The 29th Hall of Fame


@PHOENIX74, I'm really curious, are you running out of space? If you are, do you foresee yourself slowing down in terms of buying physical discs because of it? Or will you start taking inventory of what you actually want to keep (or start renting storage lockers somewhere?) Obvious question (sorry to ask)... do friends, family, SO's, dates think you have a hoarding problem or does it seem to have the sense of being this dedicated room for your collecting habits?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
So, just crunching the numbers there, every 2K of disc would be 6-7 bookcases (not an inconceivable number in a house). If Phoenix has been getting 2K/year for, let's say 5 years (and assuming they aren't getting rid of any), that's about 33 bookcases. Now, they said they just stack them in a room (it sounds like free standing, which I wasn't expecting), so that changes things a lot. But, um, 33 seems like a lot of book cases in my mind's eye.
If the bookcase is deep enough, (and if you have a system so you know where your DVDs are sorted on the shelves), you could put another row of DVDs in front of the DVDs and double the number of DVDs per shelf. (I usually put Funko Pops and other collectibles in front of my DVDs.)

I live in a one-bedroom co-op apartment, and I have five bookcases that size, (5-shelves), plus two bookcases with four shelves instead of five, plus one 3-shelf bookcase, three tall narrow DVD racks, and two short narrow DVD racks. Plus I still have several large boxes of DVDs that I haven't put on shelves yet.

I usually buy the DVDs when I find them at the right price, and then I worry about figuring out where to put them later. (But I sell stuff online, so I have a large off-site storage space where I keep my inventory, and that's where I keep the overflow DVDs until I find room for them.)

I will admit, even with streaming and 4K blu-rays, I'm still a little surprised regular blu-rays are going for that cheap (the ones I end up buying sure aren't.) But I'm not really going to places that sell other things that might have a bargain bin for movies.
Try garage sales and flea markets. You would be surprised at some of the great stuff you can get for cheap prices.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

For Phoenix:
I googled the term, it sounds like you need "Library Rolling Stack Shelving | Compact Book Stacks on Rails System," to help make sure your collection has the authentic collection vibe it probably warrants when people visit, as opposed to hoarding. It probably would cost a pretty penny, but it'd probably be pretty awesome once you have it. You could even come up with a cataloging system to keep track of where a movie should be stored. Maybe first each row would be by release date. Then by title, alphabetically within. That way you'd know where a movie should be (ignoring the movies released under multiple titles).

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I guess you could say I collect movies too. When I first starting getting into movies I bought DVD sets and found out that the limited room under my TV stand quickly filled up. That's when I switched to storing everything as .mp4 files. Depending on the size of the video file I can get a lot of movies onto a 4tb hdd. On average of 1gb per movie file that would be 4000 movies that could be stored. Though many of my movies are more in the 500mb size.

I hope you keep everything backed up.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Lockers as in similar to school lockers. I bought them in a sports store and they have the Dallas Cowboys logo on them.

I like that you have Martina McBride, Reba McEntire, and Tim McGraw DVDs. That shows that you have great taste in music.

I like that you have Martina McBride, Reba McEntire, and Tim McGraw DVDs. That shows that you have great taste in music.
Thanks. I also have Metallica, U2, Bon Jovi, Nickelback, Creed, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Pink and Coldplay dvds, amongst others.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Ah, so something that's on your premises.

Well, I'll say for @MovieGal, since I'm also an apartment dweller and space is really limited for me, I picked up some of these recently to extend the storage area for my collection:

They're stackable. I've stacked four of them on top of each other on top of my 40" high bookshelf as spillover. They seem space efficient. I'm not sure how many you can stack before you'd have to worry about them tipping over.

Unless you're moving your discs around, that's a pretty expensive way to store them. Take a look at the websites for stores like Walmart and Target. You can get smaller bookcases for the same price or cheaper, and they'll hold a lot more DVDs. They have a lot of inventory on their websites that they don't usually have in stock in the stores, and shipping is usually free if your order is over $35, which is usually easy to reach if one of your items is a bookcase, even if it's a small bookcase.

Just make sure that you're buying from the actual store, and not an outside seller who sells through their site. Look for where it says something like "Sold and shipped by" with the store's name.

I forgot the opening line.
I want to see pictures I don't know about anyone else but I'm fascinated by the description of all your movies.
I've often wanted to share recent purchases on MoFo - upper picture the last fortnight (sitting on the table), lower picture last couple of months (ready for sorting into sections - and displayed so I have fast access to those I meant to watch before losing sight of - double stacked against my 'prime' shelf' - I have three prime shelves that are reserved for places of honor. But I've run out of room and need a fourth. - and there's one shelf aside from those dedicated to Criterions) You'll see a small stack of around 12 movies to the upper right in the second picture - they're either new movies that are going to be added to the best spot on my prime shelves (it includes Raiders, Jaws etc, movies I reviewed for past Halls), and now have to wait to be reintegrated.

For those who want to peruse - (the titles on the bottom pic didn't come out as clear as I'd like.)

@PHOENIX74, I'm really curious, are you running out of space? If you are, do you foresee yourself slowing down in terms of buying physical discs because of it? Or will you start taking inventory of what you actually want to keep (or start renting storage lockers somewhere?) Obvious question (sorry to ask)... do friends, family, SO's, dates think you have a hoarding problem or does it seem to have the sense of being this dedicated room for your collecting habits?
Yes. That's a question that's becoming more of an urgent issue lately for me - it can't go on like this for much longer, so what do I do? Cull the DVDs I think really aren't worth having, or store them somewhere. At the end of the VHS era, a close friend of mine starting collecting them as they were sold off - and he filled his house much like I've done with DVDs. He set me off collecting as well, but during my last move I threw nearly all of my VHS tapes out (he wanted to go into a partnership with me hiring a storage locker, but the continual cost just for items I didn't value as much as him put me off.) I had around 3,000 VHS tapes by that time - which filled the entire volume (the entire volume solid) of a really big walk-in closet I had plus much other space. I don't see myself throwing all my DVDs and Blu-Rays out (the special features on them are valuable to me) - but I'm facing a situation where there's simply no choice. The physical space is going to make this very inconvenient.

To throw those VHS tapes out, I needed the cooperation of my local council, a few industrial sized bins they tow away on trucks.

Dates, new friends etc - well, it's a big talking point when they come over, but nobody has taken issue with me about it. I have a cousin who is a genuine hoarder, and the difference with me is I keep it all tidy, clean and ordered. You won't trip over DVDs at my pla....well, you will trip over DVDs, but what I'm saying is I don't have piles just sitting in a heap in the middle of rooms. They're stacked, orderly, and any laying around are just that way because I've watched them recently, or am about to.

In the end, I think I'm going to have to cull unimportant ones. Ones I can get easily streaming that have no special features.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I forgot the opening line.
@gbgoodies - I have those Greg Garrison The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show DVDs as well - along with his movies, and some other collections of the variety show :

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Thanks. I also have Metallica, U2, Bon Jovi, Nickelback, Creed, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Pink and Coldplay dvds, amongst others.

Well, some of it is good taste.

But Hubby likes some of the other artists that you have.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@gbgoodies - I have those Greg Garrison The Best of the Dean Martin Variety Show DVDs as well - along with his movies, and some other collections of the variety show :

I love The Dean Martin Variety Show. I also have some of his movies, including a box set of his Matt Helm movies. I also have a few DVDs of The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts, but not all of them.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I own less than 100 DVDs, but that's because I generally only buy films which I think I'll likely revisit.

I work at home, so my TV is almost always on. (I even sleep with the TV on.) My problem is usually that I can't decide what movie or TV show to put on because I have too many DVDs to choose from.

I work at home, so my TV is almost always on. (I even sleep with the TV on.) My problem is usually that I can't decide what movie or TV show to put on because I have too many DVDs to choose from.
Do you often rewatch movies? I don't do it as much as I use to, so I suppose that also plays a part in the amount of DVDs I own.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Do you often rewatch movies? I don't do it as much as I use to, so I suppose that also plays a part in the amount of DVDs I own.

Yes, some movies I watch a lot. There are few movies that I've seen so many times that they all get the same reaction when Hubby comes home and he sees me watching them again. "Are you watching that movie again?!"

The running joke when he comes home and turns it off to watch something else is, "Now I'll never know how that movie ends. "

I forgot the opening line.
I own less than 100 DVDs, but that's because I generally only buy films which I think I'll likely revisit.
One of the reasons I like DVDs and Blu-Rays so much is the added content, short docs about the films in question, commentaries and occasional booklets you get with them. Combined with what you can access online, and in actual books, it becomes another good tool to do research on a movie you might decide to have a close look at. I really enjoy watching films for the first time, but I also enjoy selecting a film I've already seen to kind of take it apart and see how it ticks.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I hope you keep everything backed up.
Yup double backed up on two 2tb external storage drives. Though I should re-back up as I've added more movies to my collection.

I've often wanted to share recent purchases on MoFo - upper picture the last fortnight (sitting on the table), lower picture last couple of months (ready for sorting into sections - and displayed so I have fast access to those I meant to watch before losing sight of - double stacked against my 'prime' shelf' - I have three prime shelves that are reserved for places of honor. But I've run out of room and need a fourth. - and there's one shelf aside from those dedicated to Criterions) You'll see a small stack of around 12 movies to the upper right in the second picture - they're either new movies that are going to be added to the best spot on my prime shelves (it includes Raiders, Jaws etc, movies I reviewed for past Halls), and now have to wait to be reintegrated.

For those who want to peruse - (the titles on the bottom pic didn't come out as clear as I'd like.)

thanks for the pics! Bonus points for Dean Martin's show DVDS...but what I really want to see is a wide angle shot like if you stood in the doorway and got as wide as angle as possible, pretty please,
I'll post pictures of all of my DVDS if you're willing to catalog them for me.
Oh no! I have my files organized by decades and by actors and actresses and by genre like sci fi, adventure, western, war, musical.

You're fine Any convo is good for an HoF thread.
Really?!? Let's talk about how great Mads is! Even in my nomination. LOL.

Just kidding 😂

I rewatched Tomboy on dvd today. Sensitively directed by the brilliant Céline Sciamma, Tomboy is a French coming of age drama about a 10 year old girl who passes herself off as a boy when her family moves to a new neighbourhood.

I love this film. The screenplay is really well written and tells the story in an interesting and effective way. The film touches upon potentially controversial or divisive subjects of gender and sexuality in a gentle, moving and intelligent way, without being preachy or manipulative. Zoé Héran's performance is fantastic in a very subtle and quiet way. She conveys a lot of emotion just with her face. This is one of my favourite child performances. The adorable Malonn Lévana is also wonderful as the little sister. All of the kids in this film feel real and believable.

There is a lot of heart and depth to this film. Tomboy is a beautiful and moving film that also manages to be compelling and entertaining at the same time. Céline Sciamma is my pick for the greatest female director working today. I've seen 4 of her films and I would recommend them all. Tomboy is, in my opinion, her best film.