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Dune Part II

One of the greatest "big" movies that i watched on a movie theatre, a jaw dropping experience, a monumental achievement that confirms Dennis Villeneuve as one of the most important directors of this century.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
a monumental achievement that confirms Dennis Villeneuve as one of the most important directors of this century.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

a monumental achievement that confirms Dennis Villeneuve as one of the most important directors of this century.
Just curious: which do you consider the most monumental cinematic achievement of the 20th century? Who do you consider the most important directors of the 20th century?

Just curious: which do you consider the most monumental cinematic achievement of the 20th century? Who do you consider the most important directors of the 20th century?
Important movies
Godfather I and II
8 1/2
Citizen Kane
Paths of Glory
Samurai Cop

(sorry i can't pick one)

Important directors

Important movies
Godfather I and II
8 1/2
Citizen Kane
Paths of Glory
Samurai Cop

(sorry i can't pick one)

Important directors
So what you're saying is that just based on Dune alone, DV is already at the same level as Kubrick, Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bergman?

It's OK if you are - I'm not being judgy, just trying to make sure we have the same frame of reference.

So what you're saying is that just based on Dune alone, DV is already at the same level as Kubrick, Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bergman?

It's OK if you are - I'm not being judgy, just trying to make sure we have the same frame of reference.
I didn't say it was based on Dune alone. He is building a diverse and very interisting filmmography and Dune part II confirms once more that he is one of the best of this century. This century means 21st century.

He isn't at the same level of Kubrick or Fellini yet but he is doing his thing and he has been great.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
But is Paul Atreides really a savior?
WARNING: "spoilers" spoilers below
He freed the Fremen from the empire and they worship him. So yes, he is a savior at the end of this movie. What direction Paul takes them will be revealed in the next.
Boldly going.

The Moon Thieves

Fiendishly clever and awesomely entertaining, The Moon Thieves is one of the best heist movies in years; to say anything more than it involves four extremely rare wristwatches (3 of them supposedly once owned by Picasso; and one supposedly the first watch ever worn on the moon) would be criminal.

Three of the leads are apparently on a boy band of some sort; that does not take from one's enjoyment of the movie, which is just as fun if you've never heard of any of them before.

And believe me, this is one movie where you definitely want to stay for the mid-credit scenes, it's utterly delightful.

WARNING: "spoilers" spoilers below
He freed the Fremen from the empire and they worship him. So yes, he is a savior at the end of this movie. What direction Paul takes them will be revealed in the next.
WARNING: "D2 spoilers" spoilers below
I don't think the Freman are actually free at the end of the movie in any meaningful way; Paul Atreides is declaring himself Emperor and he's asking them to help him fight back because the Houses are challenging his ascendancy, IIRC. I mean, I think it's open to interpretation whether PA is more a budding Palpatine than a Luke Skywalker - or perhaps more of an Anakin or even a Michael Corleone.

If you'd prefer we could take this over to the Dune thread so it doesn't get in the way of new movie ratings.

SF = Z

Humm, quite enjoyed this. Don't think it deserves all the hate it gets.
It's a landmark film for sure, with brilliant writing and acting all the way through. It's one of the very few horror films that really impressed me. I haven't watched any horror films in many years. The last one may have been Jaws. I don't like horror.

I forgot the opening line.

By The poster art can or could be obtained from the distributor., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=47812875

In the Electric Mist - (2009)

In the Electric Mist has all the hallmarks of a difficult transition from the pages of a book to the screen - it feels like a faithful transferral that has nonetheless let the subtext be diluted. That's my take anyway. Tommy Lee Jones gets to beat the living hell out of nearly every character in this film - and I have to emphasise beat the living hell, because as Detective Dave Robicheaux he gets brutally vicious without ever really voicing his anger. He's on the hunt for a person barbarically murdering hookers, and also an age-old case where a black man was gunned down, and his remains surface 50 years later. He also becomes good friends with the ghost an old Confederate General. John Goodman, Peter Sarsgaard and Mary Steenburgen round out a cast that includes Ned Beatty in a small role. It's somewhat uneven and doesn't really tie it's loose ends up - but it's not deserving of derision. It's just an adaptation that doesn't completely come off, despite being compelling enough to stick with until the anticlimactic end.


By http://www.impawards.com/2013/hangov..._iii_ver7.html, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38734555

The Hangover Part III - (2013)

The first Hangover sequel had the same problem, and provided the same solution as Die Hard - namely, "How the hell does this happen twice? Oh, never mind, it happens twice - just go with it." But once you get to the third film, it strains credulity too much - even if the movies are silly. So Hangover Part III serves up an anemic thriller which at times forgets the broad comedy that made the films what they were. The fun is gone. Now it's hostages, hoodlums and guns - which makes this one of the stranger sharp turns I've ever seen in a film franchise. Leslie Chow? (Ken Jeong) - he's only good in small doses. Oh, and in a mid-credits scene we see that the whole 'hangover' schtick happens a third time anyway - there you go. Sorely lacking as much fun and comedy, the third Hangover film would be a tough ask as far as multiple watches go.


Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20244992

Night and the City - (1950)

Fantastic film noir classic featuring Richard Widmark as remarkably overconfident con-man and hustler Harry Fabian - about to be pinned to the mat with his new, "can't fail" wrestling venture. Directed by Jules Dassin, who had fled the U.S. and it's Un-American Activities Committee hearings. Reviewed here, in my watchlist thread.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Last weekend, I and my family watched Inception.
It was 9/10. Amazing writing and visual graphics.
Highly recommended.

Dune Part 2
I found Part 1 slow-paced, but the third act of this Dune - despite the movie being nearly 3 hours - was very fast-paced; almost too fast. They introduced new characters who almost seemed unnecessary as they seemed to have had very little impact on the eventual outcome. Overall, I enjoyed the action, the special effects and I definitely think the movie should receive an Oscar for costume design.
Dune has been compared to Star Wars, with Star Wars appealing to families and Dune appealing to adults. I find Dune intentionally brooding (including the colours: some scenes are so blanketed in blacks and whites they look as if they were shot in black & white), while Star Wars is uplifting. I prefer Luke Skywalker as a savior over Paul Atreides.
loved this cause i be seeing dune part 2 tomoroww morning, i knew part 2 will be more action

SF = Z


[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

It's a landmark film for sure, with brilliant writing and acting all the way through. It's one of the very few horror films that really impressed me. I haven't watched any horror films in many years. The last one may have been Jaws. I don't like horror.
I think you missed that the review you replied to was not about the original The Exorcist, but last year's sequel (which, by the way, does deserve all the hate it's getting)