🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I didn't see the actor question, but wouldn't have got it anyway. How about somebody do a actor photo and a quote? Maybe I can get one of those right

Okay, here's an easy quote. Who said it, and in what episode?

"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Okay, here's an easy quote. Who said it, and in what episode?

"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."
That's actually a tough one for me. I vaguely recall Spock saying that about an advance alien species. I think it was Shore Leave?

The Cloud Minders? Wasn't he the father of the chick who dug spock?
Since I've been doing freelance landscaping for many years now (which involves a lot of shoveling) the Star Trek quote "Dig Like The Troglytes Dig!" has become one of my common phrases!

Now, I understand this is one of those (not so famous) misquotes like "Play it again, Sam."
The way I say it was not exactly the way they said it on the show, but it's the way I remember them saying it! The actual quote is "Dig as the Troglytes do."

He was Kirk's lawyer n the episode where Kirk is on trial (a court-martial I guess).

Don't know the title of the episode and don't remember the actor's name at the moment, but he was another actor that had a long career, was in loads of movies and was quite well known in his day.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
He was Kirk's lawyer n the episode where Kirk is on trial (a court-martial I guess).

Don't know the title of the episode and don't remember the actor's name at the moment, but he was another actor that had a long career, was in loads of movies and was quite well known in his day.
Good enough.

Elisha Cook Jr. as Samuel T. Cogley, Esq.

Court Martial

I would be the ball of energy that keeps the stranded astronaut alive that is the sole being on that planet that is just really lonely. you know the refrence I hope?

That's deep. If you were a Star Trek alien what species would you be?
When I'm thinking I'm a Vulcan.
If I'm debating someone online I turn into a Q!
When I'm angry I'm a Klingon.
And when I'm hungry I'm a Tellarite!
Most of the time I'm a Horta - very compassionate, but hated, feared and misunderstood by others.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I would be the ball of energy that keeps the stranded astronaut alive that is the sole being on that planet that is just really lonely. you know the refrence I hope?

Sounds like Metamorphosis