The Bat Movies

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The Bat Movies

Went and read over a lot of threads here on this series of movies, and there are plenty including such topics as "favorite film." After contemplating these stories recently, which have a take hold of our movie human psyche- I want to start a new one to approach the question I arrived at - How would you like to see a Bat movie look? Feel free to discuss the existing films, as well as exercising your own imagination as well (include visuals too if you want, you know I love good visuals mixed with cool ideas).

I'll get further into the one thing we all have in common- each other, in my next post, and inviting everyone who wants to join in the fun.

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Nostromo's Bat Movie (2018)

After watching some of the material from Arkham Asylum on youtube earlier, a visual story began to form in my imagination. In some ways it is a mix of elements from previous films, with fresh ideas peppered in. Before going any further, I want to approach what in some ways may actually be the biggest problem with these movies- Batman. Yea we get it. There's a guy who dresses up as a bat and goes around the city saving citizens of Gotham by fighting wretched slum criminals. In some movies he's meant to be taken seriously doing that, in others the silliness of the whole thing comes shining through. I've dealt with that dilemma, which I'll get into again shortly, but first I'll set the tone. It's a melodramatic horror story, and we're all there- trapped in the Arkham Carnival. I'm not going to name which MoFos are there, because I'd leave someone out, so I'll just say we're ALL there. There's some clowns, scarecrows, ventriloquists, tough brawler thugs, and harlequins there too, who haunt the place with sadistic games to enhance their grip over the carnival. Their power over us. To condense this opening paragraph- we're all inside the Arkham carnival horror story.

Next step- I want to get rolling on some of the existing Batman films, with the aside that I've never read a Batman comic so I don't know how any of it fits into "lore" or whatever. Which Batman movies do I like and why? Let's see. Batman (1989) has pull, a terrific soundtrack by Danny Elfman, the Jack Nicholson factor, and the plus that it doesn't take itself too seriously. The 1989 installment's honestly a mix of scenes I enjoy quite a lot along with ones I'd rather fast-forward through. A mixed bag. I'd scrap that scene where Bruce Wayne and Joker show up at Kim Basinger's apartment during the day- the one where Bruce breaks a vase with a firepoker, saying "Let's get nuts!" I don't know maybe it's kind of funny, since I remembered it. Regardless, moving on- the first Batman is good but flawed to me. Batman Forever- another I enjoy. Val Kilmer as azzhole Batman works really well for me, Nicole Kidman was pretty great- and they both nail the whole melodramatic Bat-guy thing. It's a funny movie, but obviously goes straight over the top bc mid-90s Jim Carrey is in it with Tommy Lee Jones basically doing the exact same thing. Robin's in it too as a cheesy motorhead runaway teenager, which is fun. Also, there's a carnival in it. So it touches on my idea from above. It's a fun movie that just goes too far. I'm not gonna review all these movies right here, maybe I'll elaborate more on them if this goes anywhere. But I want to move along. Nolan's Bat films. I like Batman Begins best of the three, it's a strong origin story, and also kind of feels like a horror movie at times with Scarecrow and the toxin drug that brings out everyone's worst fear. I don't feel much like engaging The Dark Knight right here, and The Dark Knight Rises has a quite touching closing few minutes.

After throwing some of those existing flick thoughts down, remember, all the MoFos are trapped at the Arkham Carnival with clowns, thugs, and sideshow attractions. Also, I mentioned that whole dilemma of Batman. Is he here with us to fight the carnival slums? Is he to be taken seriously, or is he running around with bat nipples poking out? .... Actually no. Batman is not alive in this story. All the sadistic clowns are running around the carnival playing games, letting loose horrific toxins, torturing the guests, and running the carnival. Batman's just a statue. He can't run around and fight the clowns. Rather, he represents an ideal of true justice. That the clowns LOVE to mock and throw rotten junk at. Laugh, spit at, and ridicule. Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, and Bane are there, laughing at the big idiot rock dressed like a bat. Setting loose the fear gas.

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I like Batman Begins best of the three, it's a strong origin story, and also kind of feels like a horror movie at times with Scarecrow and the toxin drug that brings out everyone's worst fear.
I absolutely loved that part of it, because in a way they were able to bring fantasy into the mix just because of the hallucinations. My favourite's one is

WARNING: spoilers below
Batman gassing Crane, when he turns into a monster before Crane's eyes.

I like Batman when it's dark. I like the gritty realism of The Dark Knight but I also like what they did in Batman and Batman Returns. It was interesting especially to see how they mixed time periods up, with police and reporters evoking the Thirties even though it was supposedly modern day. I think Seven (1995) did the same.

It's also good when they can bring in colourful villains like the Joker and the Riddler but maintain that scariness. A friend of mine used to say of Frank Gorshin in the TV series that even with all the crazy humour he was believable as a dangerous criminal. Gorshin did of course base his version on Richard Widmark's Tommy Udo in Kiss of Death (1947) – and he even looks like Widmark.

I absolutely loved that part of it, because in a way they were able to bring fantasy into the mix just because of the hallucinations. My favourite one is

WARNING: spoilers below
Batman gassing Crane, when he turns into a monster before Crane's eyes.

I like Batman when it's dark. I like the gritty realism of The Dark Knight but I also like what they did in Batman and Batman Returns. It was interesting especially to see how they mixed time periods up, with police and reporters evoking the Thirties even though it was supposedly modern day. I think Seven (1995) did the same.
Yes, the gritty scary darker horror style... Studios probably don't go all out in that direction simply bc they want to capture the wider crowd. So the best we get is brief elements of that like in Batman Begins. I can see that evocative style working quite well in a lower budget take on a carnival style Bat movie. Makes me want to draw fun chilling illustrations in that design, which I love doing. Cool tie-in about the 40's film noir, I didn't know that. @SeeingisBelieving

It's also good when they can bring in colourful villains like the Joker and the Riddler but maintain that scariness. A friend of mine used to say of Frank Gorshin in the TV series that even with all the crazy humour he was believable as a dangerous criminal. Gorshin did of course base his version on Richard Widmark's Tommy Udo in Kiss of Death (1947) – and he even looks like Widmark.

Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 Official Trailer (2012)

Just make this. No hyper-stylized version like Snyder. No cartoon like Burton. No grounded in reality like Nolan.

They copied the comic nearly panel-by-panel and it is arguably the best DC animated out of a strong stable, better than Flashpoint Paradox .

Just make a movie copying the animated with a no ego director that realizes he is nowhere near as important as the material or lore.

Cool tie-in about the 40's film noir, I didn't know that. @SeeingisBelieving
If you look at a clip it really shouts at you . I was watching Frank the other day in a tiny bit of Twelve Monkeys and he was great. Never fancied the film though, and I used to like Terry Gilliam.

Just make this. No hyper-stylized version like Snyder. No cartoon like Burton. No grounded in reality like Nolan.

They copied the comic nearly panel-by-panel and it is arguably the best DC animated out of a strong stable, better than Flashpoint Paradox .

Just make a movie copying the animated with a no ego director that realizes he is nowhere near as important as the material or lore.
Some bros I just thought of to fill out that distinguished chin from your video

Jason Statham

Chris Pratt

And of course, the "King of the B-Movie" and "The Chin" himself,
Bruce Campbell

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Some bros I just thought of to fill out that distinguished chin from your video

Jason Statham

Chris Pratt

And of course, the "King of the B-Movie" and "The Chin" himself,
Bruce Campbell

Campbell could so do it. Lose the weight, complete deadpan, close to age of the comic. You're on to something.

One Publicity Still from each live Bat world film

Justice League
Original Release Date: November 17, 2017

Suicide Squad
Original Release Date: August 5, 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Original Release Date: March 25, 2016

The Dark Knight Rises
Original Release Date: July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight (2008)
Original Release Date: July 18, 2008

Batman Begins
Original Release Date: June 25, 2005

Batman & Robin
Original Release Date: June 20, 1997

Batman Forever
Original Release Date: June 16, 1995

Oh look, @honeykid 's girl

Batman Returns
Original Release Date: June 19, 1992

Original Release Date: June 23, 1989

Batman: The Movie
Original Release Date: July 30, 1966

Batman and Robin
Original Release Date: June 26, 1949

Original Release Date: July 16, 1943

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That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
LOVE the idea that Batman isn't real ...or isn't alive ....or just isn't there for whatever reason. The history and legend exist but surely people in that situation would have doubt if he was ever there. If so, why not help them (us)?

That could breed divide in the different personalities of the group. Some might keep the faith, so to speak, and try to emulate what they believe is the good of Batman. Other more angry types would resent batman for not being there. For being a fraud, then resenting those of the group That do still believe.

That could create interesting conflicts within the group as few, more extreme, personalities rise to leadership roles. Think Lord of the Flies.

Maybe throughout the trials and survival of the outside carnival evils, a new hero could be born. Mad Max style and exaggerating holding onto a broken memory of what batman was (if he was ever anything). Highlight the horrific reluctance in knowing that if he or she doesn't stand up, then others will die.

Too, a new villain would come from the same group because the more focused this hero's character becomes, the more the villain must compete. If nothing else then from mockery, spite, and jealousy because he, in his way, only wanted to protect the group while this other Kat gets all the praise.

That would be fun to explore and totally parallels current politics and religious divides.

LOVE the idea that Batman isn't real ...or isn't alive ....or just isn't there for whatever reason.
Pretty much had an instant fannywobble at this comment and couldn't read further.


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
LOVE the idea that Batman isn't real ...or isn't alive ....or just isn't there for whatever reason.
Pretty much had an instant fannywobble at this comment and couldn't read further.


Hey hey HEY now! I'm just pinging off Nostromo's original idea! Go slap him with that glove!

This might just do nobody any good.

Campbell could so do it. Lose the weight, complete deadpan, close to age of the comic. You're on to something.

Perfect DKR Bruce Wayne? ...

I’m dead serious too. It could be done. Set it in the same universe as B&R, years after the neon light of Schumacher has faded and Gotham has circled back to the monolithic aesthetic of Burton. I’m sure some of you are looking at me weird right now, but Clooney reciting this is the correct way of doing what Batman v Superman tried and failed at -

This should be agony. I should be a mass of aching muscle - broken, spent, unable to move. And, were I an older man, I surely would ... ... but I'm a man of thirty - of twenty again. The rain on my chest is a baptism - I'm born again ...
And the chin? No problem.

Edit: and you can call this me backing out of an odd suggestion if you like but if it were up to me I'd drop the Frank Miller angle that Warner Bros. just loves all together and have Clooney back as Batman Beyond Bruce Wayne. Stern father Bruce Wayne, not aging psychopath looking for a "warrior's end" Bruce Wayne.

Perfect DKR Bruce Wayne? ...

I'm with you on the first part, but I need the TDKR treatment. Batman has always been a psycho, but they always skirt it in the films. I would like to see the character done justice, but with a mass appeal marketing film, it will never happen.