The idea behind this game is to post a song, and then the next person has to take a line (or even just a word) from one of that song's lyrics and change it to something else for humorous effect.

I'll start things off:

Normally, somebody else would pick a line from that song to change, but for demonstration purposes I'll take this one:

"I sometimes feel I should just go home / But I'm dealing with a(n) elephant that never forgets"

BTW, utterly apropos of absolutely nothing, but you might find this amusing:

When I was a little kid, I misheard another line from this song,
"You better love me, all the time now / You better shove me back into line now"
"You better love me, all the time now / You better shove me like it's alive now"

I swear to God, that's what my completely innocent young ears heard, with absolutely no notion whatsoever of what that might mean!

I might point out, however, that this particular game is not specifically about misheard lines from songs. This is not the "Mondegreen Game Thread." (I'll leave that to somebody else!) However... if you want your change to be based on your own personal mishearing of a song's lyrics, that's perfectly alright!

Next song (and the possibilities here are just endless!) is:

"Well, it's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid" - Clint Eastwood as The Stranger, High Plains Drifter (1973)

"I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours" - Bob Dylan, Talkin' World War III Blues (1963)