
Can somebody - anybody - tell me how to boil eggs?

No matter what level of water I use, what kind of pan, how much boiling time, how much resting time - I can never get all the shells off. If I boil 6 eggs, 3 will be ruined because the shelling pulls off the whites.

Please please HELP.
Return to #boiledeggsgate

Even with @gbgoodies help, I have been wrecking my boiled eggs. My last batch was atrocious. So I found this gadget online. Might be the first gadget I’ve ever bought, but it works!!!

You put a little bit of water in the container, drop in a cooked egg & shake a few times. The little pointy things pierce the egg membrane & the shell comes off easily.

Made in America in Connecticut, which is also great.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.


This was the saddest thing I read yesterday. This puppet is so amazing. It made me cry.

The world is becoming so cruel. What we do to each other is mind-boggling.

@Mesmerized, read the bit where Amal met the Pope.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.

This was the saddest thing I read yesterday. This puppet is so amazing. It made me cry.

The world is becoming so cruel. What we do to each other is mind-boggling.

@Mesmerized, read the bit where Amal met the Pope.

I'm not able to access the page. There's a pop up I can't close asking me to subscribe.

I'm not able to access the page. There's a pop up I can't close asking me to subscribe.
Try this link to a different publication. https://walkwithamal.org/gallery/

If you click on the thumbnails you also get a short video. The Italian thumbnail includes Amal & the Pope.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Try this link to a different publication. https://walkwithamal.org/gallery/

If you click on the thumbnails you also get a short video. The Italian thumbnail includes Amal & the Pope.

Wow that was cute. Thanks for sharing this about Little Amal. This is the first I've heard about that pupet.

Wow that was cute. Thanks for sharing this about Little Amal. This is the first I've heard about that pupet.
Surprisingly, I had never heard of her before either. Powerful.

Just looking at one of the videos of yesterday’s school shooting in Michigan. That one teacher saved all those kids’ lives. The shooter shouted through the door that he was a sheriff, but the teacher didn’t believe him & would not open the door. When the shooter said “bro” they all knew he was a student & they all fled. Kudos to that teacher who had the common sense not to let the killer inside.

How great it is that going to school is life-threatening.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Just a nice story about someone I've never heard a bad word or rumour about.

Michael Sheen turns himself into a 'not-for-profit' actor
That is a neat story, good for Michael Sheen! I've often thought if I was a rich actor being payed obscene amounts of money, you know millions, I'd donate 95% of it to worthy charities.

That is a neat story, good for Michael Sheen! I've often thought if I was a rich actor being payed obscene amounts of money, you know millions, I'd donate 95% of it to worthy charities.
I wonder if you would? I know I wouldn’t.

Return to #boiledeggsgate

Even with @gbgoodies help, I have been wrecking my boiled eggs. My last batch was atrocious. So I found this gadget online. Might be the first gadget I’ve ever bought, but it works!!!

You put a little bit of water in the container, drop in a cooked egg & shake a few times. The little pointy things pierce the egg membrane & the shell comes off easily.

Made in America in Connecticut, which is also great.

Final post in the saga of #boiledeggsgate

The directions with this gadget calls for dropping the eggs into boiling water uncovered & boiling on medium for 10 minutes. Turns out this was the trick: no other recipe called for the eggs to be put into boiling water. They all called for the eggs to be in cold water & then bring the water to a boil.

Ironic thing is I no longer need this gadget because the shells come off real easy with the above method. Oh, well.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Final post in the saga of #boiledeggsgate

The directions with this gadget calls for dropping the eggs into boiling water uncovered & boiling on medium for 10 minutes. Turns out this was the trick: no other recipe called for the eggs to be put into boiling water. They all called for the eggs to be in cold water & then bring the water to a boil.

Ironic thing is I no longer need this gadget because the shells come off real easy with the above method. Oh, well.

Thanks for the info. I'll pass this information to Hubby. I'm sure that he'll appreciate it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Chills. RBR rocks!
"Some people just doesn't understand the dangers of indiscriminate surveillance."

Connecticut got our first snow overnight. Ugh.

Was filled with trepidation at having to walk through this crap for my daily exercise this a.m., but it wasn’t too bad. Chilly, but not too cold &, mercifully, no wind. Once I got my footwear sorted, I was okay.

Felt quite proud of myself 2 hours later for facing my fear & making it through okay. Now, tomorrow, they’re talking freezing rain, which I never tackle. Ice scares me to pieces.

I went to the mall today and then had pizza with my mom and sister. It was a nice time. I got 6 movies at the mall and the pizza was good. It had extra cheese and olives on it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here’s one answer: Catholic guilt.
Give up guilt for lent, instead of Twitter

I went to the mall today and then had pizza with my mom and sister. It was a nice time. I got 6 movies at the mall and the pizza was good. It had extra cheese and olives on it.
That post made me smile