🌟 Star Trek, TOS 🌟


Trouble with a capital "T"
Some of my thoughts on the STBs
What are your favorite Star Trek Characters?

My top 10 favorite Star Trek babes -

1. Susan Oliver as Vina

The Cage
Susan Oliver would be my choice too but not as a green Orion slave girl I liked her best with the boobed hair.

2. Grace Lee Whitney as Yeoman Janice Rand
Grace Lee Whitney It's too bad she was asked to leave the show, she was a good character.

3. Sherry Jackson as Andrea

What Little Girls are Made Of
Another good one!

4. Marianna Hill as Lt. Helen Noel

The Dagger of the Mind

5. Celeste Yarnall as Yeoman Martha Landon

The Apple
Hey it's Chekov's girl! She looks like a Russian ballerina.

6. Angelique Pettyjohn as Shahna

The Gamesters of Triskelion
Everybody probably already knows this but she did porn after ST.

7. Barbara Bouchet as Kelinda

By Any Other Name
She looks a lot like Celeste Yarnall.

8. Marj Dusay as Kara

Spock's Brain
I never really dug her. I like her friend Sheila Leighton.

9. Joanne Linville as the Romulan Commander

The Enterprise Incident
And it's Spock's lady!

10. Mary Linda Rapelye as Irina Galliulin

The Way To Eden
She was going to be Dr McCoy's daughter in a recurring role but that never happened.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Did you know that Will Decker in Star Trek: The Motion Picture was the son of Matt Decker from the episode "The Doomsday Machine"?
I never knew that. Interesting.

I don't know if I can narrow it down to my top 5 favorite episodes, but these are some of my favorites:

Not mentioned yet:
"Amok Time"
"I, Mudd"
"Requiem for Methuselah"
"A Piece of the Action"
"Court Martial"
"Journey to Babel"
"Assignment: Earth"
"The Squire of Gothos"
I, Mudd is fun, I like Mudd's Women better

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
What are your favorite Star Trek Characters?

My top 10 favorite Star Trek babes -

1. Susan Oliver as Vina

The Cage

2. Grace Lee Whitney as Yeoman Janice Rand

Charlie X

3. Sherry Jackson as Andrea

What Little Girls are Made Of

4. Marianna Hill as Lt. Helen Noel

The Dagger of the Mind

5. Celeste Yarnall as Yeoman Martha Landon

The Apple

6. Angelique Pettyjohn as Shahna

The Gamesters of Triskelion

7. Barbara Bouchet as Kelinda

By Any Other Name

8. Marj Dusay as Kara

Spock's Brain

9. Joanne Linville as the Romulan Commander

The Enterprise Incident

10. Mary Linda Rapelye as Irina Galliulin

The Way To Eden

Two things here. I had to reduce the size of these images because I was advised they weren't loading properly on some systems.

Also, I intend to continue to post pictures of Star Trek babes!

From Mudd's Women, the original Charlie's Angels.

Karen Steele as Eve McHuron

Maggie Thrett as Ruth Bonaventure

Susan Denberg as Magda Kovacs

James Doohan lost his right middle finger in WWII. He was shot several times, including his finger, his leg, and his chest, but the bullet to his chest hit a silver cigarette case that he had in his pocket. The cigarette case was given to him by his brother as a good luck charm.
Wow! I never knew that part of the story, gbg! Didn't even know James was a WWII vet!

P.S. I knew from the start that Will Decker was the son of Matt Decker - and many people say there are a lot of similarities between V-ger and the Doomsday Machine.

Maybe I knew this from reading the TMP novel? It was full of background info not included in the movie. For instance, there were two people killed in the transporter malfunction - one a Vulcan science officer and one a woman. Well, in the book the woman was Kirk's lover that he lived with for a couple years after the completion of the 5 year mission. The trauma of watching her die in the transporter effects him and his ability to command greatly. His emotional state from this trauma creates further tension with Decker and, in a way, jeopardizes the mission (counter to Uhura's claim that their chances of surviving may have just doubled now that Kirk took command). It was a level of pathos added to Kirk's story that was absent in the movie.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
and many people say there are a lot of similarities between V-ger and the Doomsday Machine.
I never saw that. However, I DID see the similarity between Vger and Nomad

Trouble with a capital "T"
I never saw that. However, I DID see the similarity between Vger and Nomad
Good call on Nomad. Vger story seems lifted from the Nomad story, geez what is the name of the episode? No googling!

Oh, I just remembered and I didn't cheat, The Changeling.

I never saw that. However, I DID see the similarity between Vger and Nomad
Yep. Those are the two episodes people say TMP most resembled. I guess the similarity with the Doomsday Machine was the V-ger was gobbling up things in its path and was on a course for Earth (was that what the Doomsday Machine was doing? I'm not sure I remember.)

I always say that TMP was a cross between Run Silent Run Deep (where a senior officer usurps command from a ship's Captain to address an emergency), 2001 A Space Odyssey and Solaris!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I, Mudd is fun, I like Mudd's Women better

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on the Harry Mudd episodes. I didn't really care much for "Mudd's Women", but I love "I, Mudd".
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Wow! I never knew that part of the story, gbg! Didn't even know James was a WWII vet!

P.S. I knew from the start that Will Decker was the son of Matt Decker - and many people say there are a lot of similarities between V-ger and the Doomsday Machine.

From what I've heard from trekkies at conventions, most people seem to think that ST: TMP is just a 2-hour version of the episode "The Changeling", and V-ger is just a rip-off of NOMAD.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
From what I've heard from trekkies at conventions, most people seem to think that ST: TMP is just a 2-hour version of the episode "The Changeling", and V-ger is just a rip-off of NOMAD.
I never saw that. However, I DID see the similarity between Vger and Nomad
Good call on Nomad. Vger story seems lifted from the Nomad story, geez what is the name of the episode? No googling!

Oh, I just remembered and I didn't cheat, The Changeling.

See? Even the trekkies here agree with the people at the sci-fi cons.

From what I've heard from trekkies at conventions, most people seem to think that ST: TMP is just a 2-hour version of the episode "The Changeling", and V-ger is just a rip-off of NOMAD.
This is true - the reveal at the end of TMP (Voyager 6) makes it much more similar to the plot with Nomad.
But I guess the beginning: with a mysterious alien machine eating everything in its path as it heads for Earth is the similarity to the Doomsday Machine (that, and they both have Deckers!)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This is true - the reveal at the end of TMP (Voyager 6) makes it much more similar to the plot with Nomad.
But I guess the beginning: with a mysterious alien machine eating everything in its path as it heads for Earth is the similarity to the Doomsday Machine (that, and they both have Deckers!)

I see some similarities with "The Doomsday Machine", but there are definitely more similarities with "The Changeling".

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Yep. Those are the two episodes people say TMP most resembled. I guess the similarity with the Doomsday Machine was the V-ger was gobbling up things in its path and was on a course for Earth (was that what the Doomsday Machine was doing? I'm not sure I remember.)

I always say that TMP was a cross between Run Silent Run Deep (where a senior officer usurps command from a ship's Captain to address an emergency), 2001 A Space Odyssey and Solaris!
The doomsday machine was more like the probe in Star Trek IV. It didn't communicate with people about it's creator.

Only on Tuesdays, at night, when it's dark.
If I was able to limit my favorites to just 5... A Piece of the Action would have to be up there!

I usually like the more serious episodes, and this one was a bit silly, but it was very entertaining. I probably got more of my favorite ST quotes from this episode than any other!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If I was able to limit my favorites to just 5... A Piece of the Action would have to be up there!

I usually like the more serious episodes, and this one was a bit silly, but it was very entertaining. I probably got more of my favorite ST quotes from this episode than any other!

That's one of the great things about Star Trek. Almost every episode has some great quotes.