female love interest who looked so much older than Cruse that their love scenes looked like child molestations. What bugged me most about her is that we are supposed to believe that this woman in high heels who has never been in military service nor--if I remember correctly--has ever flown military fighters herself is somehow an expert on not only US but Soviet fighter aircraft. Think about it: You're about to strap on a jet that flies 2-3 times the speed of sound and in sudden manuvers pulls maybe 20 times as much Gs as you'll ever experience on earth's surface and you're going out to face another highly trained pilot in a high performance jet and match rockets in a do-or-die fight to the death. And your instructor says, "Trust me--I've read every book ever written about these airplanes and have memorized all of the theories." I don't think so!

The other thing is that their Top Gun training is rushed up at the end and they don't even have time for a graduation ceremony because they've got to rush off for a major confrontation with--the Lybians???? A country whose only enemy aircraft kills came from putting a bomb on a civilian airliner? Besides, what was so special about this particular graduating class, other than it had Tom Cruse? Where were the pilots from the 999 other classes who had already been through the Top Gun school? Maybe they had all crashed trying to fly the lady instructor's theories.
I concur.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The reason why Top Gun was a big hit in 1986 was because it was a visual and audio assault on the senses. I saw the film in the theatre more than once, and it was one of the loudest I've ever experienced. Everybody just got off on the spectacle of being inside the jets flying at high speeds. Nobody cared about or believed the romance between 23-year-old Tom Cruise and 28-year-old Kelly McGillis, but a few people were concerned about what happened to Goose (Anthony Edwards) and Carole (Meg Ryan). Tom Skerritt and Michael Ironside were around to add a sense of reality.

Another thing to remember is that we were not at war in 1986, even if we had some incidents with the Libyans. The enemy in Top Gun is never identified, although they fly MiGs and have something resembling Soviet insignia on their helmets. The movie was a popcorn action flick targeted for an MTV audience, and it made big bucks by being embraced by that audience and many others. It was in no way meant as a recruiting film, even if it ended up becoming one. Compared to similar-type films today, it seems pretty entertaining and almost documentary-like. (Ha!)

I certainly enjoy some other airplane movies more, and some have already been mentioned. I am a little bit knowledgeable about planes since my wife is a single-engine, instrument-rated pilot, and we were both air traffic controllers, but I don't really find that many faults in the film's depiction of supersonic flight. Besides, it's only a movie.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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I can't wait till its cool to nit pick a movie like Star Wars because you know; it's just so totally unrealistic dude. Space station indeed...
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I can't wait till its cool to nit pick a movie like Star Wars because you know; it's just so totally unrealistic dude. Space station indeed...
I don't like Star Wars because sometimes I can't separate the art from the artists, even when I try.

Another thing to remember is that we were not at war in 1986, even if we had some incidents with the Libyans. The enemy in Top Gun is never identified, although they fly MiGs and have something resembling Soviet insignia on their helmets.
It's been a loooooong time since I saw that film and I have no desire to revisit it, but I could swear that the Lybians or Lybia or at least North Africa was specifically mentioned as the source of trouble that these pilots had immediately rush to confront. I'm much more sure that the carrier they were flying from was in the Mediterranean.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The film actually begins "somewhere in the Indian Ocean", and the carrier is the U.S.S. Enterprise. At the end, they refer to a disabled ship trapped in enemy territory, but they never get specific about where.

The film actually begins "somewhere in the Indian Ocean", and the carrier is the U.S.S. Enterprise. At the end, they refer to a disabled ship trapped in enemy territory, but they never get specific about where.
Like I said, Mark, it's been a long, long time since I once saw that movie and very little about it stuck to my memory board. Is the opening scene that you describe the same combat theater that the Top Gun class is called back to after graduation, because I thought I remembered them going back to fly a hotshot combat mission against somebody after leaving class. For some reason, I had the impression that they were on a carrier in the Mediterranean and that the target was definitely Lybia. But maybe that's just a "created memory" from real life facts in the years afterward.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Top Gun did come out one month after the U.S. actually bombed Libya in retaliation of a terrorist attack on a Berlin disco where American servicemen died. That could be the connection.