Las Vegas Attack 2017


At first I thought it was a very weird venue for the guy to come out of hiding on as Ellen is not a news show.

It was preceded by Mr. Campos' week-long disappearance which occurred just before he had five news interviews lined up.

It started making sense once we found out the Ellen Show is owned by MGM which also owns the Mandalay Bay hotel (which has multiple liability lawsuits forming against it), and when Campos said this would be his only public appearance or statement.

This was a set up. It was basically a liability pre-statement from MGM, as demonstrated by the fact that there was no investigative journalism involved: Ellen didn't ask a single pertinent question that would provide clarity to a still very cloudy series of events.
The FBI probably also grilled him and warned him not to make any detailed statements during an ongoing investigation.

I made up this little list of theories (not only conspiracy theories, but the most common and those given by the media thus far).
This is merely a summary with potentially interchangeable details. Let me know if I missed any:

Paddock as Lone Shooter (under this one scenario there are several theories):

1. Paddock was a pent up mental case (although atypical in that he showed no red flags, left no manifesto and didn't fit the usual profile) who finally "snapped" in a systematic fashion. He took half his extensive gun collection with him to a hotel room just because he liked to be surrounded by his toys even though he knew he wouldn't need them all. He planned mass murder for a long time - and finally went on a spree to kill as many random individuals as possible as part of some insane "Power Trip" delusion before killing himself.

2. As a possible addendum to #1 - Paddock was driven insane by long term gambling addiction, alcoholism, drug abuse, anxiety, depression, childhood trauma or influence from his father who had been a bank robber.

3. Paddock had converted to Islam months ago, was given the name "Abu Abd al-Bar al-Amriki" and was carrying out ISIS inspired terrorism as a "lone-wolf" operative in the name of Allah and the Caliphate.

4. Paddock was a deranged political zealot, inspired by groups like Antifa and the 2017 Congressional Baseball Shooting who thought he'd target a Country / Western festival, figuring it would contain the demographic of Republican Trump supporters and that his actions would spark a revocation of the 2nd amendment.

5. Paddock was a deranged political zealot, inspired by groups like the Alt-Right, White Supremacists, Nazis, the KKK. etc., who wanted to defend his 2nd amendment rights (which he felt were threatened by the left) with a show of gunfire and random mass murder, choosing the most convenient venue available at the time.

6. Paddock loved numbers and records - he used his extensive collection of guns to break the U.S. record of largest mass casualty shooting (this could also go hand in hand with #1 or 2).

Paddock Acted with Others:

1. As an enemy of America, the west, infidels, whites, capitalists, etc., He was an agent of ISIS, Anti-Fa, BLM, Alt-Right groups, the Russians, North Korea, etc. In this type scenario, Paddock was a "terrorist" in the most political sense of the word (of course, terrorists are usually cause-driven and will usually leave word that they acted for their cause - which, so far, is not the case here). This would also mean that terrorists allied with Paddock are still on the loose (a reason some feel his connections are being covered up - to avoid panic of killers on the loose).

2. Paddock carried out a "false flag" event in collusion with the U.S. government (the scenarios are far and wide even including those that say no one was even killed on 10/01/2017).

Paddock was a Patsy:

1. As an agent or hired out contractor of the FBI, he was ordered, hired or recruited by the FBI to conduct a "Fast And Furious" style gun running deal with criminals or terrorists, possibly in a sting operation. The sting went wrong - the criminals murdered Paddock and conducted the massacre, and now the FBI is trying to cover it up.

2. A similar scenario, but where it was an actual arms deal for the FBI with unsavory buyers (such as ISIS) that went wrong. Paddock was killed and the FBI wants to cover up their dealings with terrorists.

3. Similar to #1 - Paddock himself was a gunrunner in a deal that went sour. The criminals may have even forced him to participate, unwillingly in the massacre, then killed him. Or he may have killed himself after being forced to participate and witnessing the outcome.

4. Paddock, in some scenario, may have just been a frequent visitor to Las Vegas who was somehow chosen by forces unknown to take the fall for this massacre. He may or may not even be dead. He may or may not even be a real person.

So, the details of these (currently popular) scenarios can all be mixed and matched to form various different or similar scenarios and conspiracies.

Which ones do you buy into?
Any different ones you think may be possible / plausible?
Most likely 1 or 3 if Lone Wolf
1 if in concert with others

I've deleted a bunch of posts, which won't surprise any of you who were involved.

Please do not needlessly and deliberately escalate conflict. That's a message for pretty much all of the parties involved. Even if you're right, and even if you didn't start it, if you reply just to tweak someone and ratchet up the tension further, that's still part of the problem.

What's really strange is how quickly this story has gone out of the "news cycle."

Yes, it's still mentioned on network TV news once in awhile, but those mentions are now usually commenting on how there is inexplicably no news, no updates or no new information about it.

With it being the single largest shooting massacre in U.S. history and more questions surrounding it than the Kennedy assassination, there should be updates every day on every station. (Many surmise that authorities count on the predictability of the news cycles to quickly sweep incidents like this under the rug so that it is forgotten within a few weeks by the public consciousness, and that action decreases the scrutiny and amount & frequency of questions asked.)

We have to assume that there are teams of investigators working on this: reviewing hotel and casino security cameras, interviewing witnesses, hotel staff who may have dealt with the shooter and people in the hotel near the 32nd floor, scouring the hotels, pouring through the alleged shooter's computer files & phone records, investigating the ISIS claims, compiling and coordinating police and first responder reports & transmissions, investigating the girlfriend and where the 100 grand was sent, examining all the cell phone videos, etc.

There are only a handful of cell phone videos on the web, but we know approximately 22,000 people were in attendance with cell phones (as seen in the "God Bless America" footage that took place before the attack, where the crowd held up their cell phones).
Granted, most people are not going to film in a panic, but since we know some did and that many were already filming as the attack started and that many kept filming as they ran, it's safe to believe there are probably at least hundreds (if not thousands) more cell phone videos out there than the few on the web. (Although many surmise that those containing pertinent evidence, those of the fallen, those cell phones dropped on the site or lost have all be confiscated by the FBI.)
And there must be more recordings, not just those of people at the concert, but people on the streets, near or in the hotels, in their cars, etc. (such as the taxi driver who recorded what has now come to be called the "Las Vegas Zapruder" film).

Forgive for referencing FOX News (which I know many of you disregard) but listen to the words of Mark Steyn who makes a poignant statement with "Nothing is proceeding normally in this case."

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The authorities arent obligated to give you daily news during an investigation, and come on, what sort of civilised society is going to bay for cell video footage of hundreds of people being shot (or is this endemic to the land of the firearm). You complain about the lack of violent news all the time; I'm not sure why you're so impatient. Go watch a blood bath movie if you are so desperate to fulfill your blood lust. The only thing that would come out of daily spoon feeding is 1. entertainment for ghouls and 2. give them even more reason to be irrational about conspiracy theories. Not very healthy.

The authorities arent obligated to give you daily news during an investigation, and come on, what sort of civilised society is going to bay for cell video footage of hundreds of people being shot (or is this endemic to the land of the firearm). You complain about the lack of violent news all the time; I'm not sure why you're so impatient. Go watch a blood bath movie if you are so desperate to fulfill your blood lust. The only thing that would come out of daily spoon feeding is 1. entertainment for ghouls and 2. give them even more reason to be irrational about conspiracy theories. Not very healthy.
A lot of assumptions there.

The desire to understand the timeline, the motive and the question of additional individuals is key because without said answers the danger may be as present as it was on October first.

Everything rests upon establishing some of these points in a case where many people are still claiming:

  1. there were multiple shooters (including police claims at the time),
  2. multiple directions of gunfire (even police scanners recorded as saying shots were coming from the opposite directions of the parking lots),
  3. multiple weapons potentially being fired simultaneously (as supported by several audio analyses & witness testimonies),
  4. multiple claims of other gunfire incidents in the area,
  5. reports of forewarnings by unknown individuals,
  6. an inexplicable number of arms and shooting points for one person (suggesting there may have been more than one),
  7. external claims of responsibility by a terrorist group, and...
  8. where police said shortly into the investigation that the shooter could not have acted alone.

If ANY of these scenarios are true or even possible, then that means the danger may still exist, and that those responsible are currently at large until such variables can be absolutely ruled out.

So far the authorities have only stated what little they know or what they suspect - but they haven't absolutely been able to rule anything out because they haven't even been able to establish a stable timeline yet.

It's been 3 weeks since the attack - by this time they should be able to absolutely establish some facts, completely rule out other scenarios and assure the public that no other responsible parties (which THEY THEMSELVES claimed the killer MUST have had) are loose. But so far all they've said is they "think" Paddock acted alone, but they can't find anything about him, after 3 weeks they still can't establish a definitive timeline or a single indication towards a motive, they feel the need to publicly deny withholding information & conspiracies, while ISIS has tripled down on claims of affiliation.

They've basically gone silent after stating they really don't know much.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
A lot of assumptions there.
Read that again and wait for the penny to drop, cap.

They've basically gone silent after stating they really don't know much.

So if they dont know much, and for goodness sake, yet another monster assumption, what do you expect them to do to entertain you.

I used to think your wasted energy with conspiracy theories was just to kick up some silly harmless fun chit chat. These days you make me sad. I hope 4chan and it's conspiracy pages one day leaves your house.

Read that again and wait for the penny to drop, cap.

So if they dont know much, and for goodness sake, yet another monster assumption, what do you expect them to do to entertain you.
Well, the fact that they've only communicated that they don't know much is the issue, isn't it?

3 weeks with teams of police and FBI pouring over the various things I mentioned in a previous post... and they don't know much?

Common sense dictates that they MUST have more info from hotel & casino security cameras - they must have records of the alleged shooter's checking in, his coming and going. Even if he wasn't coming and going, hotel managers have stated that a "do not disturb" sign hung for more than 12 hours requires a mandatory check of the patron's room! There must be more cell phone video evidence as thousands of people were recording. There are more witnesses (but some claim they've been refused to be heard or interviewed by the press if their story includes multiple shooters or additional incidents).

The authorities' claims that they don't know anything more than what they've told us... after 3 weeks of teams of detectives, agents and analysts working on it... are dubious.
Their going silent as the news cycle pushes the story out of the public eye is dubious.
This lack of information forces to people to think that what they have found must be so horrendous that they don't dare inform the public (or that it is embarrassing or incriminating to them, or that they fear causing a panic by revealing they've been barking up the wrong tree or there may be more people responsible on the loose).

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Well, the fact that they've only communicated that they don't know much is the issue, isn't it? .
No. You're just turning it into a mole hill.

Read that again and wait for the penny to drop, cap.

So if they dont know much, and for goodness sake, yet another monster assumption, what do you expect them to do to entertain you.

I used to think your wasted energy with conspiracy theories was just to kick up some silly harmless fun chit chat. These days you make me sad. I hope 4chan and it's conspiracy pages one day leaves your house.
I find it interesting... in almost every controversial / news / or current events conversation, that you want to talk more about me (or others posting) than anything else. While I'm discussing the topic and not addressing anything toward you directly. In fact this is the first post where I've said the word "you" (meaning you, Dani, specifically) in weeks, trying to avoid your turning these conversations into personal indictments.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
in almost every controversial / news / or current events conversation, that you want to talk more about me .
eh? Another assumption, and so far off the beam. What's to discuss while no new facts have come to light - conspiracy theories?

As Mark Steyn pointed out (which was the reason for posting his clip) - one doesn't need to be a conspiracy theorist on any level to identify that nothing is proceeding normally in this case.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
As Mark Steyn pointed out (which was the reason for posting his clip) - one doesn't need to be a conspiracy theorist on any level to identify that nothing is proceeding normally in this case.
Telling someone they are a "conspiracy theorist" seems to be the most "effective" use of alternative argument.

More than one person = conspiracy..... People read that word and think grandiose, because they've been programmed that way.

If everyone is tossing out possibilities, maybe the guy just had an empty life... All he did was gamble, and probably ran out of the cheap thrills that money could buy....

Sometimes "I Don't Know" is the best answer.

Telling someone they are a "conspiracy theorist" seems to be the most "effective" use of alternative argument.

More than one person = conspiracy..... People read that word and think grandiose, because they've been programmed that way.

If everyone is tossing out possibilities, maybe the guy just had an empty life... All he did was gamble, and probably ran out of the cheap thrills that money could buy....

Sometimes "I Don't Know" is the best answer.
If I understand correctly, Matt, you're suggesting that we may never know the shooter's motive - he was just a kill-crazy nut who had an episode of mass homicide before committing suicide. And if that truly is the case, then it is what it is.

However, we don't currently know that's the case and the authorities don't know that is the case. They've told us they don't know exactly what the case is - and their relative silence over the last week indicates that they haven't learned anything more then "they don't know," or, what they've found out is too dangerous to report.

Therefore "I Don't Know" (so let's just forget about it) is not an acceptable answer from the point of view of the public or the authorities right now.

Given the many claims, police reports, variables and questions I pointed out in a previous post, until we're certain that "it was just one crazy guy, we don't know why he did it and we'll never know" is the only answer, then we can't afford to assume that "I Don't Know" is the answer. For reasons of public safety, this is an unacceptable & imprudent assumption to make in regards to a mass casualty attack at this point.

Know what I'm sayin'?

You can kinda blame conspiracy theorists themselves for tainting otherwise reasonable lines of questioning with their implications. I think it's increasingly clear that something about this situation is being withheld, or has perhaps been misreported, but it's impossible to say that without sounding like you're positing a conspiracy, because conspiracy theorists like to cloak their accusations in the guise of healthy skepticism, questions, or general inquiry.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
If I understand correctly, Matt, you're suggesting that we may never know the shooter's motive - he was just a kill-crazy nut who had an episode of mass homicide before committing suicide. And if that truly is the case, then it is what it is.

However, we don't currently know that's the case and the authorities don't know that is the case. They've told us they don't know exactly what the case is - and their relative silence over the last week indicates that they haven't learned anything more then "they don't know," or, what they've found out is too dangerous to report.

Therefore "I Don't Know" (so let's just forget about it) is not an acceptable answer from the point of view of the public or the authorities right now.

Given the many claims, police reports, variables and questions I pointed out in a previous post, until we're certain that "it was just one crazy guy, we don't know why he did it and we'll never know" is the only answer, then we can't afford to assume that "I Don't Know" is the answer. For reasons of public safety, this is an unacceptable & imprudent assumption to make in regards to a mass casualty attack at this point.

Know what I'm sayin'?
Oh totally. I was referring to the comments here.... not the police!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
You can kinda blame conspiracy theorists themselves for tainting otherwise reasonable lines of questioning with their implications. I think it's increasingly clear that something about this situation is being withheld, or has perhaps been misreported, but it's impossible to say that without sounding like you're positing a conspiracy, because conspiracy theorists like to cloak their accusations in the guise of healthy skepticism, questions, or general inquiry.
Part of it is the exploitation and the business of it... The first person people think of is Alex Jones, who is nothing but an opportunist. The crazier the story (how every shooting is fake, etc), the more money he makes. If he were to say something true, many won't believe him because of his bad reputation... I think it's good for the people to ask questions, and let the establishment answer them.

What's really strange is how quickly this story has gone out of the "news cycle."

Yes, it's still mentioned on network TV news once in awhile, but those mentions are now usually commenting on how there is inexplicably no news, no updates or no new information about it.

With it being the single largest shooting massacre in U.S. history and more questions surrounding it than the Kennedy assassination, there should be updates every day on every station. (Many surmise that authorities count on the predictability of the news cycles to quickly sweep incidents like this under the rug so that it is forgotten within a few weeks by the public consciousness, and that action decreases the scrutiny and amount & frequency of questions asked.)

We have to assume that there are teams of investigators working on this: reviewing hotel and casino security cameras, interviewing witnesses, hotel staff who may have dealt with the shooter and people in the hotel near the 32nd floor, scouring the hotels, pouring through the alleged shooter's computer files & phone records, investigating the ISIS claims, compiling and coordinating police and first responder reports & transmissions, investigating the girlfriend and where the 100 grand was sent, examining all the cell phone videos, etc.

There are only a handful of cell phone videos on the web, but we know approximately 22,000 people were in attendance with cell phones (as seen in the "God Bless America" footage that took place before the attack, where the crowd held up their cell phones).
Granted, most people are not going to film in a panic, but since we know some did and that many were already filming as the attack started and that many kept filming as they ran, it's safe to believe there are probably at least hundreds (if not thousands) more cell phone videos out there than the few on the web. (Although many surmise that those containing pertinent evidence, those of the fallen, those cell phones dropped on the site or lost have all be confiscated by the FBI.)
And there must be more recordings, not just those of people at the concert, but people on the streets, near or in the hotels, in their cars, etc. (such as the taxi driver who recorded what has now come to be called the "Las Vegas Zapruder" film).

Forgive for referencing FOX News (which I know many of you disregard) but listen to the words of Mark Steyn who makes a poignant statement with "Nothing is proceeding normally in this case."
Yeah, the FBI is keeping things under wraps. They are working in reverse, trying to establish a time line where they can establish the very beginning of his preparation and possible contacts that led to the events of Oct 1.
The fact that they are keeping silent most likely indicates that they are tracking some one that can provide more detail but they don't want to spook, who ever it is.
I just have a feeling that the girlfriend knows more and see her as some kind of a courier or go between.
It makes sense that the shooter would use some one ( or perhaps was used himself ) to establish contact on foreign soil, where it would be harder to trace.
There have been so many other shootings that Isis did not attempt to take credit. Why this one?

Yeah, the FBI is keeping things under wraps. They are working in reverse, trying to establish a time line where they can establish the very beginning of his preparation and possible contacts that led to the events of Oct 1.
The fact that they are keeping silent most likely indicates that they are tracking some one that can provide more detail but they don't want to spook, who ever it is.
I just have a feeling that the girlfriend knows more and see her as some kind of a courier or go between.
It makes sense that the shooter would use some one ( or perhaps was used himself ) to establish contact on foreign soil, where it would be harder to trace.
There have been so many other shootings that Isis did not attempt to take credit. Why this one?
I was looking for a particular article that addresses this - but had trouble finding that specific one (and don't remember who wrote it).

But to sum it up:

I was wrong about one thing - don't know if it was this thread or elsewhere, but I commented that ISIS will claim responsibility for any acts of violence against innocents. Apparently this was erroneous. It turns out ISIS is very serious about its credibility and therefore has not made claims haphazardly (except for one known recent one - the attack at a casino in the Philippines).

The reason ISIS is usually careful about being able to back up its claims is to remain credible to its members, supporters, funders, recruits and potential recruits - they desire to be seen as serious and credible (despite their insane atrocities which they claim are just a strict adherence to their religious tradition and the mandates of their ideology).

So the author claimed there could be a couple reasons for their claim to the Las Vegas attack:

1. It could be true, or 2. (which is kind of good news for us...) ISIS is getting sloppy!
They've suffered a lot of losses including within their propaganda / news wing. So, if this claim turns out to false it could indicate a severe crumbling of the ISIS infrastructure where discipline and lines of communication are breaking down, which would result in a loss of credibility on their part (which they do not want).

[quote=Captain Steel;1806665]I was looking for a particular article that addresses this - but had trouble finding that specific one (and don't remember who wrote it).

But to sum it up:

I was wrong about one thing - don't know if it was this thread or elsewhere, but I commented that ISIS will claim responsibility for any acts of violence against innocents. Apparently this was erroneous. It turns out ISIS is very serious about its credibility and therefore has not made claims haphazardly (except for one known recent one - the attack at a casino in the Philippines).


Didn't Abu Sayyaf get the direct credit for the casino in the Philippines? They are one of the outside terrorist groups that has connections with ISIS. Coincidence?
Just to clarify, the police in Manila refute Isis claim but refuse to link the lone shooter's name to Abu Sayyaf, who has become an increasing problem in Mindanao.
Abu Sayyaf are a Muslim Philippine terrorist group and known to favor Sunny Muslims, who are behind ISIS.
So now, you have 2 lone gun men shooting up people in two different casinos in 2 different countries, both having one common link: a Philippino.
I don't think you have to be a nuclear physicist to start connecting dots.
If the FBI is not all over this, I would be very surprised.
Of course, this has international ramifications, so they have to thread very carefully.
I also understand why Manila police is not outing the truth.