Directors you still haven't seen


Due to the long loading times I couldn't use the search button to look for similar threads.

The title reads directors you still haven't seen, but it's pretty obvious it's about their films, not the directors personally. Just make a list of well-known/influencial/highly acclaimed/hyped filmmakers that you still have to discover (or don't want to!). The only condition is you haven't seen a single movie made by them!

My list:
-Woody Allen
-Charlie Chaplin
-Alejandro Jodorowsky
-Peter Greenaway
-Satyajit Ray
-William Wyler
-Mohsen Makhmalbaf
-Susanne Bier
-Carlos Reygadas
-Chantal Akerman
-Louis Malle
-Edward Yang
-Shohei Imamura
-Agnes Varda
-Jules Dassin
-Ming-liang Tsai
-Abel Gance
-Eric Rohmer
-Joseph Losey
-Istvan Szabo
-Andrzej Munk
-Emir Kusturica
-Hayao Miyazaki
-Henri-Georges Clouzot

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
-Woody Allen
-Charlie Chaplin
-Alejandro Jodorowsky
-Peter Greenaway
-Satyajit Ray
William Wyler
-Mohsen Makhmalbaf
-Susanne Bier
-Carlos Reygadas
-Chantal Akerman

-Louis Malle
-Edward Yang
-Shohei Imamura
-Agnes Varda

-Jules Dassin
-Ming-liang Tsai
-Abel Gance
-Eric Rohmer
-Joseph Losey
-Istvan Szabo
-Andrzej Munk
-Emir Kusturica
-Hayao Miyazaki
Henri-Georges Clouzot

The ones in black I have not watched an entire movie of. Some I never heard of.

I am amazed someone who composed a list like this never saw a Woody Allen movie.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Ingmar Bergman
Andrey Tarkovskiy
Akira Kurosawa
Yasujirô Ozu
Jean Renoir

These are THE most important directors that I've never watched a film of yet. I still have a lot to look forward to!

-Woody Allen
-Charlie Chaplin
-Alejandro Jodorowsky
-Peter Greenaway
-Satyajit Ray
-William Wyler
-Mohsen Makhmalbaf
-Susanne Bier
-Carlos Reygadas
-Chantal Akerman
-Louis Malle
-Edward Yang
-Shohei Imamura
-Agnes Varda
-Jules Dassin
-Ming-liang Tsai
-Abel Gance
-Eric Rohmer
-Joseph Losey
-Istvan Szabo
-Andrzej Munk
-Emir Kusturica
-Hayao Miyazaki
-Henri-Georges Clouzot
All those +

-Federico Fellini
-Jean-Luc Godard
-Alain Resnais
-Jean Renoir
-Francois Tuffaut
-Andrey Tarkovskiy
-Akira Kurosawa
-Ozu Yasujiro
-Vittorio De Sica
-Roberto Rossellini
-Carl Theodor Dreyer
-Robert Bresson
-F. W. Murnau

and some others

I have not seen any movies by

Kenji Mizoguchi (need to see Ugetsu)
Andrei Tarkovsky
Hayao Miyazaki (Forgive me Guaporense!)
Satyajit Ray
Sofia Coppola

All of whom I will one day see at least one of their movies.

Ingmar Bergman
Andrey Tarkovskiy
Akira Kurosawa
Yasujirô Ozu
Jean Renoir
If there are people who know the perfect movie to start discovering one of these "masters", I am very open to suggestions!

If there are people who know the perfect movie to start discovering one of these "masters", I am very open to suggestions!
I'd suggest Rashomon for Kurosawa. I haven't seen any or enough of the other directors to suggest one though.

If there are people who know the perfect movie to start discovering one of these "masters", I am very open to suggestions!
Bergman - Wild Strawberries
Tarkovsky - Ivan's Childhood (this is very different than most Tarkovsky films but it is by far his most accessible)
Kurosawa - Rashomon or Yojimbo (definitely Yojimbo if you like Sergio Leone's Fistful of Dollars/For a Few Dollars More

If there are people who know the perfect movie to start discovering one of these "masters", I am very open to suggestions!
I think for Bergman try The Seventh Seal

i will agree with the Kurosawa movies of Rashomon or Yojimbo.

For Ozu I can only say Tokyo Story

Andrey Tarkovskiy
Ingmar Bergman
Federico Fellini
Jean-Luc Godard
Charlie Chaplin
Orson Welles
Terrence Malick
Milos Forman

and many more I must've forgotten about

and all the other highly acclaimed Japanese/Asian filmmakers, with the exception of Miyazaki

All those +

-Federico Fellini
-Jean-Luc Godard
-Alain Resnais
-Jean Renoir
-Francois Tuffaut
-Andrey Tarkovskiy
-Akira Kurosawa
-Ozu Yasujiro
-Vittorio De Sica
-Roberto Rossellini
-Carl Theodor Dreyer
-Robert Bresson
-F. W. Murnau

and some others
Fellini? Kurosawa? De Sica? Ouch.

For first time Fellini views I'd suggest La Strada or Nights of Cabiria. After those watch 8 1/2.

Kurosawa it can be Seven Samurai / Yojimbo or if you're not in a Samurai mood than Ikiru. Personally Ikiru is his best, but Kurosawa is a master film maker and his movies are indeed a amazing work of art.

De Sica of course must be Bicycle Thieves.
-J. Hussain

George steven's is my favorite director. Hopefully no one has mentioned him yet because you're all familiar with his films.
I've familiar with these directors and can comment on them.

Akira kurosawa - Saw 11. The best to start with is Akira Kurosawa's Dreams. I especially love the first short story, and it's only an 11 minute commitment to watch it. That's why it's the best to start with
Charlie Chaplin - Saw 7. City lights is the best overall movie, the circus is the funniest
William Wyler - Saw 5, but I only really like his movies because of audrey hepburn Roman holiday was great and I plan to give it to my niece once she's old enough to rebel. haha my nephew will get 400 blows
F.W. Murnau - Saw 4. Hated 1, didn't like 2. Faust was alright. George steven's Place in the sun is similar to murnau's sunrise, only an order of magnitude better.
Hayao Miyazaki- Saw 2, I really liked spirited away the best
Vittorio De Sica - Saw 2. Really liked the bicycle thief
Ingmar Bergman - Saw 1. saw Seventh seal but I liked it. smiles of a summer night and persona are in my queue

I haven't seen these, but I have (queued movies in parentheses)

Woody Allen - tried to watch annie hall and turned it off
Federico Fellini - tried to watch 8 1/2 but turned it off (la strada)
Satyajit Ray (Aranyer Din Ratri)
Mohsen Makhmalbaf (Kandahar)
Yasujirô Ozu (tokyo story)
Jean Renoir (Le Crime de Monsieur Lange)
Jean-Luc Godard (breathless and band of outsiders)
Ozu Yasujiro (tokyo story)
Robert Bresson (mouchette)
Sofia Coppola (lost in translation)
Alain Resnais - queued 3 movies
Roberto Rossellini - queued 2 movies

Alejandro Jodorowsky
Peter Greenaway
Susanne Bier
Carlos Reygadas
Chantal Akerman
Louis Malle
Edward Yang?
Shohei Imamura
Agnes Varda
Jules Dassin
Ming-liang Tsai
Abel Gance
Eric Rohmer
Joseph Losey
Istvan Szabo
Andrzej Munk
Emir Kusturica
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Francois Tuffaut
Audrey Tarkovskiy
Carl Theodor Dreyer

Most of these guys I've never heard of, where did all these names come from?

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
For Jean Renoir the movie to see has to be The Grand Illusion.

F.W. Murnau's best movie is The Last Laugh.

I think for Bergman try The Seventh Seal
This was my first Bergman film and I really didn't get it. It took me a year or two to force myself to see another Bergman film.
Tarkovsky - Ivan's Childhood (this is very different than most Tarkovsky films but it is by far his most accessible)
nah,I'd start with Stalker.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Akira kurosawa - Saw 11. The best to start with is Akira Kurosawa's Dreams.
I have to disagree from personal experience. My first taste of Kurosawa was one of the vignettes from Dreams I watched in a film class in college. Having seen many more of Kurosawa's movies, while Dreams is still an excellent film, it is also very different from his general body of work and his most personal. And I did not consider myself a Kurosawa fan until after I saw Seven Samurai. Dreams is still a must see for any fan of his work, but I think it is a poor starting point.

This was my first Bergman film and I really didn't get it. It took me a year or two to force myself to see another Bergman film.

nah,I'd start with Stalker.
For me my first Bergman film was Wild Strawberries, and it took me a while after that to try The Seventh Seal which I enjoyed.

If there are people who know the perfect movie to start discovering one of these "masters", I am very open to suggestions!
I started with The Seventh Seal for Bergman. My first Tarkovsky was Solaris. Both I think are good introductions.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
Xbox Live: Proximiteh

Let the night air cool you off
I haven't seen a feature film from any of the following (for shame!)

- Robert Bresson
- William Wyler
- Fritz Lang (!)
- Elia Kazan
- Kar Wai Wong
- Andrey Tarkovskiy (!)
- Krzysztof Kieslowski
- Woody Allen (!)
- François Truffaut (!)
- Michelangelo Antonioni
- David Lean (!)
- Carl Theodor Dreyer (!)
- Rainer Werner Fassbinder

In conclusion, I suck.

Let the night air cool you off
Fritz Lang
Jean Renoir
Federico Fellini
Jean Luc Godard
Andrei Tarkovsky
Spike Lee
Wes Anderson
For the bolded, I suggest:

The Royal Tenenbaums

Good starting points, I think.