Jeff's Streaming Journal

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What a fun series to go through, 3 seasons, 8 half hour episodes each, addictive stuff, Viaplay is in the house, and i'll keep Netflix too as it has some Nordic Noir ... how come some NN can be from Germany? Doesn't it have to be Scandinavian to count? Bloody search results probably, giving you wider results than you ask for.

My approach to Nordic Noir series isn't chronological anymore, been enjoying this, and i like seeing actors i remember from other series, in this i recognized the heavyset guy who played the dad/husband of the victim in The Killing season 1. The Chestnut Man is slightly less than what i've seen before in this genre, which i definitely am in a micro phase for, my film count may suffer, but i'll be getting what i want more.

Memories of Murder -- 2003 -- Bong Joon-ho

Watching on Plex on early Sunday January 7, the birthdate of my collection, which i suppose is all but dead as i stream everything now, will be interesting to see this much praised earlier work of the one and only Bong.

2nd week into the year, and i believe i have a plan that is functional, and that is to just watch Nordic Noir series for awhile, this thread is a mess btw, and it doesn't fit in this section, movie reviews and i'm going on weakly about tv series, damn good tv series btw

My all at once approach is in motion, i've got all the most highly regarded NNS in a watching mix, much like i would do reading on kindle

The Killing -- in the 2nd season, hauntingly good stuff, Sarah Lund is an amazing character.

The Bridge -- the only thing i don't like about this is the theme song

Borgen -- not much to say at this point

Wallander -- movie length episodes, might be episodic

Wisting -- the blurb about this is that it's the best, so maybe it belongs with the big boys here

Update -- as this is called my streaming journal, i am within my rights i hope to keep doing this even though i don't see the purpose of it, and it's legitimacy in this section of this site. AWOL taken captive by not just the Scandi noir shows, but non-english series in general. Metamorphosing into a telephile, when you sink your teeth in a show and it's working it magic on you, film doesn't compare, partly because with a show there's more to be had. It's the audio/visual equivalent to novels. Now certainly the aesthetic level in the fine films are higher than any show can have, that is not disputed, but how the value of a show or film is transubstantiated into the viewer's being, and the effect it has, so by stating your tendencies and so on is telling the reader/onlooker about that viewer not a value judgment on the show or film they are talking about. In the nordic noir, there's is just a hell of a lot of the content that hits the mark, tonally, the almost complete lack of comedic relief is savored and is nourishing. It's prescriptive entertainment for my specific predicament. All sorts of shows all at once in a mecha-tornado of non-english series. If i fit in a film, i'll make note of it here after it's seen, so i refrain from my terrible habit of shouting out about what i start and not finish.