Silent Film Era Hall of Fame


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
And I will get my reviews all posted tomorrow. We all know how I love to take forever to post them. This was just the worst I have been with it (especially because I think I watched all of these within the first 2 weeks of this HoF starting! I am so lazy! ).

Anyway, hopefully I will hear from Destiny soon.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
The Crowd

There is a Jane Austen quote that I really like: Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings. That is essentially what this film was for me. While there are events that take place that are major in their lives, they are still nothing more than what many various people experience every day.

I think that is what I like most about this film. It really is just following the lives of these ordinary people. And it could easily be a boring film for me, but with the way that the story of their lives is told is what makes it interesting to me. I care about the characters and I want them to do well and be happy.

The acting, once again, is very good (I have always like Eleanor Boardman, anyway). And this is another film of King Vidor’s that I really liked. It is interesting to me that his films are somewhat known, but nobody really knows his name. He seems to be a forgotten director, which is a shame.

I’d seen this movie a long time ago. Glad to see it nominated here so I could see it again. But I think I am actually more glad that I actually found a way to watch it – and so did everyone else. I never would’ve thought that this film would’ve been so hard to obtain. Very good nomination, though.

WARNING: spoilers below
By the way, I just have to say it, I blame the parents entirely for what happened. How could they have done something so stupid? Yes, it was stupid what they were doing to get the girl’s attention. I just wanted to make mention of that. Not for any particular reason. I just felt like it

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Diary of a Lost Girl

I wasn’t 100% sure whether I had seen this one or not. But I remembered it as it went along. I particularly remembered the pharmacist. Could anyone be creepier, more repulsive and, basically, ickier? I never would’ve been anywhere near him to begin with no matter what!

Anyway, it is an interesting story. One that I think is a very familiar story, but I like the way that it plays out. Louise Brooks is very good in it. She is an actress that I have always liked. She’s another one that can convey what she is thinking/feeling just by the expression on her face. G. W. Pabst came up with some brilliant shots in this film and I loved the overall look of it.

If I had one negative thing to say about the picture, it would be that I think it was a little slow at times, but that really didn’t take away from the story itself. It was a good film and I enjoyed watching it again.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken

Truth be told, I’ve never been one of those people that is in love with this film. I have seen it a few times, actually, and I think I liked it a bit better than before, but I am just not that crazy about it. I guess I can see why people like it, but at the same time, I can’t see why they like it so much. Perhaps I am just stupid (I know some people might consider me to be so for my opinion, but I really couldn’t care less - just remember that everyone does have a right to their opinions).

The acting is fine. The overall look of the film is quite good. Where my problem lies is with the story itself.

First of all, I don’t really buy that this city girl is going to be so hooked on this country guy (even if, say, she’s using him in the end) that she hangs around and wants his wife killed for her.

Second, I can’t see how she could forgive him. I would probably be spending the rest of my life wondering what kind of nonsense he would pull with me in the future.

Third, the story of them just spending the day together is better that the murder plot aspect of it. I actually would’ve enjoyed the film a lot if it would’ve been just that. But while I understand that that part of it is being told because of the murder plot part of the story, it ruined it for me because the idea that he had it in his head to kill her is always hanging over the “happier” part of the story for me. I just don’t see this man suddenly falling in love with her all over again when just a little while earlier he was going to kill her.

I don’t know. Maybe my problem is that I’ve seen way too many episodes of “Dateline” to go along with the story that this film is telling.

WARNING: spoilers below
But as the story went the way that it did, I actually would’ve preferred that she hadn’t survived. I think I would’ve liked to have seen him have to feel the guilt of her dying in the end even if it wasn’t a death caused by his own hands. Yet, it still would’ve been his fault. Yes, I very much would've liked the very unhappy ending with this story. And I can say that my opinion would've changed quite a bit more had it ended that way.

I really do like the scene in the photo studio, though. That is a good one. But this just isn’t a movie that I like as much as others do.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
The Big Parade

I was not ignorant to the world of silent cinema growing up. I’d seen various Keaton – Chaplin – Lloyd films. I knew who the Keystone Cops and Fatty Arbuckle were. And my brothers would be very good at occasionally showing me horror films to scare me (for some reason the movies were scarier if the actors didn’t speak). But when I was about 11 – 12 years old I saw “The Big Parade”. There are some films, books, theatrical shows, et.c., that I love so much from the very first time that I experience them that they become somewhat of an obsession (for lack of a better word) of mine. Why a kid would become so infatuated with a film, I really don’t know. But I did, and I have only grown to love it more over the years.

I am a HUGE John Gilbert fan (it has always been incredibly absurd to me that he didn’t have much of a career beyond the silent era). I think he is an excellent actor. A natural one. Nothing over-the-top. He is one whose facial acting (which you all know I am a big fan of an actor who is able to master that) deserves very high praise (the scene with him in the shell hole with the German soldier is the standout to demonstrate what I love about him). I think he was just the right choice to play Jim Apperson.

Renee Adoree is just adorable in this film and is perfect as the peasant girl. And I am positively in love with the pairing of these two in here.

I personally think the film is a very good blend of comedy, drama, romance and war. I think the lightheartedness of the first half works well with the darker second half. I think it helps to make a stronger impact on the audience (especially for the audience at the time) of what these men int the film were going through. How drastically it all changed for them when war became a reality.

The war scenes are some of my all-time favorites. The realism and brutality is there, and King Vidor deserves big kudos for the excellent directorial job that he did on this film.

I love the movie. I just do. As I think I stated a little while ago in this HoF, I find this film to be very satisfying. And I think it is pretty good that this one still makes me feel so content after having seen it countless times. It is the sort of film that is very good for me to watch when I am feeling down. Not that it is a particularly upbeat story, but it is just that good of a movie to me.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken

Ha! Gary Cooper. At least that is who I always think of when I hear about “Wings” (which is funny because the part is so small). Well, I think about that and the incredibly cute Buddy Rogers (he’s almost so cute that it pains me to look at him – he was my grandmother’s big crush when she was a kid ).


This was one of the first silent films that I had seen after “The Big Parade” got me hooked onto them. It is one that I really enjoy whenever I have watched it. Even though it is a more serious picture, there are still those elements of fun that make this one enjoyable for me.

The acting is very well done and the battle scenes are all fantastic. William A. Wellman does a great job all around with the film. I am especially a fan of the Paris scene as the camera crosses the table (particularly the moment when it passes the two women to the next couple and the expressions of their faces as they look at those women – I get a kick out of it ).

But, oh, the twist towards the end. What happens then has always been a killer for me. It is the type of incident that frustrates me so much that it had to be a part of the story. It almost feels unfair to have to experience that in this film.

Still, excellent film, and I always like to watch it. I was wondering if someone was going to nominate it and I was glad to see that it was.

Care for some gopher?
So, we're down to only five movies?
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
So, we're down to only five movies?
Not too sure just yet. I will give Destiny a couple more days (I did PM her), but I have a feeling that it will be only 5, unfortunately.

I would have nominated a Clara Bow comedy.
Oh, you and your Clara Bow. Although I very easily could've made my second nomination another John Gilbert flick. I don't deny I am quite fond of that man.

I had 3 films that I considered for the second nomination. One was a comedy, one was horror and the other is dramatic, but I think it is sometimes considered horror (I don't personally consider it to be that, though). I won't say what any of them were in case either we have another silent HoF in the future or I decide to just nominate them in a different HoF.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I really flipped back and forth on what films to nominate for this Hof. I'd say I have a really strong 'short list' of noms for the next time. And if the next Silent Era Hof is small, that's fine, we can do two films per person

Not too sure just yet. I will give Destiny a couple more days (I did PM her), but I have a feeling that it will be only 5, unfortunately.
Hello! I'm sorry, but I just went through a few weeks of pure hell. Bad enough that this board was not on my mind one bit. I'm not finished watching them, and by now, I'd say everyone is over waiting. No worries on my end. It's life. I'm just happy that my horrific crisis is over. Nothing that I care to share . . . no offense. Let me know what you plan. I'll look back in tonight.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I was just coming in here to apologize for not revealing the results the other day and to let you know that I would be back on later today to do it for sure.
Let me know what you plan. I'll look back in tonight.
I'm sorry things haven't been too good lately. I understand. As of right now, besides your film, there would only be 5 movies to watch. How much more time do you think would you need to finish this?

I wouldn't care if there was one more extension, but I don't want it to be too long from now. Also, other than myself and raul, I don't know how anyone else would feel about it. So, if anyone has opinions, please let us know.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I'm just letting you guys know that if Destiny doesn't get back to us by tonight, I will post the results tomorrow.

I wouldn't be too upset if a little bit of extra time was needed for her to finish, but I also don't want to drag this out too much longer either if it isn't necessary to do so.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
for Sunrise? I wouldn't have forgiven even my mother!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.