The Twilight Zone Hall of Fame


Was yours that one? That might win, so might the Midnight Sun and The Invaders the one with Agnes Moorehead. I think mine will come in towards the bottom. The one that everyone seemed to love but me was the Gig Young episode Walking Distance it'll probably do good too.
Nah, I picked "Maple Street" and "A Nice Place to Visit."
I'll go ahead and say it: I really liked "Nothing in the Dark," would love if it won and I think it has a chance. So, kudos to who picked it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Also, it was a real blast hosting this Hall and getting to revisit some episodes I haven't seen in a while. A few people requested for a part 2 so, if enough people express interest in it, I might host it in the future (unless someone else wants to host it, that is). After this Hall ends though, I'm going to take a break from hosting. I'm currently in my last semester of college and, after it ends, I'll be busy with looking for a job.
I seen you post that you're going to Italy after school is over? Lucky basterd!

Oh I can guarantee there will be a lot of us wanting to do a TZHOFII, this was really popular! Do you know when you would be able to host again approx?

Also, I may have messed up while calculating the results, but a Tales from the Darkside episode won.
I knew that was going to happen. It was foretold to me in a dream I had while visiting another dimension.

I seen you post that you're going to Italy after school is over? Lucky basterd!
Thanks! That'll likely be the final big vacation of that size I'll go on for a while since I'll be busy with work afterwards, so I'm really looking forward to it.

I can guarantee there will be a lot of us wanting to do a TZHOFII. Do you know when you would be able to host again approx?
Probably sometime during the summer. I mentioned this in the 27th Hall, but I was also thinking of doing a Worst Movies Ever Hall, so I might do that one first.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nah, I picked "Maple Street" and "A Nice Place to Visit."
Nice choosing, those were a couple of my favorites. Of course I could say that about a lot of the noms.

I'll go ahead and say it: I really liked "Nothing in the Dark," would love if it won and I think it has a chance. So, kudos to who picked it.
That do good too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks! That'll likely be the final big vacation of that size I'll go on for a while since I'll be busy with work afterwards, so I'm really looking forward to it.
How long are you going to be in Italy? Not rushing you (I realized it sounded that way, but nope just curious, I hope you get a really long and nice vacation!)

Probably sometime during the summer. I mentioned this in the 27th Hall, but I was also thinking of doing a Worst Movies Ever Hall, so I might do that one first.
Summer? I don't think I can wait Totally understand of course, just saying this was real fun.

Worst Move Ever Hall...just go for it when you have time, some will join. I do have a worst movie picked out, but I might wait to see what the noms are.

How long are you going to be in Italy?
Approximately 2.5 weeks.

Not rushing you (I realized it sounded that way, but nope just curious, I hope you get a really long and nice vacation!)
It's cool. It didn't seem that way at all.

Summer? I don't think I can wait
Hm, maybe you are rushing me after all. I'm on to you!

Worst Move Ever Hall...just go for it when you have time, some will join. I do have a worst movie picked out, but I might wait to see what the noms are.
I have a few ideas of what I could nominate as well.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Approximately 2.5 weeks..
Sweet! I've never been to Italy but we once had a vacation to Italy planned out but it fell through. I'm thinking once this covid crap gets settled down I can start making up some of those lost vacations.

Sweet! I've never been to Italy but we once had a vacation to Italy planned out but it fell through. I'm thinking once this covid crap gets settled down I can start making up some of those lost vacations.
Yeah, hopefully my trip won't get cancelled due to covid. I have a feeling it will work out though.


Season 1 Episode 2: Wordplay/Dreams for Sale/Chameleon

Nominated By: PHOENIX74

Ballot Rankings: 5th, 15th, 16th, 16th, 17th, 17th, 18th, 18th, 18th

Total Points: 31

I had that one at #16 on my ballot. The quality of the three episodes were rather hit or miss for me and, overall, it paled in comparison to most episodes I've seen in the original show. I might check out some more of the 80's Twilight Zone though to see if I find any favorites.

Also, here's another solid episode from the 1985 Twilight Zone. I have mixed feelings about its the final message, but the buildup and execution is quite good and suspenseful.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
looks like I timed this just right.

wordplay was also #18 for me
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio


Season 1 Episode 32: A Passage for Trumpet

Nominated By: Citizen Rules

Ballot Rankings: 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 18th, 18th

Total Points: 52

A Passage for Trumpet was #17 on my ballot. I enjoyed a couple bits near the end, but the buildup and the twist in the episode didn't do much for me.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A shame it was so low. Though I didn't help since it was only #15 for me simply due to the favorites above. It was one of several I truly hated having so low on my list.