The PPR Jungle


....and it is done.

Before Eli Manning could unpack his bags I traded Eli & Alfred Morris to Joshua/IronHorse for Aaron Rodgers.

Oh yeah!

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Iron Horse is a twit.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Iron Horse is a twit.
Youre just cranky cause I wouldnt give up Ray Rice for Brees. IronHorse won the league last year yknow.

I just watched this show about Fantasy cracked me up!

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Youre just cranky cause I wouldnt give up Ray Rice for Brees. IronHorse won the league last year yknow.
then he ought to know better than to trade Rodgers for Eli.

thats crazytown.

Well hes not trading Rodgers for Eli, hes trading for Eli & Alfred Morris. I would of coughed up Bradshaw and his handcuff Brown instead, but he wanted Morris.

What's that show? Please...I saw it for about 15 minutes on cable...stuffed if I now the name of the program????

It's about fantasy baseball...Yoda should know..

What's that show? Please...I saw it for about 15 minutes on cable...stuffed if I now the name of the program????

It's about fantasy baseball...Yoda should know..
Youre in the wrong thread. Go to the thread with the words "Fantasy Baseball" in it. Dont know what youre talking about in regards to your program.

End Of 1st Quarter

Week 5 Predictions

TONGO (4-0) vs The Spudenators (2-2)
Spuds finally got a winning team, and his total points earned are 2nd highest in the league. Im first. Spuds team is no joke, and plenty of upside potential in all slots. The only thing ailing him now is Steven Jackson groin, and the fact McFaddens on a bye this week. That should make the difference since Ive all my starters, and theyre healthy. -crosses fingers, throws salt- TONGOs' voodoo works and goes 5-0

Hillbilly Handfisher (3-1) vs Broncos Of Doom (3-1)
Dayum. This ones gonna be close as hell. I can see every position matchup on both squads being of equal worth due to matchups, touches, or targets.

This is a common cop-out I make when guessing the outcome of Dionnes Peyton Manning & his Super Friends squads (this isnt his first as hes grabbed up alot of Colt players in previous seasons), and judge who Denvers going up against. New England. Peyton Mannings & Dionnes Broncos slay the Brady Bunch

I Love Bacon (2-2) vs Zeppelins (2-2)
All of PWs Bacon crew QBs (Stafford/Palmer), and Tight Ends (Pettigrew) are on Byes, he will have to resort to waivers, but whatever on waivers wont overcome Macks Zepps Matt Ryan & Julio Jones ripping up on Washingtons awful pass defense. Zeppelins keep floating up

IronHorse (0-4) vs Angry Gnomes (0-4)
Joshuas Horse has been on its arse, but finally has sealed his RB holes. Devorah must be hungry to get her first win too. She'll need to do some roster management, but her Mark Sanchez will be chewed up vs Houston, and IronHorse rides Eli over the gnome sized Cleveland Browns, and gets his first win

Devastators (0-4) vs Favre From Over (3-1)
Poor Fred. His Devastators havent done anything so far, but now Forte might be returning. Sleezy on the other hand is putting stock in Andy Dalton, AJ Green, and Andrew Hawkins. Dipping one too many times into the Cincinatti well?! Nah! Bengals are playing Miami, and should win big

-Just envision a picture of Brett Favre in a Bengals helmet right here-

Super Pigeon (3-1) vs Dexual Healing (2-2)
Both squads are tough, and have the juice to win it all long term. IF Elliott does some roster management this could be close. Dexter does his chores, and plucks the pigeon for dinner.

You have cursed me again - lol see If I can overcome it this time.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Unless Macks just waiting to the last minute to slot in Trent Richardson over Kevin Smith I have to change my prediction to PWs I Love Bacon winning.

The Bye police never sleep.

Oh, don't worry. I'm sure she'll slot some no name hack at the last second who will then score almost 30 points.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Ha! You called it! She snaked Trent Richardson in at the last minute. Thats just mean.

Fred (Devastators) is 0-5 in our league, and in his little 8 team league hes 0-5 too. What a horrible card to be dealt. Poor Fred.

Im 5-0, and my Jungle TONGO team was holeless till Amendola went out for 2 months. My bench was/is crap so at least Ill have a slot to play with now each week.

Though my roster looks absurdly strong I dont think Ill go undefeated. Theres 2 roadblocks I forsee. One is Tims team Dexual Healing. Truly loaded to the gills, and the other is, of all teams, Hillbilly Handfisher who gets me here in week 6.

Aaron Rodgers @ Houston, Victor Cruz & Ahmad Bradshaw @ San Fran, Jason Witten @ Baltimore, Amendolas on the mend, and Brandon Marshalls on a bye. Who the hell are Kendall Wright and Jeremy Kerley?! Well Ill be playing them.

Tough trying to decide to sit Mendenhall or not. I am hearing good things about the touches he may get tonight, but just not sure. I think it is a toss up for my flex spot between him and Decker - I actually get to see the game tonight which makes me biased.

Late & Lazy Week 6 Predictions

Imagine if you will, a dominant lean mean fantasy football machine. Aaron Rodgers, Ray Rice, Ahmad Bradshaw, Victor Cruz, Brandon Marshall, Jason Witten with half a spleen, and Houston too!

Then Week 6 comes around and it gets its ass kicked by this team

Im so unsure of my matchups that Im waffling Aaron Rodgers @ Houston or Schaub.

Sorry to Sleezy as I feel Dexual Healing will make the Favres "feel used" afterwards.


The Bacon versus the Spud!!!!

I cant believe Im saying this, but The Spudenators will win.


Sorry to Joshuas IronHorse as the Broncos Of Doom will be made of sterner stuff.


Zeppellins vs Devastators. Poor Fred.


Pigeons fly away with red gnome caps on their heads, plus some gnome lunch money. Wow that was weak

In the Beginning...
Sorry to Sleezy as I feel Dexual Healing will make the Favres "feel used" afterwards.
That's okay. I'm pretty sure the Ravens are going to make Tony Romo feel used on Sunday, too. And that's always fun.