Why do some of you just quit watching a Movie?


Trouble with a capital "T"
This topic reminds me of an experience when I was young (around 12 or 13 years old) - one of my older brothers took me to see a movie called FM (1978).

It's a little known film that some believed was the inspiration for the TV series WKRP in Cincinnati (but the pilot for the TV series was already filmed before this movie was released) - the movie was about a radio station's DJ's rebelling against increasing on-air advertising and revolved around an upcoming Linda Ronstadt concert.

I was bored and found the film intolerable as none of it interested me (I was hardly into what was the current music scene at the time) - I was really mad at my brother for taking me to it and making me sit through it. But here's the thing: it was never a "great" film or anything, but it really pulled together by the end and I found myself actually engaged in the climax. I ended up really enjoying it and part of the enjoyment was how I pretty much hated the first half of the film!

Lesson learned: best to watch a film to the end - sometimes you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Gosh! I remember when FM (1978) came out, I wanted to see it but to this day never have. I think I'd like it as the late 70s was the time when FM stations went from being so called underground music to much more mainstream with a broader and much bigger audience, which I image then brought in commercialism to what once was a music lovers haven.

But if it sucks, I ain't watching it to the end!

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Unless it’s your job to critically evaluate movies then you shouldn’t have an obligation to sit through them until the end especially if they’re sht.

I switch off movies now more than ever. The most important aspect (for me) is generally characters. If I’m not intrigued by the characters and/or the situation they find themselves in then I start to lose interest.

I also tend to give me them full treatment if they have glowing reviews. Give them the benefit of the doubt if they are not appealing to me initially but if they’re that crap then switch off and start something else. No qualms about it.

Welcome to the human race...
I almost never quit movies on purpose - most of the times I don't finish are due to technical difficulties or other interruptions and I always make a point of getting around to finishing them. The only time I've ever walked out on a movie on purpose was Enter the Void (which, if you've seen it, is an understandably overwhelming experience on a visceral level) and even then I finished it at home years later. I honestly can't think of any movies where I deliberately shut them off and made a conscious choice to not bother finishing them.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I kind of see movies as a gamble going in - I'm looking for the payoff by the end, so I usually stick around as that's what some movies do despite what may seem discouraging beginnings.

Then there's the opposite - a movie like Sunshine (2007): it could have been one of the greatest sci-fi's ever, but I couldn't stand what they did to it in the third act. Still watchable for the first two thirds, but I'll always remember it as ultimately a disappointment for taking such a great build up and turning it into... whatever it was at the end.

Gosh! I remember when FM (1978) came out, I wanted to see it but to this day never have. I think I'd like it as the late 70s was the time when FM stations went from being so called underground music to much more mainstream with a broader and much bigger audience, which I image then brought in commercialism to what once was a music lovers haven.

But if it sucks, I ain't watching it to the end!
One to add to your list, Rules!
I'd like to see it again just for nostalgia purposes - I think I'd be a lot more into the music now than I was then. And I think with my tastes having matured somewhat I'd probably view the whole thing differently. (It also had a pretty cool cast!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
One to add to your list, Rules!
I'd like to see it again just for nostalgia purposes - I think I'd be a lot more into the music now than I was then. And I think with my tastes having matured somewhat I'd probably view the whole thing differently. (It also had a pretty cool cast!)
FM is on my watch list! Back in 1978 I had a HUGE crush on Linda Ronstandt I even had her album that came out just before FM. I just looked it up and I see she has a cameo in the movie I remember the song FM by Steely Dan, so yeah I've got to see that one. Oh and I always loved WKRP in Cincinnati too.