Russian Language Hall of Fame


Let the night air cool you off
My Friend Ivan Lapshin

It's been 15 days since I watched this movie, but I haven't found the time to write anything up. It actually took two attempts to get through it. The first attempt was a couple days before the time I finished it. I watched about twenty minutes, and decided to cut it off. It just felt meandering and the overlapping dialogue was bothering me; I just couldn't focus on everything that needed focusing. I started it over a few days later with determination in my heart. Determination was not needed once the ball started rolling. I was actually drawn in a lot more than I thought I would be after the first try. I didn't realize that the fellow that directed this also directed Hard to be a God, or more likely, I did know but had forgotten. If I'd had that in mind the first time, I would have known what to expect. It's like Altman on Test 200. It's beautiful to look at, but can be maddening in how it flows without a traditional structure, like a paper boat rushing down a creek after a hard rain. It bobs from left to right, occasionally snagging a loose branch before being swept away again in the current. The pace isn't as fast as that, really, but the erratic motion is more how I feel. It doesn't seem to care if you keep up or not, especially if you have to read subtitles, like I think most if not all of us have to. Despite that, or because of it, the film really was able to strike an emotional nerve with me. Like the best Soviet cinema, there is a palpable sensation of doom looming. It looks gorgeous, but expect your feels to be tugged on from somewhere underneath and hidden and in a more existential way. Seeing the way those people are all packed in together and on top of each other just darkens the whole thing too. I really like this film.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Which ones do you need? Is it
My Friend Ivan Lapshin (1985) & Visitor of a Museum (1989)

I think you might like them both. Cosmic helped me out, but I didn't save the links. @CosmicRunaway

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yeah it's those two. I feel bad because it feels like I'm whining, but I really can't seem to get anything to work. The downloading subtitles thing really doesn't work on an iPad either at least when I tried.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah it's those two. I feel bad because it feels like I'm whining, but I really can't seem to get anything to work. The downloading subtitles thing really doesn't work on an iPad either at least when I tried.
I'm not expert, but some of the streaming sites allows you to upload a .SRT subtitle file, then you play the movie and you get English subs.

Weird is relative.
Yeah it's those two. I feel bad because it feels like I'm whining, but I really can't seem to get anything to work. The downloading subtitles thing really doesn't work on an iPad either at least when I tried.
I sent you a link for Visitor to a Museum.

I hardcoded subtitles onto copies of Ivan Lapshin and Visitor of a Museum for Raul, so hopefully they'll work for him now. If anyone still needs access to those films, PM me your gmail address and I'll forward them to you as well. They're the same copies I had previously found on Vimeo and Youtube, just with subtitles permanently added (so they do not require adding your own separate subtitle files).

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Stalker (1979)

Second run on Stalker, same reacting. One of the most mind challenging films I've ever seen and one that keeps inside your head longer than anything I've ever watched.
It's visually stunning and so freaking poetic! There's many things I understood in a different way since last time I watched it and others I felt someday I'd understand better. It's one of those films that requires a kind of maturity to fully appreciate.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Solaris (1972)

So... not sure what to think of this. I think I loved it, but Tarkovsky has this way of making me totally depressed and with no energy after his films. It happened in every single one of his films I watched so far and Solaris is no exception.

I felt kind of lost during the first part cause I was not sure about what the story had the intention to portrait. I understand that it is necessary so we can understand the main's character in a better way, though, so in that sense I liked the continuous feeling of depression and unwillingness to live (at least I interpreted that way)
Then it became more and more interesting when they get to the ship. The fact that the corridors and most of the rooms are almost always empty and silent contributes to the general feeling of the film.
The pacing is so slow that it gets almost excruciating (in a good way), like Tarkovsky is forcing the viewer to reflect on his own past even if the memories are not happy.
Hari is a great character, as well as Kevin, but I think this film is about something more important than all the characters taking part in the story. It has the ability to transform into something personal to each viewer, like every piece of great art.

Just a though: 2001: A Space Odyssey kept coming to my mind while watching this. Will not say if it's a better film or worse, don't know, don't care. But the two films may complete each other on a combined vision of humanity's past and future, delivered by two absolute masters of cinema.


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Visitor to a Museum

A very interesting desolate and hellish world is created by the director here. The setting is very haunting and gives off an eerie vibe in this post apocalyptic world. I very much enjoyed the scenery with the mountain of trash, the fire in the windows, and the sea and it's storms. I will also say I was pretty engaged in what was going on in the first half. The movie then seems to take a Lynchian turn and disengages me. I began to wonder what was really going on. I guess it really didn't matter because I seemed to care less and less. Overall, it does a lot of things well, it just doesn't keep it up and follow through. Some scenes near the end seemed a bit dragging which takes down my overall view of the film as well. Still, an interesting nom.

“I was cured, all right!”
I'm very busy this week with college, many tests, and October is the busiest in my job. I make tombstones, in anticipation of the Day of the Dead (September 2), there comes much service. So, this week I'll not be able to see more movies, but next week I'll take the time to finish this HoF. Only one missing! Cosmic kindly provided me Ivan Lapshin with English Subs!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Visitor to a Museum

...I very much enjoyed the scenery with the mountain of trash, the fire in the windows, and the sea and it's storms. I will also say I was pretty engaged in what was going on in the first half.

The movie then seems to take a Lynchian turn and disengages me. I began to wonder what was really going on. I guess it really didn't matter because I seemed to care less and less...
Exactly how I felt about the movie. The ending didn't do much for me, but I loved the fire and the trash. Don't know why sci-fis always have lots of trash in the future

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm be looking to watch Ivan on Monday or Tuesday and then that's a wrap from me
I'd suggest reading about Ivan, before watching it. I was confused what was going on, but had I read a little about it, I might have gotten more out of the film.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I've already watch Ivan Lapshin and Leviathan. I'm really tired so won't write nothing about them tonight (also reallyconcerned about elections on Brazil, so can't focus). Just to let everyone know that I've only one watch to go and I'll finish this before the deadline.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
My Friend Ivan Lapshin

I liked this well enough. It's supported by a very good screenplay in my opinion. The dialogue and the subtitles are easy to follow and flow real well with the film. The highlight of the film is the tremendous camerawork for me, as well as the film having quite a bit of incredibly looking shots. I guess I wasn't completely drawn to the characters but I certainly cared enough about them that it didn't put a damper in the filmwatching. It's a shame that I don't really have a lot to say for the film, but I am glad I saw it and it seems like a worthy contender in this Hall of Fame.

“I was cured, all right!”
Brazil has been on fire lately. Elections and their repercussions are going crazy here, I have not watched Ivan yet, I'm going to watch (finally huh?) tonight or tomorrow (it's a holiday)! I'll send my list monday morning, is that okay? If not, let me know and I'll find a way!