MST3K: Anti-cinema?


speaking of which, your alter-ego's favourite films all have rape in the title.. lol
Nice catch. I have a shittier taste, myself. (Look at my new favorite movies)
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

It's worth noting that MST3K also skewered a few movies that were not "horror" or "sci-fi" (quotes are deliberate considering the quality of the movies), but from other genres.

Movies like Catalina Caper, The Wild Rebels, Daddy-O, and, the Hellcats were cheesy exploitation movies that got some sort of second life on late-night stoner TV. I've always thought that to truly appreciate a show like MST3K, you have to be of the mind to just turn your brain off for a couple hours. Regular life is full of challenges, questions and responsibilities. If stuff like this were not available, it would need to be invented.

Having spent some past time immersed in English literature, I have not doubt that old, stodgy books like Tom Jones, Shamela (a parody of Pamela) or The Female Husband existed back in the periwig times for exactly the same reason.

A lot of my family loves MST3K, and after asking around, the consensus for best movie they had on the show appears to be The Magic Sword.

It's not high cinema by any means, but it's certainly watchable and campy, with plenty of knights fighting monsters, beautiful women in distress, and Basil Rathbone hamming it up.

A lot of my family loves MST3K, and after asking around, the consensus for best movie they had on the show appears to be The Magic Sword.

It's not high cinema by any means, but it's certainly watchable and campy, with plenty of knights fighting monsters, beautiful women in distress, and Basil Rathbone hamming it up.

Best movie in the sense of highest quality, not "best" as in cult favorite of the series?

A lot of my family loves MST3K, and after asking around, the consensus for best movie they had on the show appears to be The Magic Sword.

It's not high cinema by any means, but it's certainly watchable and campy, with plenty of knights fighting monsters, beautiful women in distress, and Basil Rathbone hamming it up.

I'll have to check out that one. I see that I can stream it on Amazon Prime without the robot commentary.

Best movie in the sense of highest quality, not "best" as in cult favorite of the series?

Best as in "most watchable on its own, without MST3K"

If anyone's interested, iTunes has a cool MST3K bundle on sale, you get 12 titles for just $15!!