Animated Shorts Hall of Fame


it reminded me of the old Betty Boop and Felix the Cat cartoons that I watched as a kid.
Betty Boop and Cobweb Hotel are both Fleischer Cartoons Never watched a Felix cartoon and i don't believe Fleischer ever made any of them, maybe it's related to the Felix and Betty Boop comic-strips i'm really not familiar with Felix so just a guess.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Betty Boop and Cobweb Hotel are both Fleischer Cartoons Never watched a Felix cartoon and i don't believe Fleischer ever made any of them, maybe it's related to the Felix and Betty Boop comic-strips i'm really not familiar with Felix so just a guess.

I haven't watched any Betty Boop or Felix the Cat cartoons since I was a kid, so I don't remember them very well, I just kind of "flashed back" to them while I was watching "Cobweb Hotel", and I didn't know why. I thought maybe it was the music, but if they're both (or all) Fleischer Cartoons, I guess it could be something in the style of the animation.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Felix isn't a Fleischer Cartoon. Fleischer stopped making cartoons during the 40s and according to wiki the first Felix show wasn't til the 50s. The original silent felix shorts were made by Pat Sullivan (who co-created Felix) Studios. Betty Boop was created by Max Fleischer.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I haven't watched a Felix the Cat cartoon since I was a little kid, so I don't know much about them. All I remember is the "feeling" of the cartoons. We used to watch them in grade school (1st through 3rd grade) when it rained. We couldn't go outside and play in the playground after lunch, so we had to sit in the school's auditorium and watch cartoons. (Back then, when the cartoon was over, they would play it backwards to rewind it. )

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Woody Allen is a pedophille
The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
Solid Daffy cartoon. The highlights for me was the Dick Tracy parody towards the beginning and I loved the designs of some of the villains. Overall, this was a good short that I haven't seen in a while and enjoyed revisiting, but nothing to call home about.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
A Tale of Two Kitties
Not a big fan of this one. This is the only Looney Tunes nominated in this HoF that I hadn't yet seen, and it didn't really impress me. I found the main cat unbearably annoying, and had to turn my volume down every time he started screaming. The story got pretty repetitive, even for a 7 minute long short. Overall, didn't really impress me at all.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Little Rural Riding Hood
This is another one that I have not seen, and it wasn't really for me. I thought the the wolf was way too creepy, and that distracted me from enjoying the rest of the short. I thought that the city wolf trying to shut up the country wolf gags were funny, but they got a little old. Overall, not terrible, but not that great either.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Transylvania 6-5000
Another solid Tune. I remember watching this one on Halloween when some channel was playing a marathon of "spooky" cartoon episodes. I actually have a lot of nostalgia for this one, and as I started watching it I was remembering more and more about it. This is a great example of the short taking one gag (the abracadabra/hocus pocus one) and using it in different and unique ways each time instead of just repeating the same thing over and over like in other shorts, and I think this works because of Chuck Jones genius. Anyways, this was a solid nom.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Captain Hareblower
Solid short. The more I rewatch these Looney Tunes shorts the more I like Yosemite Sam. I don't know what it is about him, but I used to dislike him as a kid, but now I've grown to love him. I also like how at the end, Bugs got some sort of comeuppance. But yeah, solid short. Not much else to say.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
I'm trying to watch all of the shorts I have left now, then I'll send in my list. I make write-ups of them later. I just watched Danny and Annie and enjoyed it very much.

gbg always misses these things because she usually isn't on until it is late where i am, so i'm going to wait to midnight here (it's 9.30 here) since i'm not doing anything tomorrow anyway. Need to add Nopes scores then double check everything, i know the winner though.

Hopefully some of you will be still around for the reveal.

I've worked everything out. I'll post them at midnight GMT (around an hour and 40 minutes), hopefully some of you can make it. Will post two at a time, there's one tie. It will be a simple presentation like i did with the 11th here