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D oh please,I don't like that kind of stuff.My friend is a fan of kinky weird films,so she insisted me on watching Holy Mountain but I said I'll start with El Topo.And then she says: "Well,it's good too but you don't know what you're missing." You people scare me.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Lord High Filmquisitor
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians - the title really is misleading, because Santa Claus doesn't really conquer much of anything: he is captured by the Martians' strength of arms and returned by their leave. The makeup (which, though green, makes them almost look like they're in blackface), costumes (which make them look like The Great Gazoo), props and set pieces are all terrible. Both the writing and direction is incredibly unfocussed and the Martians themselves mostly imbecilic. Still, it was hilarious to watch and worth it for the title alone. I definitely need to see the MST3K version of this. 3/10
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There was no point to the Vietnam War, so I guess you got it. You need to work on your ratings now.
Well what I mean was that I didn't see any followable (is that a word?) story-line or plot in the whole movie. I was just waiting for something to tie the movie together but it never really happened.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
D oh please,I don't like that kind of stuff.My friend is a fan of kinky weird films,so she insisted me on watching Holy Mountain but I said I'll start with El Topo.And then she says: "Well,it's good too but you don't know what you're missing." You people scare me.
Ohohoho! I think I would get along with her pretty well. We could do kinky stuff together.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sadly,she already has her kinky man

Watched Little Caesar today.I give it

Finished here. It's been fun.

Before Sunset-
. The 2nd entry in this series is just as sweet and insightful as the first one. I thought it started to drag a bit in the middle, but it immediately rebounded and we got to see even more layers in two very dynamic and interesting characters. I'm looking forward to watching what I believe is the final entry in this trilogy.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I'm looking forward to watching what I believe is the final entry in this trilogy.
I don't think there was anything final about the third one, the ending was cynical (in my estimation), but certainly not resolute. Whether it is the final movie really depends on interest and availability of the actors and director.

I feel I really gained something from having Before Sunrise be a stand alone film. No mention or thought of another, let alone two more. Just one perfect moment.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I feel I really gained something from having Before Sunrise be a stand alone film. No mention or thought of another, let alone two more. Just one perfect moment.
Before Sunrise was the only film in the series I didn't care for

that trilogy is so perfect. i'm glad there isn't supposed to be another one, although i wouldn't mind if they made one 45 years from now, when they're in their 80s, assuming hawke, delpy, and linklater are still alive.

Don Jon (2013) -

Really cool. Joseph Gordon-Levitt knew what he was doing (or not... have you ever heard of incognito mode you noob?). Some funny moments, accompanied by some wtf moments. I didn't really buy the ending, and Jon's relationship with Juliane Moore's character felt quite awkward. Still, it works, mainly because the film never really takes itself too seriously.

Oh and for the record, I still think Scarlett Johansson is overrated.

Lord High Filmquisitor
I rewatched White Christmas last night while baking cookies (about as Christmasy as you could hope for). It's definitely a product of the 50s (a musical that cares far more about dancing than about singing), but it's well acted, written and directed enough to overcome its focus on dancing. It also has some great one-liners (my favorite being "You know, in some ways you're far superior to my cocker spaniel"). 7/10

Don Jon (2013) -

Really cool. Joseph Gordon-Levitt knew what he was doing (or not... have you ever heard of incognito mode you noob?). Some funny moments, accompanied by some wtf moments. I didn't really buy the ending, and Jon's relationship with Juliane Moore's character felt quite awkward. Still, it works, mainly because the film never really takes itself too seriously.

Oh and for the record, I still think Scarlett Johansson is overrated.
I thought it didn't completely work as it did take itself too seriously at the end. It came across as a little bit preachy even. I also didn't buy the relationship with Julianne Moore, by the way. Maybe she helped him to grow as a person in some kind of way, but it wasn't transfered in a subtle and insightful enough manner to satisfy me.

The build up of the film's theme is more interesting than the supposed conclusion of it.
Nevertheless it was an OK debut for JGL.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019