Fan-Based STAR TREK Series


Trouble with a capital "T"
Ooh! I gotta see that, especially if it has a crossover (kinda) with STC's "Kirk."

I always had a theory that the mirror universe was the result of a reality where Kirk saved Edith Keeler from being hit by a truck. In the episode City on the Edge of Forever, Spock shows that if she didn't die, the Nazis would win WWII. The "Terran Empire" just seemed to be a natural evolution of if the Nazis had control over the Earth.
That's an intriquing premise,'re very close to what the writers of Starship Farragut 'For Want of a Nail' did in their episode that explained how the mirror universe's Terran history diverged from our own.

There's another Starship Farragut episode set in the modern time (during Kirk's day) where a Empire Terran ship crosses over into 'our' universe. That one is called: The Crossing and is the best of the lot (and I was wrong it is on youtube)

That's an intriquing premise,'re very close to what the writers of Starship Farragut 'For Want of a Nail' did in their episode that explained how the mirror universe's Terran history diverged from our own.

There's another Starship Farragut episode set in the modern time (during Kirk's day) where a Empire Terran ship crosses over into 'our' universe. That one is called: The Crossing and is the best of the lot (and I was wrong it is on youtube)
Interesting... there was a DC Comics mini-series (and a sequel) called "The Nail" which was based on the same poem as that title: "For Want of a Nail."
The poem is about how everything that occurs can be dependent on one small detail (and if only that detail had been different, how everything else would be too).

Similar to the mirror universe, "The Nail" takes place in an alternate reality and was an "Elseworlds" story where Kal-El (Superman) was found by an Amish family, rather than the Kents... and how that would effect the entire reality & continuity of the DC universe.

Sorry, seeing that title suddenly threw me into comic book Geekiness!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Interesting... there was a DC Comics mini-series (and a sequel) called "The Nail" which was based on the same poem as that title: "For Want of a Nail."
The poem is about how everything that occurs can be dependent on one small detail (and if only that detail had been different, how everything else would be too).

Similar to the mirror universe, "The Nail" takes place in an alternate reality and was an "Elseworlds" story where Kal-El (Superman) was found by an Amish family, rather than the Kents... and how that would effect the entire reality & continuity of the DC universe.

Sorry, seeing that title suddenly threw me into comic book Geekiness!
Interesting...and the explains the quote from the poem at the beginning of the episode. Let me know if you watch it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Captain, are you still re-watching Star Trek Continues? I just got through watching another fan made Star Trek series on YouTube, Starship Farragut. Have you seen that?
I'm still trying to find time to watch Star Trek Continues, but (I read ahead in this thread), and it sounds like I should just skip Starship Farragut.

Segue to Starship Farragut! We learn how the empire in the mirror universe was created. Hint, it has to do with time travel to an alternative reality, George Washington'll like this, 'the Jersey Devil'. It was an interesting idea but image if you, me and say gbgoodies put on Star Trek uniforms and made a show, it's about that good The bridge looks decent, but the video quality and the acting has a lot to be desired.
I had some friends in college who made some low-budget movies, and I can't believe that Starship Farragut is anywhere near as bad as those movies were.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Interesting... there was a DC Comics mini-series (and a sequel) called "The Nail" which was based on the same poem as that title: "For Want of a Nail."
The poem is about how everything that occurs can be dependent on one small detail (and if only that detail had been different, how everything else would be too).

Similar to the mirror universe, "The Nail" takes place in an alternate reality and was an "Elseworlds" story where Kal-El (Superman) was found by an Amish family, rather than the Kents... and how that would effect the entire reality & continuity of the DC universe.

Sorry, seeing that title suddenly threw me into comic book Geekiness!

That's basically the same idea as the Butterfly Effect, isn't it?

That's basically the same idea as the Butterfly Effect, isn't it?

Here's the poem (one variation of many):

For Want of a Nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

P.S. I did a little checking and in the DC Comic "JLA: The Nail" it was a nail in the road that gave the Kent's pick-up truck a flat tire - so they never found the rocket containing baby Kal-El in the field - (instead he was found by Amish folks).

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Here's the poem (one variation of many):

For Want of a Nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
That sounds very familiar. I'm sure that I've heard it before, but it must have been a long time ago.

P.S. I did a little checking and in the DC Comic "JLA: The Nail" it was a nail in the road that gave the Kent's pick-up truck a flat tire - so they never found the rocket containing baby Kal-El in the field - (instead he was found by Amish folks).
I haven't heard of "JLA: The Nail", but it sounds interesting. I found a site that has it online for free, and I bookmarked it. I'll read it when I get a chance. It might be interesting if they made a movie from that story.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I finally got a chance to watch a few episodes of "Star Trek Continues". So far, I'm enjoying the show a lot. It has the same "feel" as TOS.

It took a couple of episodes to get used to Vic Mignogna as Capt. Kirk, but I'm getting used to him. He's doesn't quite have all of Shatner's mannerisms right, but he's close. Although he annoyed me a little bit at the beginning of the Mirror universe episode. It was an exact quote from the TOS episode "Mirror, Mirror", but he missed some of the inflections of the words. All he had to do was copy Shatner word for word. He's probably the easiest actor in Hollywood to mimic. (The guy who played Spock got it right.)

I like the second guy who played Dr. McCoy better than the first guy. The first guy never made me think of De Kelley at all. The second guy isn't great either, but he's much better. (The best was Karl Urban in the recent Star Trek movies. The movies were only okay, but Urban was perfect as McCoy.)

It's almost eerie how much Chris Doohan looks like his father in some scenes, and he sounds almost exactly like him too. (He's definitely not the milkman's kid. )

I love how much they pick up from TOS, especially bringing back some original guest characters. And it was cool to hear Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn as the computer voice.

The only thing that really bothered me while watching the show was a personal issue. I kept thinking of how much my Mom would have loved this show, and I wish that I could have found it a few years ago.

I finally got a chance to watch a few episodes of "Star Trek Continues". So far, I'm enjoying the show a lot. It has the same "feel" as TOS.

It took a couple of episodes to get used to Vic Mignogna as Capt. Kirk, but I'm getting used to him. He's doesn't quite have all of Shatner's mannerisms right, but he's close. Although he annoyed me a little bit at the beginning of the Mirror universe episode. It was an exact quote from the TOS episode "Mirror, Mirror", but he missed some of the inflections of the words. All he had to do was copy Shatner word for word. He's probably the easiest actor in Hollywood to mimic. (The guy who played Spock got it right.)

I like the second guy who played Dr. McCoy better than the first guy. The first guy never made me think of De Kelley at all. The second guy isn't great either, but he's much better. (The best was Karl Urban in the recent Star Trek movies. The movies were only okay, but Urban was perfect as McCoy.)

It's almost eerie how much Chris Doohan looks like his father in some scenes, and he sounds almost exactly like him too. (He's definitely not the milkman's kid. )

I love how much they pick up from TOS, especially bringing back some original guest characters. And it was cool to hear Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn as the computer voice.

The only thing that really bothered me while watching the show was a personal issue. I kept thinking of how much my Mom would have loved this show, and I wish that I could have found it a few years ago.
Same experience here - I think almost everyone annoyed me on some level at first - but that's because they just aren't the originals, some aren't professional actors and many don't look much like the original actors.

Yes, the first McCoy just didn't quite work and Ken Huber was a somewhat better fit (but dang, in some episodes it's like they couldn't find him a decent wig!)

I liked Karl Urban as McCoy also - just wish they'd made an actual prequel that was part of the original continuity instead of some alternate-carbon-copy-counter-concurrent-time-displaced-counterpart-same-but-different-other-dimension-splinter-reality... or whatever it's supposed to be.

I wish your mom could have seen it too, gbg. Was she a big ST fan (and what series did she like most)?

For fun - here's a side by side comparison of the recreated Mirror Mirror scene to the original...

There are some "Deep Fakes" made from STC on YouTube.
Some are pretty rough or not very well done, so I'm not referring them.
But this one sequence is pretty good (although a bit glitchy).
It's equally thrilling and bizarre to see Shatner's & Nimoy's faces in STC!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I wish your mom could have seen it too, gbg. Was she a big ST fan (and what series did she like most)?
Yes, my Mom was a Star Trek fan from when TOS originally aired back in the 1960s. (She always said that the only reason that she remembered my age was because I was born the same year as Star Trek. ) She used to complain about how she couldn't find it on TV because they kept changing the day and time that it aired.

She used to tell me about scenes that she remembered seeing in some episodes, but they were cut out for time in reruns. It wasn't until years later when the episodes were released on VHS that I finally got to see some of the scenes that she had told me about.

TOS was her favorite, but she also loved DS9.

She was the one who got me to watch it when it was on in syndication. She would watch the reruns, and try to get me to watch it with her. The first few episodes that I saw were some of the worst episodes from the third season, so I couldn't understand what she loved about the show. Then she asked me to go with her to see Star Trek: The Motion Picture in the theaters, and that didn't make me like Star Trek either. It wasn't until I went with her to see Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan that I finally saw what she loved about the show.

For fun - here's a side by side comparison of the recreated Mirror Mirror scene to the original...
The only thing this did was make me realize that Shatner was a better actor than I gave him credit for.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
There are some "Deep Fakes" made from STC on YouTube.
Some are pretty rough or not very well done, so I'm not referring them.
But this one sequence is pretty good (although a bit glitchy).
It's equally thrilling and bizarre to see Shatner's & Nimoy's faces in STC!

There's something very creepy about hearing other people's voices coming out of Shatner's and Nimoy's faces.


These were so well done - I can't imagine how long it took to find all the right words throughout the series to put it all together.

I LOL'd at the "Shut up Wesley!" in the "Make It So" one!

And in the beginning of "All I want for Christmas"... where it builds to "Q"... as there's a pause in the music before Picard says it and that shot of John De Lancie turning around, then followed by that wink! Just hysterical!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

These were so well done - I can't imagine how long it took to find all the right words throughout the series to put it all together.

I LOL'd at the "Shut up Wesley!" in the "Make It So" one!

And in the beginning of "All I want for Christmas"... where it builds to "Q"... as there's a pause in the music before Picard says it and that shot of John De Lancie turning around, then followed by that wink! Just hysterical!

I agree. They were very well done. I wouldn't have the time or patience to put something like that together.

Found this video from a few years back.
It's kind of an overview of Fan-Made Star Trek Series that covers many (but certainly not all) fan-based attempts to emulate or pay homage to the franchise.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Found this video from a few years back.
It's kind of an overview of Fan-Made Star Trek Series that covers many (but certainly not all) fan-based attempts to emulate or pay homage to the franchise.

Thanks for the video. That was very interesting and informative. I agree with the guy that the problem with some of the fan-based videos is poor acting and poor writing. But it looks like there are a few standouts that he mentioned that are worth seeking out.