HK's 100 Favourites... Kinda

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When I hear people say they don't like Lynch, I always ask if they've seen this or The Elephant Man. Obviously The Elephant Man is still a little odd or off-putting for some, but The Straight Story is as harmless and good natured a film as you'll ever find. That said, it's still recognisably Lynch.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
For a good few years now, I've said that anyone who doesn't like this film is someone I don't need to know.
Well The Straight Story was not my guess, although it probably should have been as you recommended it to me a while back, and I also just came across that line of yours a day or two ago in an old thread. Did tape it at the time you recommended it but not watched it yet

Taxi Driver is in my Top 5 as well. I've never seen The Straight Story, but I'll be sure to get around to it as I continue to explore Lynch
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

4. The Straight Story

With all the guessing going on, I'm a little surprised no one said this.

For a good few years now, I've said that anyone who doesn't like this film is someone I don't need to know. While that might not be true, I believe the sentiment is true, as I really can't see how anyone even remotely human can't help but love this film. Can't help but get emotionally involved with Alvin and his journey to reach his brother. Why he's going, how he's getting there and the people he meets on the way. The Straight Story is the film that keeps on giving. The film is life's journey and is as deep, introspective and philosophical as you want it to be. If you want to watch a true story, you can. If you want to watch a simple story, you can. If you want to watch a film that can prompt you to ask yourself the most profound questions anyone can ask themselves, well, The Straight Story can do that too.
OMG how come I haven't seen this movie I am off to find it right now weeeeell when I finish work
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Yes, go and find a copy, nebs. I'll be stunned if you don't like it.

3. Charlie's Angels

So it didn't quite make the number 1 spot, but I think it's obvious how much I love this film. Y'know Drew Barrymore's in this, right? What else do I need to say? Well, I can say a bit more, I guess. Firstly, I'm a huge fan of the TV series, so I'd have seen this even if Ms. Barrymore hadn't been in it. Secondly, have you seen how good she looks in this? OMG. It may be as good as she's ever looked (though there'd have to be a play-off between the "racing pits/Limo" scene and the "Great Gatsby Party" in Fever Pitch for the overall title. ) I'd also point out that Charlie's Angels is, actually, a very good summer popcorn action movie. Loud and fast with lots of action and little in the way of plot beyond what you're seeing onscreen. It has some great set pieces (the first fight with "Creepy Thin Man" being one of my favourites) and most importantly, unlike its sequel, the bits inbetween linking them are good too. Apart from the Drew factor, you also get a wonderfully charasmatic performance from Sam Rockwell, Bill Murray being Bill Murray, Tim Curry being Tim Curry, a wonderfully sunny Cameron Diaz and the third film starring Kelly Lynch on this list.

2. Gone With The Wind

I didn't start to love this until the third or fourth viewing. I'm not sure what it was about that one. Maybe it was because I'd been decorating all day and was in a freshly decorated room and, completely exhausted, just let the film wash over me and do its magic. Maybe it was because I was watching it at night? For some reason, I often enjoy watching a film more at night that I do during the day. Maybe it just took three or four viewings for me to go from liking it to loving it. Whatever it was, this was the viewing that put it on this list. Not this highly, of course, that's come with a good few more viewings, each better than the last. Classic. Epic.

1. Jaws

My number one film is the Spielberg classic. Forget Schindler, this is his masterpiece. I first saw Jaws when I was 8. It was the second film we saw on my friend's video (the one who rented Convoy) and we all huddled in his front room to watch it. We loved it and I couldn't wait to rent it myself and watch it again. And I did. Again, and again, and again and this has remained a favourite ever since. I used to fight a lone battle against the haters with this, but sometime in the mid/late 90's that began to change. Maybe they grew up or maybe the opinion of the new generation took precedence. It's a great film, but it's once they take to sea that this film is elevated beyond everything else, for me. That's the heart of this film and I'll be forever thankful that Bruce hardly ever worked. How different things could've been.

Whatever the case, I feel that, for the first time in a long time (maybe ever) I have a number one film that I know I'm not alone in loving.

Well, that's my top 100... kinda. Thank you for all the comments, posts, rep and just for taking an interest and reading what I was able to cobble together from my befuddled mind.

For those who've asked, yes, I've decided that I'll start adding those films that were cut from the list or were considered. Plus those I forgot about and would've made it.

Jaws, GWTW - great. Charlie's Angels - fantastic, dude. Not for the quality (I haven't seen it), but for being so damn fearless and standing so firmly out from the crowd. Your whole list has been the same, and a very entertaining read too I might add. Plus I got a whole bunch more to add to my watch list.

Cheers, Skepsis. Glad you've enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the films you've added.

Which did you add, BTW?

For those who'd like to rate my 100 themselves, here they are.

1. Jaws (1975)
2. Gone With The Wind (1939)
3. Charlie's Angels (2000)
4. The Straight Story (1999)
5. Taxi Driver (1975)

6. Goodfellas (1990)
7. Death Race 2000 (1977)
8. Enter The Dragon (1973)
9. Man Bites Dog (1992)
10. Interview With The Vampire (1994)

11. Chinatown (1974)
12. The Battle Of Britain (1969)
13. The Warriors (1979)
14. Citizen Kane (1941)
15. For Your Height Only (1981)

16. Chopper (2000)
17. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
18. The Long Good Friday (1980)
19. Die Hard (1988)
20. Near Dark (1987)

21. The Godfather (1971)
22. Fever Pitch/The Perfect Catch (2004)
23. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (1997)
24. Over The Edge (1979)
25. The Taking Of Pelham One, Two, Three (1974)

26. The Doors (1991)
27. The Hitcher (1986)
28. The Way Of The Gun (2000)
29. J.F.K. (1991)
30. Scream (1996)

31. In The Shadow Of The Moon (2007)
32. Little Women (1994)
33. Leon (1994)
34. Scarface (1983)
35. Top Gun (1986)

36. 50 First Dates (2004)
37. La Reine Margot (1994)
38. The Breakfast Club (1985)
39. First Blood (1982)
40. The Usual Suspects (1995)

41. Point Break (1991)
42. All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
43. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)
44. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
45. Flesh + Blood (1985)

46. Bull Durham (1988)
47. The Remains Of The Day (1993)
48. Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
49. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998)
50. Clueless (1995)

51. Rollerball (1975)
52. Pulp Fiction (1994)
53. Ed Wood (1994)
54. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
55. Donnie Brasco (1997)

56. Psycho (1960)
57. Seven Samurai (1954)
58. Miller's Crossing (1990)
59. The Big Lebowski (1998)
60. Unforgiven (1992)

61. The Empire Strikes Back (1979)
62. The Cruel Sea (1954)
63. All About Eve (1950)
64. Picnic At Hanging Rock (1974)
65. Das Boot (1981)

66. Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
67. Slacker (1991)
68. Natural Born Killers (1994)
69. Double Indemnity (1944)
70. All The President's Men (1976)

71. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
72. Convoy (1978)
73. Duck Soup (1933)
74. Monster's Inc (2001)
75. Three Colours: Blue (1993)

76. The Killer (1989)
77. Amelie (2001)
78. Foxy Brown (1974)
79. An American Werewolf In London (1981)
80. Pump Up The Volume (1990)

81. Good Will Hunting (1997)
82. Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)
83. Coffy (1973)
84. Logan's Run (1976)
85. Ginger Snaps (2000)

86. Dolores Clairborne (1993)
87. Manhunter (1986)
88. Blood Feast (1960)
89. Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind (2001)
90. The Haunting (1963)

91. Jean Du Florette (1987)
92. Les Diabolique (1955)
93. Halloween (1978)
94. Se7en (1995)
95. The Thing (1981)

96. Before Sunrise (1995)
97. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (2003)
98. Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
99. Roadhouse (1988)
100. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Congrats on finishing your list, its certainly a great one. I especially like your top ten, and it reminds me to see The Straight Story.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
1. Jaws (1975)

2. Gone With The Wind (1939)
3. Charlie's Angels (2000)

4. The Straight Story (1999)
5. Taxi Driver (1975)

6. Goodfellas (1990)

7. Death Race 2000 (1977)
8. Enter The Dragon (1973)

9. Man Bites Dog (1992)
10. Interview With The Vampire (1994)

11. Chinatown (1974)

12. The Battle Of Britain (1969)
13. The Warriors (1979)

14. Citizen Kane (1941)

15. For Your Height Only (1981)

16. Chopper (2000)
17. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)

18. The Long Good Friday (1980)
19. Die Hard (1988)

20. Near Dark (1987)

21. The Godfather (1972)
22. Fever Pitch/The Perfect Catch (2004)

23. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (1997)

24. Over The Edge (1979)
25. The Taking Of Pelham One, Two, Three (1974)

26. The Doors (1991)
27. The Hitcher (1986)
28. The Way Of The Gun (2000)
29. J.F.K. (1991)

30. Scream (1996)

31. In The Shadow Of The Moon (2007)
32. Little Women (1994)
33. Leon (1994)

34. Scarface (1983)

35. Top Gun (1986)

36. 50 First Dates (2004)

37. La Reine Margot (1994)
38. The Breakfast Club (1985)
39. First Blood (1982)
40. The Usual Suspects (1995)

41. Point Break (1991)

42. All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
43. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)
44. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

45. Flesh + Blood (1985)

46. Bull Durham (1988)
47. The Remains Of The Day (1993)
48. Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
49. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998)

50. Clueless (1995)

51. Rollerball (1975)
52. Pulp Fiction (1994)

53. Ed Wood (1994)
54. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
55. Donnie Brasco (1997)

56. Psycho (1960)

57. Seven Samurai (1954)

58. Miller's Crossing (1990)

59. The Big Lebowski (1998)

60. Unforgiven (1992)

61. The Empire Strikes Back (1979)

62. The Cruel Sea (1954)
63. All About Eve (1950)
64. Picnic At Hanging Rock (1974)
65. Das Boot (1981)

66. Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
67. Slacker (1991)
68. Natural Born Killers (1994)

69. Double Indemnity (1944)
70. All The President's Men (1976)

71. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
72. Convoy (1978)

73. Duck Soup (1933)
74. Monster's Inc (2001)

75. Three Colours: Blue (1993)

76. The Killer (1989)
77. Amelie (2001)
78. Foxy Brown (1974)
79. An American Werewolf In London (1981)
80. Pump Up The Volume (1990)

81. Good Will Hunting (1997)

82. Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)
83. Coffy (1973)
84. Logan's Run (1976)
85. Ginger Snaps (2000)

86. Dolores Clairborne (1993)
87. Manhunter (1986)
88. Blood Feast (1960)
89. Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind (2001)
90. The Haunting (1963)

91. Jean Du Florette (1987)
92. Les Diabolique (1955)
93. Halloween (1978)
94. Se7en (1995)

95. The Thing (1981)

96. Before Sunrise (1995)
97. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (2003)
98. Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
99. Roadhouse (1988)
100. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

I promised to rate your list, so here it is.

1. Jaws (1975)

2. Gone With The Wind (1939)

3. Charlie's Angels (2000)

4. The Straight Story (1999)
5. Taxi Driver (1975)

6. Goodfellas (1990)

7. Death Race 2000 (1977)
8. Enter The Dragon (1973)

9. Man Bites Dog (1992)

10. Interview With The Vampire (1994)

11. Chinatown (1974)

12. The Battle Of Britain (1969)

13. The Warriors (1979)

14. Citizen Kane (1941)

15. For Your Height Only (1981)

16. Chopper (2000)
17. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)

18. The Long Good Friday (1980)

19. Die Hard (1988)

20. Near Dark (1987)

21. The Godfather (1971)

22. Fever Pitch/The Perfect Catch (2004)
23. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (1997)
24. Over The Edge (1979)
25. The Taking Of Pelham One, Two, Three (1974)

26. The Doors (1991)
27. The Hitcher (1986)
28. The Way Of The Gun (2000)
29. J.F.K. (1991)

30. Scream (1996)

31. In The Shadow Of The Moon (2007)
32. Little Women (1994)
33. Leon (1994)

34. Scarface (1983)

35. Top Gun (1986)

36. 50 First Dates (2004)
37. La Reine Margot (1994)
38. The Breakfast Club (1985)

39. First Blood (1982)

40. The Usual Suspects (1995)

41. Point Break (1991)
42. All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)

43. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)

44. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

45. Flesh + Blood (1985)

46. Bull Durham (1988)
47. The Remains Of The Day (1993)

48. Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
49. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998)

50. Clueless (1995)

51. Rollerball (1975)
52. Pulp Fiction (1994)

53. Ed Wood (1994)

54. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

55. Donnie Brasco (1997)

56. Psycho (1960)

57. Seven Samurai (1954)

58. Miller's Crossing (1990)

59. The Big Lebowski (1998)

60. Unforgiven (1992)

61. The Empire Strikes Back (1979)

62. The Cruel Sea (1954)
63. All About Eve (1950)

64. Picnic At Hanging Rock (1974)

65. Das Boot (1981)

66. Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
67. Slacker (1991)
68. Natural Born Killers (1994)
69. Double Indemnity (1944)

70. All The President's Men (1976)

71. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
72. Convoy (1978)
73. Duck Soup (1933)

74. Monster's Inc (2001)

75. Three Colours: Blue (1993)

76. The Killer (1989)

77. Amelie (2001)

78. Foxy Brown (1974)
79. An American Werewolf In London (1981)
80. Pump Up The Volume (1990)

81. Good Will Hunting (1997)
82. Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)
83. Coffy (1973)
84. Logan's Run (1976)

85. Ginger Snaps (2000)

86. Dolores Clairborne (1993)
87. Manhunter (1986)
88. Blood Feast (1960)
89. Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind (2001)
90. The Haunting (1963)

91. Jean Du Florette (1987)

92. Les Diabolique (1955)

93. Halloween (1978)

94. Se7en (1995)

95. The Thing (1981)

96. Before Sunrise (1995)
97. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (2003)
98. Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
99. Roadhouse (1988)
100. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Ive not seen 42 movies out of 100. Overall, its a decent list!

I promised to rate your list, so here it is.

1. Jaws (1975)

3. Charlie's Angels (2000)
I stopped reading when I saw you rated Jaws the same you did Charlie's Angels. Why??

Nothing means I've either not seen it or not seen it in a very long time (Taxi Driver) and I usually have a different opinion on films I haven't seen in a long time.
="what the hell is this doing on a top 100 list?"

1. Jaws (1975)

2. Gone With The Wind (1939)
3. Charlie's Angels (2000)
4. The Straight Story (1999)

5. Taxi Driver (1975)

6. Goodfellas (1990)

7. Death Race 2000 (1977)
8. Enter The Dragon (1973)
9. Man Bites Dog (1992)

10. Interview With The Vampire (1994)

11. Chinatown (1974)

12. The Battle Of Britain (1969)
13. The Warriors (1979)
14. Citizen Kane (1941)

15. For Your Height Only (1981)

16. Chopper (2000)
17. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)

18. The Long Good Friday (1980)
19. Die Hard (1988)

20. Near Dark (1987)

21. The Godfather (1971)

22. Fever Pitch/The Perfect Catch (2004)
23. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (1997)

24. Over The Edge (1979)
25. The Taking Of Pelham One, Two, Three (1974)

26. The Doors (1991)
27. The Hitcher (1986)
28. The Way Of The Gun (2000)

29. J.F.K. (1991)
30. Scream (1996)

31. In The Shadow Of The Moon (2007)
32. Little Women (1994)
33. Leon (1994)

34. Scarface (1983)

35. Top Gun (1986)

36. 50 First Dates (2004)
37. La Reine Margot (1994)
38. The Breakfast Club (1985)
39. First Blood (1982)

40. The Usual Suspects (1995)

41. Point Break (1991)

42. All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)

43. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)

44. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

45. Flesh + Blood (1985)

46. Bull Durham (1988)
47. The Remains Of The Day (1993)
48. Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
49. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998)

50. Clueless (1995)

51. Rollerball (1975)
52. Pulp Fiction (1994)

53. Ed Wood (1994)

54. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

55. Donnie Brasco (1997)

56. Psycho (1960)

57. Seven Samurai (1954)
58. Miller's Crossing (1990)

59. The Big Lebowski (1998)

60. Unforgiven (1992)

61. The Empire Strikes Back (1979)

62. The Cruel Sea (1954)
63. All About Eve (1950)
64. Picnic At Hanging Rock (1974)
65. Das Boot (1981)

66. Everyone Says I Love You (1996)

67. Slacker (1991)
68. Natural Born Killers (1994)

69. Double Indemnity (1944)
70. All The President's Men (1976)

71. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

72. Convoy (1978)
73. Duck Soup (1933)
74. Monster's Inc (2001)

75. Three Colours: Blue (1993)

76. The Killer (1989)

77. Amelie (2001)

78. Foxy Brown (1974)
79. An American Werewolf In London (1981)

80. Pump Up The Volume (1990)

81. Good Will Hunting (1997)

82. Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)

83. Coffy (1973)
84. Logan's Run (1976)
85. Ginger Snaps (2000)

86. Dolores Clairborne (1993)
87. Manhunter (1986)

88. Blood Feast (1960)
89. Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind (2001)

90. The Haunting (1963)

91. Jean Du Florette (1987)
92. Les Diabolique (1955)
93. Halloween (1978)

94. Se7en (1995)

95. The Thing (1981)

96. Before Sunrise (1995)
97. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (2003)

98. Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
99. Roadhouse (1988)

100. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

I just want to take this moment to say that Charlies Angels is one terrible piece of crap. McG makes soulless, hallow films and that one is no exception. It is shallow, loud, flashy, and utterly pointless. It is misogynistic, derivative and trite. I get that this is your list and it's not the "best" but what you love, etc. But to include that so high, being that it's such a terrible film... I just don't know what to think.

Interesting list, though. Can't say I agree with much of it. I know I haven't been around this place for long, but I really wonder what all the fuss was about with your list. It seems a lot of people were excited for this. With it complete, I'm even more perplexed by the MoFo's anticipation on this one.

I know I was anticipating it because I knew it would be different. I've heard countless times why people around here love Taxi Driver, or Jaws, or The Godfather, and it's fine to have them, I just have no interest in reading about why they're so great for the upteenth time (this list is a bit unusual in that respect because honeykid included a lot about his personal history with them, which made it far more interesting, but anyway). When the likes of Charlie's Angels pops up, regardless of what I think of them I'm always extremely interested in people's reasons behind loving it so much.

* = haven't seen in 15+ years and might well give it a different rating if I saw it again today.

1. Jaws (1975)

2. Gone With The Wind (1939)

3. Charlie's Angels (2000)
4. The Straight Story (1999)

5. Taxi Driver (1975)

*6. Goodfellas (1990)
7. Death Race 2000 (1977)

*8. Enter The Dragon (1973)

9. Man Bites Dog (1992)
10. Interview With The Vampire (1994)

11. Chinatown (1974)
12. The Battle Of Britain (1969)
*13. The Warriors (1979)

14. Citizen Kane (1941)

15. For Your Height Only (1981)
(with the terrible dubbing:

16. Chopper (2000)
17. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)

18. The Long Good Friday (1980)

19. Die Hard (1988)

20. Near Dark (1987)

21. The Godfather (1971)

22. Fever Pitch/The Perfect Catch (2004)

23. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (1997)
24. Over The Edge (1979)
25. The Taking Of Pelham One, Two, Three (1974)

26. The Doors (1991)
27. The Hitcher (1986)
28. The Way Of The Gun (2000)
*29. J.F.K. (1991)

30. Scream (1996)

31. In The Shadow Of The Moon (2007)
32. Little Women (1994)
*33. Leon (1994)

34. Scarface (1983)

35. Top Gun (1986)

36. 50 First Dates (2004)
37. La Reine Margot (1994)
38. The Breakfast Club (1985)
39. First Blood (1982)
*40. The Usual Suspects (1995)

41. Point Break (1991)

42. All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
*43. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)

*44. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

45. Flesh + Blood (1985)

46. Bull Durham (1988)
47. The Remains Of The Day (1993)
48. Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
49. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998)

50. Clueless (1995)

51. Rollerball (1975)
52. Pulp Fiction (1994)

*53. Ed Wood (1994)

54. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

55. Donnie Brasco (1997)

56. Psycho (1960)
57. Seven Samurai (1954)

58. Miller's Crossing (1990)

59. The Big Lebowski (1998)

60. Unforgiven (1992)

61. The Empire Strikes Back (1979)

62. The Cruel Sea (1954)
63. All About Eve (1950)

64. Picnic At Hanging Rock (1974)

65. Das Boot (1981)

66. Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
67. Slacker (1991)
68. Natural Born Killers (1994)
*69. Double Indemnity (1944)

70. All The President's Men (1976)

71. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

72. Convoy (1978)
73. Duck Soup (1933)
74. Monster's Inc (2001)

75. Three Colours: Blue (1993)

76. The Killer (1989)

77. Amelie (2001)

78. Foxy Brown (1974)
79. An American Werewolf In London (1981)

80. Pump Up The Volume (1990)

81. Good Will Hunting (1997)
82. Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)
83. Coffy (1973)
84. Logan's Run (1976)
85. Ginger Snaps (2000)

86. Dolores Clairborne (1993)
*87. Manhunter (1986)

88. Blood Feast (1960)
89. Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind (2001)
90. The Haunting (1963)

91. Jean Du Florette (1987)
92. Les Diabolique (1955)
93. Halloween (1978)

94. Se7en (1995)

95. The Thing (1981)

96. Before Sunrise (1995)
97. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (2003)
98. Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
99. Roadhouse (1988)
*100. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Interesting list, though. Can't say I agree with much of it. I know I haven't been around this place for long, but I really wonder what all the fuss was about with your list. It seems a lot of people were excited for this. With it complete, I'm even more perplexed by the MoFo's anticipation on this one.
We wanted to see this because HK has a reputation for not liking very many movies, and we were curious to see a list of 100 (!) that he did like. If you knew HK you also wouldn't be that surprised by Charlie's Angels, 50 First Dates etc. because you'd know he has a huge crush on Drew Barrymore.

@ HK, I knew you liked The Straight Story but didn't expect to see it so high.

Good list HK. Nice to see it finally finished.
Shame you had to spoil it though by putting Charlies Angels in it, especially at #3.

In a top 100 I'd have Charlies Angels at 4000th. At least.

I stopped reading when I saw you rated Jaws the same you did Charlie's Angels. Why??
Personal taste. I know how much you love Jaws, and how you might think its infinitely superior to Charlie's Angels, but to me its overrated. I must have seen it like 10 times but I still couldnt bring myself to like it. However, I respect it for being an original and creative film during its time.

I think my rating for Jaws was
before I saw it on the big screen. I'm not sure if I gave it a
or a
the last time I saw it, but
looks right today.

We wanted to see this because HK has a reputation for not liking very many movies, and we were curious to see a list of 100 (!) that he did like. If you knew HK you also wouldn't be that surprised by Charlie's Angels, 50 First Dates etc. because you'd know he has a huge crush on Drew Barrymore.
Well, given the high number of "bad" films on this list, I can see why someone would be curious. I guess a better question would be "what is a person who doesn't like many films doing on a forum for film lovers?"