Let's talk about "White savior narrative in film"


blood diamond is the worst scenario of white savior....the film gives him an out after all he has done by making him a martyr....the script of that movie tries so hard to paint him as a hero despite being a crook
This, this and all of this
Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding

Writing off Green Book as a "white savior" movie is offensively simplifying what the movie is about and dismissing a great piece of cinema just because we're so hyperfocused today on making sure every product is as politically correct and inoffensive as possible. Even when the movie itself preaches love and respect. Tony and Shirley help each other out and learn something about themselves along the way. Shirley learns he can't drink all his problems away and that he deserves some genuine happiness while Lip learns to abandon his old violent ways and to respect those different from himself. It's a heartwarming story about friendship and having each other's back, not Tony Lip being the guardian angel from heaven.

And yes, Green Book won Best Picture. So what? Spike Lee at least won Best Screenplay, isn't that good by itself? BlackKklansman is great, but I love Green Book even more. It all comes down to personal taste, not the color of the director's skin.
Great piece of cinema? Really? Det var bara mysig. Maybe I'm missing something.

I think is part of the reason why I like that directors like Jordan peeled and Ryan coogler are exploding onto the scene. They make great movies that. Scone financial successes that feature Blacks as the heroes. Most of the reason why the “white savior” trope became a thing was because they felt they needed it to sell tickets. This has been proven not to be the case.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Den var bara mysig.
Sometimes that is great cinema

As far as feelgood movies go, it's one of my favorites in the genre. While not the best movie of the year (one still beat it), it was easily the most pleasant experience in theaters I had that year.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I think is part of the reason why I like that directors like Jordan peele and Ryan coogler are exploding onto the scene. They make great movies that. Scone financial successes that feature Blacks as the heroes.
I get the case for Jordan Peele, but I feel like Black Panther got more praise than it deserved due to it being the first superhero movie with a mostly black cast. Is that really a "great" movie? I mean, I enjoyed it, but it's not really much of a thinking man's piece the same way Peele's movies are, even if it does touch on important themes. It's a perfectly enjoyable superhero movie, but not much more than that.
Maybe the rest of Ryan Coogler's work is more innovative, I'll have to see for myself.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Sometimes I have a tough time with those.
Probably because of all the crappy romantic comedies you're watching

A bad attempt at a feelgood movie is just artificial, it doesn't inspire any happy feelings in me.

Owned any slaves lately? I sure haven't...The only thing I'm going to atone for is eating too much pizza last night
12 Years A Slave was a good movie, but just when you think the protagonist is going to solve his own problems...
WARNING: "" spoilers below
along comes whitey Brad Pitt to save the day!

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Brad Pitt's character in the actual true story of 12 Years A Slave though, historically.

So it's okay to have a white savior story, if it's based on true stories, where there actually were white saviors in them, isn't it?

Also, I never thought of Jordan Peele getting ahead in the game cause his movies featured black protagonists. Lots of movies do. That's not anything new for today, that it would stand out any more than others movies that do, is it?

Welcome to the human race...
I think a key difference with 12 Years A Slave is that the typical white saviour movie is centred mostly (if not entirely) around its white protagonist and their journey whereas Pitt's character only shows up in the last 15 minutes or so and effectively serves as a plot device to save actual protagonist Solomon. As for the idea that Solomon was "going to solve his own problems", keep in mind that he had been trying to escape one way or another and it kept backfiring on him (most memorably when Garret Dillahunt's character betrayed him) to the point where he's shown burning a letter he's written so as to confirm that he had given up trying to reach home completely. It's meant to indicate a system so broken and overbearing that he resigns himself to his fate and, were it not for the sudden appearance of Pitt's character, would have continued on indefinitely.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I just watched Dances with Wolves again after not seeing it in a long time. Some people call it a white savior movie, but in the third act of the movie, it's the white protagonist who is actually saved by the non-whites, so I guess that makes it a subversive take more so.

I think a key difference with 12 Years A Slave is that the typical white saviour movie is centred mostly (if not entirely) around its white protagonist and their journey whereas Pitt's character only shows up in the last 15 minutes or so and effectively serves as a plot device to save actual protagonist Solomon. As for the idea that Solomon was "going to solve his own problems", keep in mind that he had been trying to escape one way or another and it kept backfiring on him (most memorably when Garret Dillahunt's character betrayed him) to the point where he's shown burning a letter he's written so as to confirm that he had given up trying to reach home completely. It's meant to indicate a system so broken and overbearing that he resigns himself to his fate and, were it not for the sudden appearance of Pitt's character, would have continued on indefinitely.
I would say the film generally is actually more focused on showing the effects of slavey on white people than it is Solomon's story as some kind of heroic narrative. Indeed even Solomon himself is someone who comes from the white cultural sphere that seems to be moral yet then experiences the corrupt reality.