🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
According to Ticketmaster's website, he's touring with the movie. He will also be in:

Wilkes-Barre, PA on Jan 17th
Irving, TX on Feb 15th
Houston, TX on Feb 16th
Glasgow, Great Britain on March 9th
Dublin, Ireland on March 10th
Amsterdam, Netherlands on March 14th
London, Great Britain on March 16th
Cardiff, Great Britain on March 17th

Some locations also have an option for a "Meet & Greet" for an extra charge.
He sure gets around!

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
According to Ticketmaster's website, he's touring with the movie. He will also be in:

Wilkes-Barre, PA on Jan 17th
Irving, TX on Feb 15th
Houston, TX on Feb 16th
Glasgow, Great Britain on March 9th
Dublin, Ireland on March 10th
Amsterdam, Netherlands on March 14th
London, Great Britain on March 16th
Cardiff, Great Britain on March 17th

Some locations also have an option for a "Meet & Greet" for an extra charge.
Anyone planning on attending one of these? I cannot.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Anyone planning on attending one of these? I cannot.

None of these locations are close enough to me, so I won't be going either.

But I've seen Shatner several times at conventions, and he's definitely entertaining enough that he's worth going to see if you're close enough to one of these locations.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Just a question... does anyone know what DeForest Kelly's relationship with Shatner was like?

Has he ever talked or written about how things were with them behind the scenes? Were they close friends, mere co-workers, or rivals who had disagreements? (I saw him speak once, very briefly at a convention, but he didn't talk on that topic.)

We all pretty much know that Shatner's & Nimoy's relationship was one of (mostly) friendly rivalry. They both thought THEY were the stars of the show (and they were both right). Nimoy preceded Shatner on the show and it would not have been Star Trek without Spock (and they both preceded De Kelly). Very much competitors, but not necessarily enemies.

We've learned that tensions between Shatner and co-stars (such as Takei and Koenig) were mostly hidden during filming but grew in subsequent years. Koenig, in an interview on Shatner's talk show, confessed he was offended when Shatner appeared to not even remember Koenig's name when the reunited to make movies. And most of us have heard the various stories surrounding Shatner's invitation (or lack thereof) to Takei's wedding. Even Nichelle Nichols has commented on Shatner.

But the one person I never heard from (one way or another) was De Kelly. I guess that goes for James Doohan as well - how did these two co-stars get along with their lead man during the show, during the movies and afterward?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Just a question... does anyone know what DeForest Kelly's relationship with Shatner was like?

Has he ever talked or written about how things were with them behind the scenes? Were they close friends, mere co-workers, or rivals who had disagreements? (I saw him speak once, very briefly at a convention, but he didn't talk on that topic.)

We all pretty much know that Shatner's & Nimoy's relationship was one of (mostly) friendly rivalry. They both thought THEY were the stars of the show (and they were both right). Nimoy preceded Shatner on the show and it would not have been Star Trek without Spock (and they both preceded De Kelly). Very much competitors, but not necessarily enemies.

We've learned that tensions between Shatner and co-stars (such as Takei and Koenig) were mostly hidden during filming but grew in subsequent years. Koenig, in an interview on Shatner's talk show, confessed he was offended when Shatner appeared to not even remember Koenig's name when the reunited to make movies. And most of us have heard the various stories surrounding Shatner's invitation (or lack thereof) to Takei's wedding. Even Nichelle Nichols has commented on Shatner.

But the one person I never heard from (one way or another) was De Kelly. I guess that goes for James Doohan as well - how did these two co-stars get along with their lead man during the show, during the movies and afterward?

I know that James Doohan and Shatner didn't get along. I believe that they reconciled before Doohan died, but from what I've heard, Doohan didn't like Shatner at all.

I don't think that De Kelley ever really talked much about Shatner. I saw him at conventions a few times, and I don't think he ever even mentioned Shatner's name. My guess would be that they just didn't have much to do with each other outside of "Star Trek".

I know that James Doohan and Shatner didn't get along. I believe that they reconciled before Doohan died, but from what I've heard, Doohan didn't like Shatner at all.

I don't think that De Kelley ever really talked much about Shatner. I saw him at conventions a few times, and I don't think he ever even mentioned Shatner's name. My guess would be that they just didn't have much to do with each other outside of "Star Trek".

Sorry for mis-spelling De's last name. It must be a "Mandela effect" because seeing it spelled "Kelley" just doesn't look right to me (like I always remember it spelled without the extra "e" at the beginning of the show). It's weird how we remember things wrongly.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Just a question... does anyone know what DeForest Kelly's relationship with Shatner was like?

Has he ever talked or written about how things were with them behind the scenes?
I got the impression from reading Star Trek Movie Memories by William Shatner that the two of them were friends.

I remember reading that while they were working on Star Trek VI, there was an incident where, while they were on a break, De (as he was called) put a bagel in a toaster oven and while he wasn't looking, Shatner went over to the toaster oven, took the bagel out of the oven and ate it. When De went to check on his bagel he saw that it was gone. Looking a bit confused he put another bagel in the oven and walked away, and again Shatner took the bagel out of the oven while De wasn't looking and ate it. I think this happened a few times and when De for the last time saw his bagel missing, he picked up the oven and, as Shatner wrote, "He shouted, casting doubts about the virginity of the oven's mother" (Or words to that affect). At that point, Shatner couldn't contain himself and he broke out laughing, and that's when De realized he had been had.

In all, it seems they were good friends.

Trouble with a capital "T"
T'Pau T'Pring...something along those lines, she made one of the best Vulcans around in Amok Time. BTW I think that photo is from Soylent Green.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
T'Pau T'Pring...something along those lines, she made one of the best Vulcans around in Amok Time. BTW I think that photo is from Soylent Green.
You're absolutely right.

Celia Lovsky as T'Pau

Amok Time

And you're right about it being from Soylent Green. It was on TCM tonight.

If it was already posted about D.C. Fontana's passing, I apologize, but I looked a few pages back and couldn't see anything. Also, Robert Walker Jr. (Charlie X himself), passed away. I've included both obits:


"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
If it was already posted about D.C. Fontana's passing, I apologize, but I looked a few pages back and couldn't see anything. Also, Robert Walker Jr. (Charlie X himself, passed away). I've included both obits:


I wasn't aware of them passing. Very sorry to hear. Thanks for posting this Dad.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If it was already posted about D.C. Fontana's passing, I apologize, but I looked a few pages back and couldn't see anything. Also, Robert Walker Jr. (Charlie X himself, passed away). I've included both obits:



I read about D.C. Fontana's passing yesterday, but I wasn't online to post about it. She was a Star Trek legend who was with Gene Roddenberry at the very beginning. It's so sad to see so many of the people responsible for the show's success passing on.

I hadn't heard about Robert Walker Jr. passing. I don't think I've seen him in much, but I loved him as Charlie in "Charlie X".

I'm trying to remember the end of Charlie X - did the powerful beings who took him back restore everyone to life that he'd "eliminated" or were they all still dead?

(As a kid I remember finding this episode disturbing because Charlie could kill people with just a thought and did so out of any momentary angry feeling.)

And did people theorize that the beings who took him back may have been "Q's" the way people theorized that Trelaine and his parents were "Q's"

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm trying to remember the end of Charlie X - did the powerful beings who took him back restore everyone to life that he'd "eliminated" or were they all still dead?

(As a kid I remember finding this episode disturbing because Charlie could kill people with just a thought and did so out of any momentary angry feeling.)
Yes, when he took Charlie back, he said that they couldn't save the first ship, but they restored the Enterprise. He said something like "Everything is like it was before.".

And did people theorize that the beings who took him back may have been "Q's" the way people theorized that Trelaine and his parents were "Q's"
Many people at conventions have speculated that the beings who took Charlie back could be members of the "Q" Continuum, but I don't think anything has been officially said about them being "Q"s.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
As I recall, the Beings restored those individuals Charlie victimized or made to simply disappear. The crew of the ship Antares, that Charlie destroyed, however, could not be saved.

Was this also the episode where a female crew member comes around a corner and she has no face? Just a solid mass of skin? (Which meant she was blind and could not breath as she had no mouth or nostrils.)
If this was that episode I assume she died within a few minutes from suffocation (unless maybe McCoy could perform an emergency tracheotomy), but was later restored to life by the beings (is this correct)?

Also, if this was the same episode, it was another reason for it being disturbing, as the woman with no face has to be one of the most disturbing images in all of Star Trek.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Was this also the episode where a female crew member comes around a corner and she has no face? Just a solid mass of skin? (Which meant she was blind and could not breath as she had no mouth or nostrils.)
If this was that episode I assume she died within a few minutes from suffocation (unless maybe McCoy could perform an emergency tracheotomy), but was later restored to life by the beings (is this correct)?

Also, if this was the same episode, it was another reason for it being disturbing, as the woman with no face has to be one of the most disturbing images in all of Star Trek.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that this is the episode. If I remember correctly, he also turned a girl into a lizard, made a woman grow old, made a guy disappear, broke Spock's legs, etc.

The only reason that it wasn't too disturbing when she had no face was because the special effects and/or makeup weren't very good back then. As I recall, it kind of looked like she was wearing a flesh-tone mask across her face, and they only showed it for a couple of seconds.