The PPR Jungle


Week 8 Predictions

TONGO (7-0) vs Super Pigeon (3-4)
This wouldve been a great matchup if Elliott hadnt flaked out and went absent
TONGO stays undefeated

Favre From Over (6-1) vs The Spudenators (3-4)
The Favres had a bad start thursday, V-Jax and his Minnesota kicker only netted them a total of 13 points. Yahoo projects Spud as a 20 point favorite. Always felt Spuds team was better than his record, this year.
Week 8 is the great potatoe rebellion!

I Love Bacon (3-4) vs IronHorse (1-6)
Great matchup! Bout dead even in all areas, and am picking IronHorse simply because PWs Bacons QB Stafford is up against PWs favorite team the Seahawks.
Seahawks converge on the bacon bits, and hand Horse a win

Zeppelins (3-4) vs Dexual Healing (4-3)
Another great close matchup. Even though Dexters record is 4-3, Im looking forward to our matchup as his is the only roster I feel can give me trouble. Zepps Richardson may not play and Pierre Thomas hardly ever does when he does.
Dexters healing his way to a 5-3

Devastators (1-6) vs Hillbilly Handfisher (4-3)
Fred/Devastators Minnesota defense got stung by the Bucs thursday (my team at MoFo did too) for a -3 point total. The Hillbillies roster is presently askew. Going with a hunch on this...
Devastating a bad season, and going 2-6

Angry Gnomes (1-6) vs Broncos Of Doom (6-1)
Dionnes Doombroncs plus the Favres are doing an awesom job this season, and the Gnomes have been littler than normal. Ugh yeah that was a bad one. Besides the Broncos going up against New Orleans they have Rashad Jennings who should put up MJD like #'s
Doom detests losing and goes 7-1

Week 9 Predictions

TONGO (8-0) vs Angry Gnomes (1-7)
Im actually looking ahead to next week vs the Broncos Of Doom, and then Week 11 for Dexual Healing. Who can, or will, kill the giant gorilla?! Not the Gnomes! TONGO 9-0! Run little people, run!

Hillbilly Handfisher (5-3) vs Favre From Over (6-2)
Tom Brady is on a Bye. Favre whoops on some Jared Allen lookalikes!

I Love Bacon (4-4) vs Super Pigeon (3-5)
Pigeons got a tough crew, and no Bye blues. Pigeons fly off with the bacon!

Zeppelins (4-4) vs The Spudenators (4-4)
Gronk and Steven Jacksons on their Bye, and have little to replace them with. Macks blimp floats over .500! That means a winning record.

Devastators (1-7) vs IronHorse (1-7)

What great dark cloud of suck has befallen Joshuas IronHorse (2011 PPR Jungle Champion!), and Freds Devastators?! I know what theyre both thinking "I dont want to be last! Oh my god, end the pain!!" I really feel for them as I was in the same spot last season as Joshua this one. I won the league in 2010, and was drizzlin piece of crap in 2011. So that means....Freds Devastators win!

Broncos Of Doom (7-1) vs Dexual Healing (4-4)
Peyton Mannings Broncos have a great matchup, BUT Dexual Healings lineup finally begin to surge to 5-4

Dexters Healing has a great matchup with the Broncos Of Doom this week. Dionnes Broncos 151.04 Dexual Healing 143.98, but has Drew Brees and Alex Henery going. Presently 6:19 left in the 3rd quarter. I picked Dexter to win this one (not that its worth a tinkers damn).

Great game - I do not mind losing one like this.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Great week of games! My ape this years been like a soaring juggernaut and finally get 2 tough games in a row. Dionnes Broncs and Dexters Healing. You better believe they both would like to be the first one to put my hide on their wall.

The league this year couldnt be more up and down. Last place has 2 teams that have won 1 game apiece, and 1st place hasnt lost yet. Top six teams are me, Broncos Of Doom, Favre From Over, Dexual Healing, The Spudenators (Watch out for the season sleeper in tater!), and Hillbilly Handfishers believe it or not. I like homer teams, and they can be more resilient than what many give credit for.

I got Dionnes Broncos this week, and Aaron Rodgers is on a Bye. Thats ok though.....cause TONGOs gonna get homered up this week!!!

Dionne decided to start Andrew Luck tonight rather than use Peyton Manning. Im stunned. Luck had the easier matchup, but Im still surprised.

Quick picks for week 10, and the best dang song, and video Ive seen in years

Me vs Dionnes Broncos Of Doom has had a good start for me. Dionnes gonna kick himself for not playing Peyton. Luck, Rashad Jennings, and Vinateri got him 30.88 points. Thats not good Think Ill win this week.

Joshuas IronHorse is just so screwed. Sleezys Favres should win.

Bacons got the Gnomes beat.

Zeppellins and Hillbillies may have the matchup of the week. Dead even. Even though Macks got a losing record at 4-5, I think the squad just a lil bit sounder with talent, and the blimp should win.

My buddies Elliott (Absent Pigeon) and Fred (Devastators) face each other. Its just criminal but absentee Elliott will probably win. Freds made some right moves for his lineup though. Why not, Devastators win in the Upset Special Of The Week!

If I had to root for someone to win this league other than me, its Spud. Kents Spudracers have been bottom of the barrel for as long as the leagues started. This seasons different, and its a shame Dexter will probably beat him tomorrow. Sorry Spud, just too much gun.

Its weird being 9-0, and having a roster loaded to the gills. Ive a feeling though I wont win the league this year. The most powerful teams never have. If they had Fantasy Football would make sense.

Me vs Dionnes Broncos Of Doom has had a good start for me. Dionnes gonna kick himself for not playing Peyton. Luck, Rashad Jennings, and Vinateri got him 30.88 points. Thats not good Think Ill win this week.

Well looks like the QB choice did not make much of a difference, already had jennings set to go regardless and 10 points from any kicker is not that bad so all in all its some ofmy other players that are hurting me.

miller is gonna get 2 Tds tonight, plus some yardage - the Pitt d - its going to be great or piss poor and will be the difference.
So far it looks like Pittsburghs trying to find ways to cough up the ball. Game is young yet though....

Ah s#it! I knew it! I skipped doing a prediction and now I need 31 points out of Brandon Marshall (vs SF ) tonight against Dexters Healing to maintain my undefeated record. Karmaic payback.....

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
is there a separate thread for the playoffs?
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Hey! Welcome back. No this thread will have to do, and feel free to write something as Ive been lapse in the weekly predictions and such.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I am back in time to win yet another mofo league where no trophy or dvd booty is up for grabs.

Be afraid Rob, be very afraid.

It may happen! Youre the only one thats beat me, and Adrian Petersons getting stronger as the year wears on it seems. Rodgers is awesome, but has shown hes mortal. It will not surprise me whatsoever if its me and you in the final.

And this, they say, is why they play the game.

I never saw a fantasy team as formidable as mine this season in the Jungle. After acquiring Aaron Rodgers in the infamous Eli & Alf trade I looked truly unstoppable. Only Dexter I thought could cool my jets (not the Rex Ryan kind) and actually did handing me my only loss in the regular season. Dionnes Broncos, and Sleezys Favres looked like solid teams, but nothing that would dominate week in and week out

Back when I first got really involved playing in the MoFo league I had an epic spaz for them vetoing a trade that wouldve enabled a win for me one week (Mrs Darcy giving up Sproles and I coughed up Eli, hm......I trade him alot). Words were said, warnings were issued, neg reps given, but Dionne came in and calmed me and the whole situation down. Hes that kind of guy.

Like now Dionne never traded much, and turned down an offer I made for Peyton Manning which anyone else wouldve accepted. This was 3 or 4 years ago and he explained he had a strategy he was gonna stick to. He wanted to get Peyton Manning and all his supporting cast. Problem for Dionne each season is he could never get Peyton AND Reggie Wayne, but instead had Peyton, Dallas Clark, and a bunch of inconsistent Colts. His "Colts Of Doom" never made the playoffs.

2012 Dionnes wish finally came true, and at a much cheaper price tag. Owners wary of Peyton Manning in this years draft stayed away from him, and Dionne nabbed Peyton in the 4th after getting Megatron, Andre Johnson, and DeMarco "not his year" Murray. He then nabbed Willis McGahee, Eric Decker, Jacob Tamme, and even had Andrew Luck for "just in case". Did anyone hear that Megatron Johnson guy got more recieving yards than any WR in the history of the NFL this yuear?! Did you know thats great for PPR?!

For a season which exposed the inability to predict there was one prediction I made that came true. It was more of an observation of history. Each year theres usually a juggernaut squad in the league, but they rarely win the league. This year I was that juggernaut squad.

Matchup final score for the 2012 PPR Jungle Championship.....
TONGO 131.68
Broncos Of Doom 149.86

Congratulations Dionne! It shows the roots of success isnt in smarts, opportunity, or connections, but diligence. Your original strategy finally came to fruition!

Now you get to be commissioner next year

I hate you both and wish you nothing but ill will and bad tidings.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...