Why is Hollywood making much more movies about racism in the US lately


Trouble with a capital "T"
It happens. Clinton kill squad conspiracy theories anyone?
I have no idea what the 'Clinton kill squad conspiracy theory' is suppose to be? I'm sure it's a load of crap, like most conspiracy theories these days.

Excerpt from a USA Today article
One reason for the pervasiveness of conspiracy theories is that they serve an important psychological function for people trying to cope with large, stressful events like a terrorist attack.

People "need to blame the anxiety that they feel on different groups and the result is frequently conspiracy theories," van Prooijen said, defining the term as a belief that "a group of actors is colluding in secret in order to reach goals that are considered evil or malevolent."

"People don’t like it when things are really random. Randomness is more threatening than having an enemy. You can prepare for an enemy, you can’t prepare for coincidences."

Conspiracy theories also appeal to people's need to feel special and unique because it gives them a sense of possessing secret knowledge, according to a study in the July 2017 edition of Social Psychology.

I have no idea what the 'Clinton kill squad conspiracy theory' is suppose to be? I'm sure it's a load of crap, like most conspiracy theories these days.

Excerpt from a USA Today article
Vince Foster theories were as msm as they could be.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
You back this statement up with?
Ummm, far-right conservatives collectively sh*t their pants that there was a black president, and proceeded to act like the townspeople in Blazing Saddles for eight years. Donald Trump, as well as many prominent political figures demanded to see his birth certificate, insinuated that he hated america/wasn't an American because he was black, or that he was a muslim...It was a banner time for racists everywhere.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Ummm, far-right conservatives collectively sh*t their pants that there was a black president, and proceeded to act like the townspeople in Blazing Saddles for eight years. Donald Trump, as well as many prominent political figures demanded to see his birth certificate, insinuated that he hated america/wasn't an American because he was black, or that he was a muslim...It was a banner time for racists everywhere.
No they didn't. They friggin loved Herman Cain.

No it was't, he got treated the same way a white democrat would had been treated.

Welcome to the human race...
How much did they "love" Herman Cain, though? Dude couldn't even pass the primary. Besides, did any white Democrat get subjected to the "birth certificate" treatment?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I dont know if it's about racism, is more movies about minorities, made by people from that environment, and since we are all becoming a part of those minorities, no middle class the market is booming.I also see a rise in movies about or with native Americans. Somehow Americans are realizing that the indians weren't those savage creatures from John Wayne's movies, but a people that europeans slaughtered and "stole" a land, and that is now not acceptable because there is also a rise in "get away from everything, let's live in the nature".I blame the movie Into the Wild (joking). Too much information, most of which is negative is turning people against there own race and see themselves as a cancer to the place they live in, most of this people don't have the slightest idea from where there lifestyle comes from, they romanticize about ancient period but they don't know how to make a fire or build a tent.

Thank you Guanporense for taking the time to write such a long and articulated reply.

Though I agree on many factual points (for exemple the influence of many Marxian concepts to look at the world and try to understand it), we reach completely opposite conclusions. One reason for this, I think, is that you (ingenuously, I'm sure) misrepresent identity politics or its supporters on a few critical points.

I'm not sure I want to debate those, or that I could change your mind, but just for the sake of fairness I'll name a few:

- 'Identity politics' does not say that 'White people are evil', but rather that they belong to a world in which Blacks are systematically treated unfairly. There is strong evidence for that, and most of the time it's not even intentional (for example, there are historical reasons why race is highly correlated with wealth)
- It just isn't true that 'those who do not care about race are called racists'. What is true, though, is that those people who are oblivious to the systemic oppression of Blacks/Gays/Women/Atheists etc... tend to be straight wasp males.

- In my opinion, one shouldn't see 'Identity politics' as an ideology, but rather as a set of conceptual tools which help understand the world a little better. I absolutely agree with you that those tools can lead to broad generalizations and doesn't seek to see people as individuals. That is just not the purpose of those tools, and it does not prevent one to see his fellow humans as individuals.

Funny how a small number of key differences make us reach opposite conclusions on the matter.

A lot of the basic ideas behind identity politics of course go back many decades but I think the reason the movement has risen among mainstream politics/media interests is that it provides an effective diversion away from economic privilege.

Identity politics can create a partisan battleground between Liberals and Conservatives that dominates political discourse whilst the mainstream politicians in both groups are economically right wing neoliberals in favour of interventionist foreign policy that also benefit wealthy interests.

The real giveaway I would say is that when you see genuinely economic left leaning politicans moving towards gaining power such as Sanders in the US or Corbyn in the UK the same kinds of weapons are used against them as we see used against conservatives, there accused of being sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, etc.

If you had to narrow it down: White Guilt (for the most part).
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