Best Alfred Hitchcock Film


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I found it captivating. It's totally the wrong idea for a film; Hitchcock wanted to recreate the feel of a play. I don't like films that under utilize the medium and Hitchcock is no stranger to playing with the medium in new and wonderful ways so this is sort of his "worst" film. Nevertheless, I liked the Raskolnikov type characters. As always, James Stewart made the film a bunch better just by being there.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Just watched Rope. Not that big of a fan of it. It's got to be my least favorite Hitchcock movie so far.
Apparently, you haven't seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

planet news's Avatar
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Yeah, I mean, Hitchcock had a lot of misses. Topaz was a piece of **** too.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Apparently, you haven't seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
No, I haven't. I've probably seen the 9 most famous Hitchcock films so far, so being last on my list isn't to say it was that bad. It just wasn't as good as compared to the others.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm sure I've been through this many a times but here's an updated Hitchcock rankings list

1. Rear Window
2. North by Northwest
3. Dial M for Murder
4. Psycho
5. Vertigo
6. Notorious
7. Strangers on a train
8. Rebecca
9. Rope

That's my extent of Hitchcock thus far.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
As someone who's not much of a Hitchcock fan, may I recommend Lifeboat, Frenzy and The Trouble With Harry.
I've heard grand things about Lifeboat. Tough to find around here though. Frenzy is on my on demand for the rest of the month. I'll probably get to that, Marnie or The Birds.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
On a Hitchcock note, has anybody seen the documentary Dial H for Hitchcock? I was considering watching it but don't know if it's worth it.

planet news's Avatar
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Pretty soon, I'm going to post an essay on my blog about why Vertigo is the best Hitchcock film and one of the best films of ever that I will also post on this thread. I say this because I'm currently writing it with excited fingers filled with a sublime pretense.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Pretty soon, I'm going to post an essay on my blog about why Vertigo is the best Hitchcock film and one of the best films of ever that I will also post on this thread. I say this because I'm currently writing it with excited fingers filled with a sublime pretense.

I'll be looking forward to it. Vertigo isn't my fav, but it is in my top 100.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I'm sure I've been through this many a times but here's an updated Hitchcock rankings list

1. Rear Window
2. North by Northwest
3. Dial M for Murder
4. Psycho
5. Vertigo
6. Notorious
7. Strangers on a train
8. Rebecca
9. Rope

That's my extent of Hitchcock thus far.
Rope is definitely the least on that group.

On a Hitchcock note, has anybody seen the documentary Dial H for Hitchcock? I was considering watching it but don't know if it's worth it.
I don't know if I've seen that one or not, but pretty much any documentary about Hitchcock or his work is worth watching. Actually, I'd extend that to any acclaimed director. Hell, I've even watched a couple of documentaries about Kubrick. Partly to learn more about him and his films and partly to see if I could find something that would help me appreciate his films. Alas, so far... Nothing.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Yes, Dial H for Hitchcock is worth watching. It's not mind-blowing or anything, but it will give you clips to several Hitch films you haven't seen yet and has some interesting interviews with people who worked with him and other directors who expound on his work. I taped it when TCM played it a few years ago after they showed the restored Rear Window.
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The newest DVD release of North by Northwest also has two excellent documentaries, one about Hitchcock's style and such and the other analyzing different scenes for the film itself.

Also, Rear Window Ethics documentary is awesome. Especially the end.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I was parts of Dial H for Hitchcock, and it really made me appreciate all of Hitchcock's work.

I was also wondering if anyone is a fan of Spellbound since I was considering giving that one a look.

Nothing to say.. All of his movies are not only good...they are great.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I really can't explain what it was that I liked about To Catch a Thief, but I did think that it was a highly entertaining film.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Spellbound isn't one of his very best, but it's better than average. Gregory Peck doesn't seem to mesh well with Hitchcock. Cary Grant and James Stewart were the perfect Hitchcock actors.