Picture This


Is that an adjective? I can't even find the word on Google.
I was thinking detritus, but it’s a noun.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Unfamiliar with this word.
Is that an adjective? I can't even find the word on Google.
My mistake. I used google to spell check and then copy the correct spelling...only my pasteboard still had the wrong spelling so that got pasted by mistake.


My mistake. I used google to spell check and then copy the correct spelling...only my pasteboard still had the wrong spelling so that got pasted by mistake.

Unfortunately, this is not an adjective.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Unfortunately, this is not an adjective.
Does it have to be an adjective? This is what I'm trying to post

Detritus | Definition of Detritus by Merriam-Webster


English Language Learners Definition of detritus formal : the pieces that are left when something breaks, falls apart, is destroyed, etc. See the full definition for detritus in the English Language Learners Dictionary