Things that annoy you...


i agree same here im still waiting for mine =/
Waiting for what?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Hadn’t subscribed to HBOMax all year until I re-subscribed last month.

Would love to know who is the genius who thought we, the customers, would like to be permanently in landscape mode. Obviously, this is how we view streaming content, but I like portrait mode for searching & getting my watch list organized. And there is no way to change the orientation.

Second thing they’ve changed is to not allow full screen. Everything one watches has a border. Not particularly bothered by this on my iPad, but a lot of people who stream on their phone are since it makes a small screen even smaller.

The last thing that is annoying (and none of these faults exist on Hulu, Disney+, Prime, etc.) is that the screen is so “jiggly”. The least little movement & all the screening details appear on the screen. So annoying.

And this is all for $15 a month.

Hadn’t subscribed to HBOMax all year until I re-subscribed last month.

Would love to know who is the genius who thought we, the customers, would like to be permanently in landscape mode. Obviously, this is how we view streaming content, but I like portrait mode for searching & getting my watch list organized. And there is no way to change the orientation.

Second thing they’ve changed is to not allow full screen. Everything one watches has a border. Not particularly bothered by this on my iPad, but a lot of people who stream on their phone are since it makes a small screen even smaller.

The last thing that is annoying (and none of these faults exist on Hulu, Disney+, Prime, etc.) is that the screen is so “jiggly”. The least little movement & all the screening details appear on the screen. So annoying.

And this is all for $15 a month.
thats y i watched movies and tv shows online for free instead paying subscriptions and can watch it on the big screen of my giant tv

Hadn’t subscribed to HBOMax all year until I re-subscribed last month.

Would love to know who is the genius who thought we, the customers, would like to be permanently in landscape mode. Obviously, this is how we view streaming content, but I like portrait mode for searching & getting my watch list organized. And there is no way to change the orientation.

Second thing they’ve changed is to not allow full screen. Everything one watches has a border. Not particularly bothered by this on my iPad, but a lot of people who stream on their phone are since it makes a small screen even smaller.

The last thing that is annoying (and none of these faults exist on Hulu, Disney+, Prime, etc.) is that the screen is so “jiggly”. The least little movement & all the screening details appear on the screen. So annoying.

And this is all for $15 a month.
As though this weren’t enough, I’ve now discovered that the movies themselves are letterboxed.

Been without power in the home since 6:30 last night (going on 19 hours)after a pretty good storm rolled through. Just got off the electric companies website and we may be living in the dark ages for awhile. No eta on a fix since they dont know the cause yet. Ouch! Time to do a Bundy vacation to the grocery store.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Been without power in the home since 6:30 last night (going on 19 hours)after a pretty good storm rolled through. Just got off the electric companies website and we may be living in the dark ages for awhile. No eta on a fix since they dont know the cause yet. Ouch! Time to do a Bundy vacation to the grocery store.
Been there and done I feel your pain! Last time our power went out it was for a day and half and 100 degrees outside. Damn the house got hot!

Been there and done I feel your pain! Last time our power went out it was for a day and half and 100 degrees outside. Damn the house got hot!

Thats kind of how it is here. Heat index approaching 100 today and muggy. They aren't expected to have us up and running until Friday. Apparently the power company fudged up a couple things and while trying to fix them unintentionally made things worse. Homes were losing power 12 hours after the storm moved through. Its a mess.

People who can't seem to work a rubbish bin... Take rubbish and use your hand to place rubbish in bin.

Today I was nearly decapitated by a very sharp flat red bull can that was thrown up in the air by a passing lorry sending it flying towards me at speed...

Dodged it like a ninja...

Thats kind of how it is here. Heat index approaching 100 today and muggy. They aren't expected to have us up and running until Friday. Apparently the power company fudged up a couple things and while trying to fix them unintentionally made things worse. Homes were losing power 12 hours after the storm moved through. Its a mess.
HF, in what part of the world do you live? Here at the Dixie Riviera on the U.S. Gulf Coast we're just now entering peak hurricane season. It's like sitting in a sauna fully dressed..

"How tall is King Kong ?"
A locally broadcasted foreign movie where, instead of subtitles, you have studio recordings of local actors reading the lines in their own voices, trying with more or less accuracy to sync their lips with the screen's actor.

Rich, well-educated countries do this for every movie, claiming that "people don't have time to read subtitles and see the image". Poor, less-educated counties do this for no movie (except children cartoons), claiming that "removing the original actors' voices is ridiculous also no, it's no problem at all to watch a movie, see the images, and read the subtitles, we do that all the time, you illiterate hypocrites". They are not wrong.

To be fair, there's some exceptions. Italian movies were seldom filmed with direct sound captures, so the actors had to re-record their lines over their own images in a studio. So lip-sync can get wonky even in the original version, but at least, they are still the original actors directed by the director, selected by them and speaking with the intended tone. Also, some directors such as Leone were very careful and controlling about who would dub the foreign versions, which means that dubbing voices are still mostly ones he selected himself (but, as he spoke french and not english or german, the french translation he could double check is infinitely superior to the german or english ones).

And some great actors have been doing dubs for movies and TV, so, some voices have become famous for that. Tony Curtis is mostly known in France with the voice of theater actor Michel Roux, which is great in itself - but that's still at the expanse of Tony Curtis. And some american movies and series are known in France as more humorous than the original versions, because of the choice of theater actors and their own idiosyncratic tones.

But generally, the very concept is a horror. And on french TV, all the foreign movies are displayed dubbed by default (nowadays you can often switch the sound channel to the original language, but a few years ago, it was mandatory stupid french version for everyone).

I mean , just check the first few lines of these (00:15) :

And you'll get an idea of what we have to deal with.

As a kid, I was completely baffled by the popularity of several american actors, because I only knew them with their embarrassing french dubbing.

When your garbage disposal gets something stuck in it. Finding the piece of food and removing it is 1: gross and 2: way too time-consuming.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
When your garbage disposal gets something stuck in it. Finding the piece of food and removing it is 1: gross and 2: way too time-consuming.
Agreed. My dog's mouth is like a danged bear trap trying to get that thing open again!

I fibbed =\
I no longer have a dog and only said I did for the sake of a joke.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Agreed. My dog's mouth is like a danged bear trap trying to get that thing open again!

I fibbed =\
I no longer have a dog and only said I did for the sake of a joke.
Haha, as the owner of a small dog who ate an entire Jimmy Dean's breakfast sandwich, I can relate.

A locally broadcasted foreign movie where, instead of subtitles, you have studio recordings of local actors reading the lines in their own voices, trying with more or less accuracy to sync their lips with the screen's actor.
Ugh, nothing worse than dubbing. The famous Gomorrah series, which has been a sensation in Europe, has been dubbed with American voices. Shudder.

A locally broadcasted foreign movie where, instead of subtitles, you have studio recordings of local actors reading the lines in their own voices, trying with more or less accuracy to sync their lips with the screen's actor.

Rich, well-educated countries do this for every movie, claiming that "people don't have time to read subtitles and see the image". Poor, less-educated counties do this for no movie (except children cartoons), claiming that "removing the original actors' voices is ridiculous also no, it's no problem at all to watch a movie, see the images, and read the subtitles, we do that all the time, you illiterate hypocrites". They are not wrong.

To be fair, there's some exceptions. Italian movies were seldom filmed with direct sound captures, so the actors had to re-record their lines over their own images in a studio. So lip-sync can get wonky even in the original version, but at least, they are still the original actors directed by the director, selected by them and speaking with the intended tone. Also, some directors such as Leone were very careful and controlling about who would dub the foreign versions, which means that dubbing voices are still mostly ones he selected himself (but, as he spoke french and not english or german, the french translation he could double check is infinitely superior to the german or english ones).

And some great actors have been doing dubs for movies and TV, so, some voices have become famous for that. Tony Curtis is mostly known in France with the voice of theater actor Michel Roux, which is great in itself - but that's still at the expanse of Tony Curtis. And some american movies and series are known in France as more humorous than the original versions, because of the choice of theater actors and their own idiosyncratic tones.

But generally, the very concept is a horror. And on french TV, all the foreign movies are displayed dubbed by default (nowadays you can often switch the sound channel to the original language, but a few years ago, it was mandatory stupid french version for everyone).

I mean , just check the first few lines of these (00:15) :

And you'll get an idea of what we have to deal with.

As a kid, I was completely baffled by the popularity of several american actors, because I only knew them with their embarrassing french dubbing.
oh like short as dubbed right? i thought so i knew it would be meaning dubbed like hindi movies dubbing

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Here's something that happened that really annoyed me. (Maybe "angered" is a better word than "annoyed".)

Hubby and I went to the store yesterday and we found a purse in the parking lot. It had over $500 cash inside, plus several gift cards and credit cards, and a lot of other stuff.

We didn't want to turn it in at the store because there was no way to know if the people who work there would make sure that the person got everything back, especially the cash, so we found the person's driver's license and used Google to find their phone number. We called her, and verified that she was the right person, where she lost her purse, and what was inside, (including the amount of the cash), and we made arrangements to meet her in a public place to give her back her purse, with everything inside.

When we got to the meeting place, she wasn't there, but the police were there to meet us. Apparently she called the police and told them that she thought we were scammers. The police acted like we stole her purse and tried to ransom it back to her, even though they watched the store's security camera footage showing exactly where and when we found the purse. We eventually cleared everything up with the police, and gave them the purse with all the contents to give back to her, but it was almost an hour long ordeal of being treated like criminals. They even went so far as to search our car for weapons. Then they had the nerve to tell us that she chose not to press charges against us.

When most people return something valuable to someone who lost it they at least get a "Thank you", and maybe even a reward. Instead, this ungrateful woman tried to have us arrested for theft.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.