The Top 10 Films of All Time


I must become Caligari..!
Thanks Lord. It means alot
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

In no order.

The big lebowski.
Cool hand luke.
Sling blade.
The sherilee(excuse spelling)
lock stock and two smoking barrels.
star wars,Return of the jedi.
Happy gilmore.

I must become Caligari..!
1. Pulp Fiction (1994)

"Awwww I Shot Marvin"

2. Chinatown (1974)

3. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

4. Apocalypse Now (1979)

5. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)

6. The Maltese Falcon (1941)

7. Clerks (1994)

8. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (1966)

9. The Outsiders (1983)

10. Bladerunner (1982)

10. The Godfather

9. The Bridge on the River Kwai

8. Glory

7. Saving Private Ryan

6. Braveheart

5. Sunset Blvd.

4. The Pianist

3. Akira

2. Princess Mononoke

1. (Reserved for The Last Samurai ) But ill give it to LA Confidential now.

As you can tell I really like war movies and anime.

Registered User
1. The Big Lowbowski
2. This is Spinal Tap
3. Pulp Fiction
4. The Man Who Wasnt There
5. Psyco
6. The Maltese Falcon
7. LA Confidential
8. Browns Requeum
9. The Man Without A Past
10. The Experiment

Shake well before opening.
God, i hate making decisions on stuff like this. I'll probly leave some out but the ten best films in no order.....

Royal tenenbaums
8 1/2
seven samurai
leon the proffesional
pulp fiction
fight club
american beauty

i tried......

Only for the weak
Pulp Fiction
Apocalypse Now
American Beauty
The Godfather
Saving Private Ryan
The Shawshank Redemption

Notable mentions to: Carlitos Way, Tombstone, Platoon, Donnie Brasco, Reservoir Dogs, and Bram Strokers Dracula


01. Lawrence of Arabia [Lean | 1962]
02. The Hidden Fortress [Kurosawa | 1958]
03. Pulp Fiction [Tarantino | 1994]
04. Casablanca [Curtiz | 1942]
05. M*A*S*H [Altman | 1970]
06. Fargo [Coen | 1996]
07. The Talented Mr. Ripley [Minghella | 1999]
08. Monsieur Hire [Leconte | 1989]
09. The Seven Samurai [Kurosawa | 1954]
10. Amadeus [Forman | 1984]
11. The Godfather [Coppola | 1972]
12. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly [Leone | 1966]
13. American Psycho [Harron | 2000]
14. Taxi Driver [Scorsese | 1976]
15. Rashômon [Kurosawa | 1950]
16. Magnolia [Anderson | 1999]
17. La Ronde [Ophüls | 1950]
18. Apocalypse Now [Coppola | 1979]
19. Singin' in the Rain [Kelly & Donen | 1952]
20. Blade Runner [Scott | 1982]

Do you know my poetry?
1.Pulp Fiction {1994, Quentin Tarantino}
2.The Empire Strikes Back {1980, George Lucas}
3.Back To The Future {1985, Robert Zemickis}
4.Magnolia {1999, Paul Thomas Anderson}
5.The Matrix Reloaded {2003, The Wachowski Brothers}
6.The Terminator {1984, James Cameron}
7.Chasing Amy {1997, Kevin Smith}
8.The Producers {1968, Mel Brooks}
9.Superman {1978, Richard Donner}
10.Forrest Gump {1994, Robert Zemickis}

humdeedumdehum lets see here now, i gotta get this straight... just a little push.... and.... there...

a buncha movies i watchalot and rilly rilly reeeeally like and love a whole lot every single time i watch them even though the times have been many and the going not always easy and the many dizzying and incongruous lists their typing a grueling repetative task that wears down my weary soul to a little narrow splinter--ouch, damned splintery desk poked my finger!

vengeance is mine
lawrence of arabia [cadabra]
sherlock, jr.
the 5,000 fingers of dr. t.
steamboat bill, jr.
tetsuo: the iron man
tokyo fist
tale of tales

eh, about half of those i'm not rally shore of nemore they just seem to come up a lot. mebe not the "greatest" but just the "lines' favorites" [first in lines, if you will....giggle giggle hah-ha] would be more accurate.

here's another possible list this one a bit more pretentious maybe but no less accurate

the seventh seal
aguirre the wrath of god
the ballad of narayama
modern times [dude!]
sunset blvd.
seven samurai
horus: the little norse prince
seven beauties
tokyo story