The Debates


I'd give a slight edge to Obama so far, but its really no ones. Obama flat out avoided the question on Isreal "would it be like attacking the US?". And Rommeny was right to shut down that stupid hypothetical Isreal question. Rommeny still not giving specifics, and Obamas ducking and dodging. I think Syria should be discussed more thats a true weakness on the presidents behalf, but I don't think Rommney is doing enough to swing voters
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I hope Romney wins it. I don't like the way everyone is quick to turn to juvenile humor and acting all, "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Obama's got this in the bag."

Earlier today I was feeling more swayed by Obama because I read an article talking about how he wants the states to handle whether hospitals will allow gay couples visitation rights, calling it a benefit and something not guaranteed, while Obama will make it so that visitation rights are allowed everywhere. That it will be guaranteed with Obamacare.

This alone is something I agree with Obama on. But still, something tells me Romney will be a good president. It's a personal thing.

I did not like Obama's behavior at the debate. He does not look like a president. He looks like a bully and a thug. Romney does come off as a little suspicious and sneaky to me, but I think he's smart and charming. He makes me feel safer about America. Obama looks like when he can be sneaky, he'd be destructively sneaky. I think that he's the bigger trickster, the "safe guy" you'd never expect to be the one who'd create the most chaos and take away all of the benefits and enjoyments that we already have.

I also didn't like the way Obama butted in on Romney's responses.
Athough they seemed to agree on a lot, there was a noticable difference in Romney's attitude toward's China. He clearly want's to be friends with China and I think that's a good and necessary thing.
Not only do we owe China so much money, but with China as a friendly business partner, our economy can only improve.
Obama just couldn't help himself mentioning the end of Bin Laden, as if Bengazi in the aftermath never even occured.
Bin Laden maybe dead but Alkeida is alive and well.
I also liked Romney's measured approach toward's Pakistan.
I tried to listen to the debate with objectivity but just couldn't shake Obama's same old spin.
We definitely need a change and a new beginning.

I wish Romney had said something like, in regards to supporting Israel, "Look. Love ya, Israel. We have your back, but let me just say first and foremost that America comes first!" I mean, I really wanted to hear some serious pride in America! Come on! We are not Israel! Let Obama be the one who looks more concerned about other countries instead of our own.

I didn't hear everything during this debate. I actually fell asleep during it, but awoke during some moments when Romney spoke.

I also liked how Romney said "Al-Qaeda type individuals." I saw people tweeting about it, going WTF? So I assumed it might be the next "binders full of women." But I don't think it caught on. I almost registered "alqaedatypeindividual" on Twitter so I could have a foothold on that, but then I thought, well, I don't want people thinking I'm really Al-Qaeda. So if someone else wants it, go ahead.

After all these debates, did Obama convince me that I should give him 4 more years to reshape America in his own vision? NO!
Are we really better off than we were 4 years a go? NO!
We went from a $10 trillion debt to a $16 trillion debt.
We have a prersident that admits to not being able to work with Congress.
If he get's re-elected, what is going to change for the better?

OBAMA: You did not say that you would provide government help ... Let’s check the record ... Governor, the people in Detroit don’t forget.
From Romney's op-ed:

"The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing"

OBAMA: What I would not have had done was left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. And that certainly would not help us in the Middle East ... This was just a few weeks ago that you indicated that we should still have troops in Iraq.
From the NY Times:

Mr. Obama sought to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement that would have allowed United States troops to stay in Iraq after 2011. Initially, the Obama administration was prepared to keep up to 10,000 troops in Iraq.


Mr. Obama relied on Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. as well as American officials in Iraq to negotiate the agreement. The president spoke to Mr. Maliki only twice during the negotiations. Also, the administration did not begin formal talks with the Iraqis until June 2, 2011, leaving little time for negotiation.

After the talks broke down, the Obama administration withdrew the remaining American troops in December 2011, the deadline set for withdrawing all American forces from Iraq under the Status of Forces Agreement.

There's no question that President Obama was not telling the truth on the Status of Forces Agreement. It is possible that a distinction can be made between combat troops and other Americans, but the Obama administration most definitely wanted a residual force in Iraq.

Overall, I thought that this debate was more or less a rout for President Barack Obama. In a bit of a departure, Governor Romney made a strategic decision to be less aggressive in this debate, and presented himself as a statesman rather than the school-yard bully. In so doing, he chose to abandon many of the principles he had been talking about for his entire campaign, but when you're Mitt Romney, that is apparently business as usual. The incumbent always has an advantage in these kinds of debates, because the challenger has not spent 4 years dealing with the complexities of US foreign policy, but I think it was painfully obvious to anyone watching last night that Mitt Romney doesn't have any better ideas of how to do things differently. He criticized Obama for attacking him, saying attacking him was not a foreign policy vision, which is a good argument, if you're living on an island, and haven't been paying attention to Romney's campaign for the past year and a half. That is exactly what he has been doing to Obama. It was surprising how many times he had to admit that he actually agreed with President Obama, and it was a bit pathetic watching him struggle to find differences. The only real difference I heard was that he wouldn't have pulled the missile defense shield from Poland. It might just be me but I don't think that's much of a contrast.

There are changes that we can and should make to our foreign policy, but Mitt Romney isn't going to make any of them. His ideas reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of the complexity of the world and the consequences of our foreign policy decisions. He has the wrong ideas for the wrong time, and his policies will not make this country any safer. I did find it somewhat shocking that Mitt Romney spent much of the debate talking about how we need to be standing up for our values, and then a few minutes later spoke about how we should be indicting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for genocide because he made a few speeches that were critical of Israel. Apparently, Mitt Romney is all for freedom of speech, except when someone uses that freedom of speech to say something he doesn't like, or to criticize a constituency from which he needs votes in an election. That's not standing up for our values, Mitt. You might want to read the Constitution before your next run for President if things don't work out this time around

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Romney is for free speech if the target is the Muslim religion. He sounded like super right winger just a few months ago with a boatload of neocon advisers like John Bolton and in that debate suddenly he is doing me too, but with a little more attitude. Obviously, Mitt looked at some polls and decided to change his tune. What Romney do you get if elected? I am suspecting that while he is a total opportunist, the elected Romney would be closer to the Massachusetts Romney. not out of principles, but because he has decided that is where the national voters are. Mitt wants to get re-elected more than he wants to be ideologically pure.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
"I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard"

-Ann Coulter

Gawd what a cun....................t
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
From the NY Times:
Being prepared to keep up to is not the same as committing to, and the broader point is Iraq wasn't willing to let us keep the troops there under circumstances agreeable to us. Would Romney keep them there if they could be arrested snd tried by the Iraq government?

Being prepared to keep up to is not the same as committing to
No, it wasn't "being prepared to." It was specifically negotiating to try to make it happen. He wanted to keep troops there, same as Romney; he just failed to make it happen. Now he's trying to spin that failure into not wanting it in the first place.

and the broader point is Iraq wasn't willing to let us keep the troops there under circumstances agreeable to us. Would Romney keep them there if they could be arrested snd tried by the Iraq government?
A fair question. But not one Obama asked.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Final Donnie Darko score card

Debate 1
Obama: D+
Rommney- D+

VP Debate
Biden- A+
Ryan- C-

Debate 2
Obama- C+
Rommney- D

Debate 3
Obama- C
Rommney- C

Ties- 2