Most disappointing movies you ever saw in the cinema/theater?


The one where you went in with high expectations, sat through the whole film, but came out feeling really let down.

Number 1 for me was Star Wars Last Jedi, I went on opening night as well, having only heard glowing reviews from all the critics, and having enjoyed Force Awakens. Alarm bells started ringing early on, then when Leia started flying that was the end of it. Still suffering PTSD about it to this day.

The Phantom Menace, obviously, but I also have a not-so-special place in my heart for The Neverending Story 2 since it was my first theater disappointment. The first one was one of my favorite movies as a kid. The sequel? Probably my least favorite.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The Last Jedi
The Matrix Revolutions
The Hobbit (Only went for first one)

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The one where you went in with high expectations, sat through the whole film, but came out feeling really let down.

Number 1 for me was Star Wars Last Jedi, I went on opening night as well, having only heard glowing reviews from all the critics, and having enjoyed Force Awakens. Alarm bells started ringing early on, then when Leia started flying that was the end of it. Still suffering PTSD about it to this day.
You and me both!

The Phantom Menace, obviously
I was lucky in that I went into it with no expectations and having not seen the originals in many years. I suspect a lot of this is down to your expectations and general mood walking in to see it.

The Matrix Revolutions
Yep, forgotten about that, I've never wanted the villain (Agent Smith) to win more than in this movie, would have been even better if Neo had dumped trinity and gone off with French girl - that's how frustrated I was (should have seen it coming though, matrix reloaded wasn't great).

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Yep, forgotten about that, I've never wanted the villain (Agent Smith) to win more than in this movie, would have been even better if Neo had dumped trinity and gone off with French girl - that's how frustrated I was (should have seen it coming though, matrix reloaded wasn't great).
Reloaded was elevated a bit by several tremendous action sequences, and even then wasn't that bad a film. Revolutions was far too much time in the miserable real world, with the big battle vs the sentinels falling a bit flat.

Trouble with a capital "T"
THE PHANTOM MENACE!!! It was the last Star Wars film I'd ever bother to watch until I gave into curiosity and watched the equally dismal The Force which point I decided I'd rather be watching anything else as long as it wasn't part of the Star Wars franchise.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
THE PHANTOM MENACE!!! It was the last Star Wars film I'd ever bother to watch until I gave into curiosity and watched the equally dismal The Force which point I decided I'd rather be watching anything else as long as it wasn't part of the Star Wars franchise.
I was too young to realise how **** it was.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Us (2019).

“I was cured, all right!”
Big fan of Matrix Revolutions here, the funny thing, is that watching it in the cinema was one of my favorities experiences with a movie. But honestly I believe the next Matrix will be a big pile of gargabe.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I also kind of like The Matrix Revolutions and did not necessarily see what was so bad about it. The ending was an overall letdown though, if that's the reason for everyone.

My usual response to this question is Congo. I was a fan of the book, which I had read a couple of years before the film came out, so when I saw the "Coming soon" poster at the theater, I was pretty excited. I even convinced my best friend, telling him it would be the best thing ever... and then it wasn't. I know a lot of people enjoy its camp, but even my teenage self wasn't thrilled with the result, especially when compared to how thrilling and tense the book is.

My most recent response is probably The Rise of Skywalker. Enjoyed The Force Awakens and loved The Last Jedi, but after all the hoopla surrounding the franchise, I approached this with caution and still was disappointed. The film was just a barrage of bafflingly bad, WTF decisions one behind the other.
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Without doubt for me A Good Day To Die Hard. Absolutely besmirching the Die Hard name. A stain on the franchises legacy. Jai Courtney is a bad omen.

Quantum Of Solace is definitely one of 'em; it's like the filmmakers just said "coherent plotting/directing, what's that?".

Without doubt for me A Good Day To Die Hard. Absolutely besmirching the Die Hard name. A stain on the franchises legacy. Jai Courtney is a bad omen.
That's an awful film, but considering how the series had diminished in quality with the past entries, I really had no expectations for it, so I was not disappointed. I mean, it's awful, but I was expecting it to be awful.

Quantum Of Solace is definitely one of 'em; it's like the filmmakers just said "coherent plotting/directing, what's that?".
I was also left disappointed. Quantum of Solace seems to be kind of like Rush's album Caress of Steel: the average fan can't make heads or tails of it, but there are die-hard Bond fans who consider it an unsung masterpiece of the franchise.

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THE PHANTOM MENACE!!! It was the last Star Wars film I'd ever bother to watch until I gave into curiosity and watched the equally dismal The Force which point I decided I'd rather be watching anything else as long as it wasn't part of the Star Wars franchise.
Easily mine too. Saw it in the theater with a group I organized of a bunch of my friends - midnight show - opening night so first show - holy crap!

I certainly enjoyed TFW more than it though, and The Last Jedi was actually quite good, if about 30 minutes too long. Rogue One was quite good too. I heard more than enough bad about the last one to steer clear though.