The MoFo Personal Pictures Thread


Originally Posted by Strummer521
what made you choose English as a major? I'll be in college next year and will probably major in it as well.
Just a question here, not trying to be langcist:

Why is it (In the U.S. anyway) that if one is majoring in English they are probably trying to become either a teacher or a writer, but any other language major is like something eccentric or a translator?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Originally Posted by 7thson
Just a question here, not trying to be langcist:

Why is it (In the U.S. anyway) that if one is majoring in English they are probably trying to become either a teacher or a writer, but any other language major is like something eccentric or a translator?
I majored in English with every intention of becoming...well...employed ...eventually in some capacity other than "want fries with that?"

We Americans are incredibly monolingual, we are for the most part in lingual isolation and (I already feel the love coming) culturally isolated as well. All this and for some reason we have this incredible sense of entitlement and cultural superiority...go figure.

rhymes with Goebbels
Originally Posted by Strummer521
BTW: what made you choose English as a major? I'll be in college next year and will probably major in it as well.
Basically it was a coin flip between film and english major, because i do very little other than watch movies and read anyway. I was planning to go into something involving post-production but the film department forces you to have an interview with the head of something-or-other and then write a five page introductory letter, and finally they choose literally something like 12 people out of what I'd imagine to be a pretty huge chunk.

So I was pretty much like, ehhyeah, english it is, then. Which really is for the best. It's definitely something I can see myself happily doing while being paid nothing, and i can't imagine the pay to be brilliant at all.

Ideally I'd be able to get into film journalism, but at this point i want to think as little about the future as is humanly possible.
A devilish combination of slightly bored and quite hungry

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by 7thson
Just a question here, not trying to be langcist:

Why is it (In the U.S. anyway) that if one is majoring in English they are probably trying to become either a teacher or a writer, but any other language major is like something eccentric or a translator?
Becuase we speak English here?
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Becuase we speak English here?
Seems like a simple answer doesn't it?

However many Europeans, South Americans and even some Canadians don't understand this. Like I said, we are very much culturally isolated from the rest of the world. IMO culture to a large extent equals language. The subjectivity of Japanese, for example insinuates itself upon the culture or vice-versa. (Chicken and egg) The culture and the language are inextricably linked. In many ways our culture and our language grew in a vacuum. It's hard for many other nationalities to understand why we don’t study other languages for the sake of KNOWING then instead of doing so in the name of a career or "business." In many places being multi-lingual isn’t a choice it is a matter of daily nessessity.

birdygyrl's Avatar
MovieForums Extra
Your eyebrows are fine. I had no idea they had a Seaworld type exhibit there. Hope you had a good time.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

Originally Posted by birdygyrl
Your eyebrows are fine. I had no idea they had a Seaworld type exhibit there. Hope you had a good time.
Yep, it's called MarineLand. I am sure you've seen the commercials on TV.

"In Niagara Falls Ontario, Marine Land is the place to go....."

Thanks for the pictures Gummy girl, nice
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Originally Posted by nebbit
Thanks for the pictures Gummy girl, nice

Your welcome

Sammy says she wants to pinch my cheeks hehehe

Nice pictures.
Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much *life*. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully.
-Ruth Gordon, Harold and Maude

Originally Posted by gummo
Yep, it's called MarineLand. I am sure you've seen the commercials on TV.

"In Niagara Falls Ontario, Marine Land is the place to go....."
"Everyone Loves Marine Land!!" As Canadian as I am I didn't even know where Marine Land was... LOL Mind you I watch less than 30 minutes of tele a month!!! Radio on the other hand everyday to and from school! luvley pictures!! who knew??? now, I wanna go east heh!
one cannot live without the other...
Ive tried and realized, theres something about you, something about your ways.... mwah

I got for good luck my black tooth.
Originally Posted by shirble
which do you guys think is a better hair colour for me?
I like them all, but the black reminds me a bit of Charlize Theron circa Aeon Flux. Not sure if that helps, but it just occurred to me.
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

my vacation in Tanzania:
Two other women and me picknicking in Serengeti

very pregnant lion

i know my hair is like ****, just keep your eyes on the money

first elephant in the wild

if you like i'll post some more

for now:

c'est moi, only now my hair is 3 inches shorter..
I Amsterdam

And do check my "art": Deviant

I'm assuming you have protection to get so close to those animals?

Originally Posted by Escape
I'm assuming you have protection to get so close to those animals?
well, actually not. A lion was about 1 meter away from our jeep and that was it, no guns, no rangers. Just a jeep, a driver, the animals and us. But it was amazing

Originally Posted by VeronicaJ
well, actually not. A lion was about 1 meter away from our jeep and that was it, no guns, no rangers. Just a jeep, a driver, the animals and us. But it was amazing
Ok well that's risking it. A car I'd watch them in but an open or even closed no.

Hey Bill...a nice set of locks you have.