Movies you couldn't even finish.


Trouble with a capital "T"
i think it's very interesting that you can watch something you don't like 3 times. For me, I can watch something that's exciting/alluring once even if I don't like it, but then i'll probably never watch it again unless someone wanted to watch it with me. Of course, with the passage of time my opinions change about things, but with arsenic and old lace i actually tried to watch it twice. The first time, i got through about 15 minutes of it and was like "i've missed so much of what they said..." then rewound the tape and did other stuff, then i watched around 1.5 hours of it and still didn't find the movie to be worth finishing.
Yeah, that was the case for me, it was nominated in a couple of HoFs after I had watched it. I don't hate it, but as much as I like old movies, even old screwball movies, I just didn't like it much.

I've seen that film three times, and still don't like it. It's well made but just not my thing. And I do like slapstick per say.
This just brought back an old memory: Arsenic & Old Lace was the last live theater performance I took my parents to (at a local place called the Villagers Theater).

My father was beginning to experience dementia and during the intermission he asked, "Can we leave now?"
I had to explain the play was only half over.
He said, "You mean we have to go back in there? There's MORE of this???"

It's just funny because he felt it was a play he had no desire to finish seeing either!

Trouble with a capital "T"
This just brought back an old memory: Arsenic & Old Lace was the last live theater performance I took my parents to (at a local place called the Villagers Theater).

My father was beginning to experience dementia and during the intermission he asked, "Can we leave now?"
I had to explain the play was only half over.
He said, "You mean we have to go back in there? There's MORE of this???"

It's just funny because he felt it was a play he had no desire to finish seeing either!
I'm glad you can look back at that as a funny moment...I can almost picture it. Did you enjoy the play? I could see a live play of Arsenic & Old Lace being a fun theater experience.

Tried to watch Santa Inc. out of morbid curiosity. Got an episode or two in and bailed.

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This just brought back an old memory: Arsenic & Old Lace was the last live theater performance I took my parents to (at a local place called the Villagers Theater).

My father was beginning to experience dementia and during the intermission he asked, "Can we leave now?"
I had to explain the play was only half over.
He said, "You mean we have to go back in there? There's MORE of this???"

It's just funny because he felt it was a play he had no desire to finish seeing either!

i'm glad i have a lot in common with someone who has dementia! How flattering!

i'm glad i have a lot in common with someone who has dementia! How flattering!
Rest easy, Cringe, my dad was pretty much like that before the dementia.

He was always short on patience and wanted to move on to the next thing.

(The only dementia part was that he didn't realize the play wasn't over, but I think even in his younger days he would have had enough by intermission time and want to leave!)

I'm glad you can look back at that as a funny moment...I can almost picture it. Did you enjoy the play? I could see a live play of Arsenic & Old Lace being a fun theater experience.
I remember the play was well done - most at that theater that I saw (which were only a few) were always good.

Of course, there was the uncle (in the story) who thought he was Teddy Roosevelt yelling "charge!" running up the stairs - and they had a set of stairs constructed for the play so he could run up them!

I'm not sure if my memory is effected because of my parents & my father's desire to leave, but I seem to remember one problem was that it was overly long (especially with an intermission). But then, I kind of feel that way about most entertainment that exceeds 2 hours being stuck in one place.

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I remember the play was well done - most at that theater that I saw (which were only a few) were always good.

Of course, there was the uncle (in the story) who thought he was Teddy Roosevelt yelling "charge!" running up the stairs - and they had a set of stairs constructed for the play so he could run up them!

I'm not sure if my memory is effected because of my parents & my father's desire to leave, but I seem to remember one problem was that it was overly long (especially with an intermission). But then, I kind of feel that way about most entertainment that exceeds 2 hours being stuck in one place.

the teddy roosevelt character was great, but i feel like the writers failed to make the most of the full two hours...i've notived it's hard to make a good 2 hour movie, "Come and See" was certainly better than than "Arsenic and Old Lace", but i feel like certain parts of both felt a little dull and unnecessary.

I knew I was doing it wrong when I was watching this film and made it to the credits. But sometimes, morbid curiosity keeps you watching. NOTE: credit to Neil Patrick Harris for having fun with his role.

I knew I was doing it wrong when I was watching this film and made it to the credits. But sometimes, morbid curiosity keeps you watching. NOTE: credit to Neil Patrick Harris for having fun with his role.
i didnt like it at all i only watched 45 mins meh.

Moulin Rouge (2001)

What a bunch of glittery/distracting nonsense. A disgrace to the bohemian thing...
I hated it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Moulin Rouge (2001)

What a bunch of glittery/distracting nonsense. A disgrace to the bohemian thing...
I've tried watching that twice and shut it off twice. I can't phantom the modern soundtrack with a period piece brain just says no way!

I've tried watching that twice and shut it off twice. I can't phantom the modern soundtrack with a period piece brain just says no way!
I have always had trouble making it through this movie (one of the few I turned off before it ended - although I did watch the end at a later date - and the end is a bummer - real Shakespearean-type tragedy stuff.)

I did like parts of it though - like the song compilation-amalgamation atop the elephant. The way a variety of songs were weaved together into a unique, single medley was kind of brilliant... and how the characters were kind of conversing using lines of popular songs.

I thought it would've been interesting if the entire movie (or an entire movie) was done in this style consistently throughout - where one known song seamlessly blended into another creating a new single song made up of recognizable tunes.

It would have made it unique yet sticking to one theme (and also a huge creative undertaking to blend dozens or hundreds of songs into an operatic amalgam), rather than just throwing the amalgamation part in randomly while also having entire known songs done throughout the film.

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Dead Presidents (1995)

i really hate this because it has that feeling like it's almost a good movie. If i had to rate it, it would have to be
, reminds me so much of "A Promising Young Woman" in this regard...i feel like the script writers just read some books about the 1960's and just said "i know what it was like back then!" or something. If they were really in the **** of that time period, well, they could have have made the movie shorter.

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Batman and Robin (1997)

significantly worse than every other batman movie i've seen, it's not even a movie it's just theatre jibber jabber essentially