All rise


Back with a bang!
Haha, made you rise

Anyways, I'm a new member here, looks like a really nice site. I am in the habit of watching movies that I like 15-20 times, lobbying all my friends about the movie, tell them they HAVE to see it, using quotes in my daily life a frightening number of times, making obsqure(sp?) references to them that no-one gets, etc. etc.

Do you guys think this is the place for me??

I am also a rabid Discworld fanatic, hope I'm not alone

Here are some of the movies I almost know by heart:

The Big Lebowski
Office Space
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Life of Brian
Bullet (the one with Mickey Rourke, don't ask me why, it just happened, ok )
A Fish Called Wanda
Dumb and Dumber
There's Something About Mary
Pulp Fiction

I really look forward to hanging out here with you guys.
Ride Johnny ride

Welcome to the site. Yeah, I think you'll fit in..
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Back with a bang!
Thanks. I just have to add all the Kevin Smith films to my above list. Can't believe i forgot them.

I am also a rabid Discworld fanatic, hope I'm not alone
I can't speak for the rest of these MoFo's, but I love anything of the Terry Pratchett. Good to know there are more Discworld peeps out there!

Your username is great--now here's the test...

In which Pratchett book does mine (Mary Loquacious) appear?

(hums the Final Jeopardy tune)

And, I didn't say it before, but welcome!

Mary Lo-Kenobi
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Back with a bang!
Well, I already PM'ed you the answer, but might as well make it official: The answer is Good Omens. She is a memeber of The Chattering Order (satanist nuns)