

I've been to St Lucia and Grand Caymen, now you say both are off the green list, coincidence?
Thanks, I've notified the relevant authorities and you're now barred from these shores until September at the earliest

The sad thing is international travel isn't looking like a good choice these days.
If it was up to me I'd ban International travel unless absolutely necessary for the time being.

If it was up to me I'd ban International travel unless absolutely necessary for the time being.

But duh economy doh! Money money money!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

People wearing vented face masks in public environments are dicks. Just saying.
Hi JM,

What do you mean by a "vented" face mask?

P.S. I bought a pack of expensive masks and within an hour of wearing the first one, the ear string came off!
(Upon examination: the strings are apparently just glued to the front of the mask, so after an hour of sweating, there's no way to keep the mask on)!
This left me with a mask dangling from one ear and nothing I could do about it except get screamed at by people for not wearing a mask and run away fast - not being able to complete the task I was in the store for.

I've discovered a big issue is being left mask-less in a public place if your mask strings break - thus, I keep backups in my car, in my knapsack, and try to remember to carry a bandanna folded up in my pocket whenever I leave the house.

The last few times I've been in the supermarket where masks are now mandatory, I've heard someone having a coughing fit and turn around to see who is coughing and they don't have a mask on!

But you cant give a look that says put your ducking mask on because they might be one of these people 'who can't wear a face mask for certain reasons' and are exempt...

Nationwide mask mandate question... Does anybody think this will really make a difference? My state has a mask mandate. So far it has been very successful. For example, last weekend I ended up at a pretty nice bar on a local lake (was a passenger on a boat - not my idea to stop). Beautiful day, place has an outdoor patio, good food, a very popular joint. There's a sign on the door indicating masks are required, due to Gov.'s orders, for entry into the premises. The sign was dripping with sarcasm, wish I had snapped a pic. I only went inside once (bathroom) and not a single person was wearing a mask in the packed bar and obviously, no social distancing. No one was wearing a mask on the packed patio either. How would a mask mandate be enforced in a situation like this? Shut the biz down? If you did that you would pretty much be shutting down every bar, restaurant, gathering place in a county that has an infection rate of approximately 1% of the population (5,132 total cases, 4,076 recovered, 986 active) since March 13th - the first reported case, with a fatality rate hanging around .2% (70 total deaths in the county) and no deaths under the age of 40. This is the county that earlier in this thread I said was not going to go along with most of what our Gov. was recommending and they haven't. When people in this county see these numbers, they aren't buying the danger. Same county, different city: my cousin went to pick up a fish fry at a popular eatery a couple weeks ago and according to him the place was "nuts to butts" with people, not a mask in sight. Crowds of unmasked people are everywhere.

I don't think the police would even enforce it as they obviously weren't enforcing it that day. And I can't believe the bar was only packed while I was there so you'd think the infection rate would be much higher and rising in a county whose bars/restaurants are probably jammed with people every weekend since the state reopened in late May.

So, mask mandates...Does anybody think this will really make a difference if people don't care and it's essentially unenforceable? For the record, I am a mask wearer when I'm out and about.

We’re doing really good in Denmark and still is. However, a small boost in coronavirus in certain areas have eventually led to the first ever requirement to wear mask.

Before it was up to people whether they wanted to or not. Then, when a city saw a bigger boost than others, masks were required on public transportation in and out of that city, while it was only advised elsewhere.

Now, that same requirement for all public transport - as well as the stations and areas themselves - is rolled out through the entire country. So now we are required to wear mask on all pubic transportation in all of the country.

It’s fine by me. That “advised” stuff is stupid. Cause people don’t care. Either do it or don’t. So I’m glad it’s a requirement now. You will get a fine if you do not wear a mask on public transportation.

You ready? You look ready.
School would be bad and weird for me as it is rn. So glad I’m not in school.

But if any generation is most prepared for online education it’d be the zoomers.

I bought a pack of expensive masks and within an hour of wearing the first one, the ear string came off!
(Upon examination: the strings are apparently just glued to the front of the mask, so after an hour of sweating, there's no way to keep the mask on)!
Typical of all the crap that comes out of China. My solution is to carry a few safety pins. You can pin the broken string to the mask. This works very well & has saved me & others I know.

So, mask mandates...Does anybody think this will really make a difference if people don't care and it's essentially unenforceable? For the record, I am a mask wearer when I'm out and about.
Whether or not they’re worn, the message will infiltrate the tiny brains of these numpties and, maybe one day, a mask will be worn.

I was thinking yesterday at church how we got millions of people to stop smoking around the world. Who the heck thought this could be done? No smoking in British pubs? Never thought that would fly, but, eventually, it did.

So, same thing for masks. I do believe the message will eventually get through.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

The sad thing is international travel isn't looking like a good choice these days.
Not just international travel. No way would I get on a domestic flight any time soon. Or a Greyhound bus, the NYC subway, etc.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Not just international travel. No way would I get on a domestic flight any time soon. Or a Greyhound bus, the NYC subway, etc.
Yeah me too. It's sad because I had hoped to do some more travel, I mean there's so many places I didn't get to visit

Here’s an update for all you Mo’s in the Pac NW.

My sister’s hospital had an outbreak of 30 cases. This isn’t a Cedar Sinai sized facility either, it’s what I refer to as a neighborhood hospital.

30 cases.

I guess Ima just go full-blown conspiracy cutie now. This happens in a place with stringent controls. Like some henchman from a spy movie comes in dressed like an HVAC tech and leaves behind a time-release canister in some ductwork that goes “ssssshhhhhhhhh”.

Cue the R.E.M.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It must be in my state of Washington. I just read a local news story and it said: "Officials say the outbreak at St. Michael Medical Center in Kitsap County involves hospital staff and employees." I'd say nix to the conspiracy idea, it's more like complacency.

I wonder if any movies made during this pandemic that skip the theatrical release will be referred to as 'straight-to-covideo' in future times?